Commit f17dccde authored by 前端-黄佳鑫's avatar 前端-黄佳鑫

fix: 修复翻译

parent 215b4721
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ export default {
'channel.form.orgName.placeholder': '请输入所属机构',
'channel.form.orgName.jobTitle': '请输入职位',
'channel.form.memberName.placeholder': '请搜索会员名称',
'': "管理下级渠道",
'': "管理下级会员",
'channel.template.modal.title.use': '使用渠道模板',
'channel.template.button.mall.edit': '渠道商城装修',
'channel.template.button.mall.category.edit': '渠道品类导航装修',
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import CardLayout from '@/pages/transaction/components/card';
import NiceForm from '@/components/NiceForm';
import { createFormActions } from '@formily/antd';
import { PageStatus, usePageStatus } from '@/hooks/usePageStatus';
import { useIntl, history } from 'umi';
import { history, getIntl } from 'umi';
import { getMemberAbilitySalesChannel, getMemberAbilitySalesChannelPage, getMemberAbilitySalesSelect, postMemberAbilitySalesChannelBind, postMemberAbilitySalesChannelUnbind } from '@/services/MemberV2Api';
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const';
import Search from '@/components/NiceForm/components/Search';
......@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ import StandardTable from '@/components/StandardTable';
import { useRowSelectionTable } from '@/hooks/useRowSelectionTable';
import ModalTable from '@/components/ModalTable';
const intl = getIntl()
export const Tablink = [
{ id: 'basicLayout', title: '基本信息' },
{ id: 'manageLayout', title: '管理下级会员' },
{ id: 'basicLayout', title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }) },
{ id: 'manageLayout', title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }) },
const formAction = createFormActions();
......@@ -35,7 +37,6 @@ const SalesmanBindAdded = (props) => {
const { pageStatus, id } = usePageStatus()
const [tableData, setTableData] = useState<any[]>([])
const [keywordName, setKeywordName] = useState<string>('')
const intl = useIntl()
const fliterTableData = useMemo(() => {
if (!keywordName) {
......@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ const SalesmanBindAdded = (props) => {
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: '' })}
<Row justify='space-between' style={{ marginBottom: 20 }}>
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import NiceForm from '@/components/NiceForm';
import { createFormActions, FormEffectHooks } from '@formily/antd';
import { useStateFilterSearchLinkageEffect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useFilterSearch';
import { searchSelectGetSelectCategoryOptionEffect } from '@/pages/transaction/effect';
import { useIntl } from 'umi';
import { getIntl } from 'umi';
import { getMemberAbilitySalesChannel } from '@/services/MemberV2Api';
import { usePageStatus } from '@/hooks/usePageStatus';
......@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ export const layout: any = {
labelCol: { style: { width: "144px" } },
labelAlign: "left"
const intl = getIntl();
export const Tablink = [
{ id: 'basicLayout', title: '基本信息' },
{ id: 'manageLayout', title: '管理下级会员' },
{ id: 'basicLayout', title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }) },
{ id: 'manageLayout', title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }) },
const SalesmanBindDetail = (props) => {
const ref = React.useRef<any>(null);
const intl = useIntl();
const { pageStatus, id } = usePageStatus()
......@@ -133,24 +133,24 @@ const SalesmanBindDetail = (props) => {
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: '' })}
<Row gutter={[48, 24]}>
<Col span={12}>
<Form {...layout}>
<Form.Item label='业务员'>
<Form.Item label={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'channel.form.salesman' })}>
<Form.Item label='所属机构'>
<Form.Item label={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'channel.member.table.orgName' })}>
<Form.Item label='职位'>
<Form.Item label={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'channel.member.table.jobTitle' })}>
<Typography.Text>{data?.jobTitle }</Typography.Text>
<Form.Item label='所属角色'>
<Form.Item label={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'channel.member.table.memberRoleName' })}>
<Form.Item label='绑定后手机号'>
<Form.Item label={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'cchannel.member.table.bindphone' })}>
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ const SalesmanBindDetail = (props) => {
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: '' })}
<Row justify='space-between' style={{ marginBottom: 20 }}>
<Col style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ const PortalSystem = () => {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '登录帐号',
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'channel.member.table.account' }),
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ const PortalSystem = () => {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '姓名',
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),
style: {
width: 160,
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ const WaitAllotOrder = () => {
content: '询价单领取成功!',
content: intl.formatMessage({id: 'purchaseOrder.lingquchenggong', defaultMessage: '领取成功'}),
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ const WaitAllotOrder = () => {
title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'dealAbility.caozuo' }),
key: 'options',
dataIndex: 'options',
render: (text: any, record: any, index: number) => <AuthButton btnCode='waitAllotOrder.collect'><Button type='link' loading={loading[index]} onClick={() => fetchSubmitBatch(, index)}>领取</Button></AuthButton>
render: (text: any, record: any, index: number) => <AuthButton btnCode='waitAllotOrder.collect'><Button type='link' loading={loading[index]} onClick={() => fetchSubmitBatch(, index)}>{intl.formatMessage({id: 'purchaseOrder.lingqu', defaultMessage: '领取'})}</Button></AuthButton>
return (
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ const WaitAllotOrder = () => {
disabled={rowkeys.length === 0}
onClick={() => fetchSubmitBatch()}
{intl.formatMessage({id: 'purchaseOrder.pilianglingqu', defaultMessage: '批量领取'})}
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