'payandSettle.eAccountApprove.components.company.mellowCard.1.bankPart.message':'Please enter the bank branch name',
'payandSettle.eAccountApprove.components.company.mellowCard.1.bankPart.placeholder':'Please enter the name of the bank branch where the account is opened',
'payandSettle.eAccountApprove.components.company.mellowCard.1.idcard':'Legal person ID number',
'purchase.zhenduiyuxiangmukeshiyong':'Budget amount available for the project',
'purchase.yusuanjine':'budget amount',
'purchase.zhileguishudishihou':'The bidding can be screened according to the cities after the owning cities are set. If the bidding is not set, it will be all cities by default',
'purchase.zhaobiaoxiagmuqiwnag':'Expected transaction price of bidding project',
'purchase.zhaobiaofabuzhicaigoumen':'Tender is posted to the procurement portal',
'purchase.yaoqingzhaobiao':'Invite bidding',
'Select members who are affiliated with the current member and whose role type is service provision members (suppliers), the bidding will only be sent to designated members',