Commit a3fb7d42 authored by 前端-李俊鑫's avatar 前端-李俊鑫

feat: 完善流程引擎国际化

parent a28cd8b4
import React, { useState, useImperativeHandle, forwardRef, memo } from 'react'
import { Drawer, Space, Button, DrawerProps } from 'antd'
import styles from './index.less'
import { useIntl } from 'umi';
export type HandleType = {
show: (flag?: boolean, params?: any) => void;
......@@ -19,7 +20,19 @@ interface PropsType extends DrawerProps {
const CommonDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref: any) => {
const { onOk, onCancel, onShow, okText = '确定', cancelText = '取消', specialFooter, children, confirmLoading, confirmDisabled, } = props
const intl = useIntl()
const {
okText = intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.button.confirm', defaultMessage: '确定' }),
cancelText = intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.button.cancel', defaultMessage: '取消' }),
} = props
const [visible, setVisible] = useState<boolean>(false)
const _onCancel = () => {
......@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
* 流程规则组件
* @author: Crayon
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react'
import { Button, Form, Input, Radio, Checkbox, FormInstance, Row, Col, Space } from 'antd'
import { validatorByte } from '@/utils/regExp'
import React from 'react'
import { DeleteOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import styles from './index.less'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
type PropsType = {
title?: string | React.ReactNode
......@@ -14,10 +13,8 @@ type PropsType = {
children?: React.ReactNode
const rules = [{ required: true }];
const ConfigFieldCard: React.FC<PropsType> = ({ title, onClick, children }) => {
const intl = useIntl()
return (
<div className={styles['card']}>
<div className={styles['header']}>
......@@ -27,7 +24,7 @@ const ConfigFieldCard: React.FC<PropsType> = ({ title, onClick, children }) => {
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.button.delete', defaultMessage: '删除' })}
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { PAGE_TYPE } from '@/constants';
import { FieldData } from 'rc-field-form/lib/interface';
import AuthButton from '../AuthButton';
import { ColProps } from 'antd/es/grid/col';
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
type PropsType = {
pageType: 'add' | 'edit' | 'view' // 页面类型
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type PropsType = {
onBack?: () => void // 左侧返回按钮回调
customStyle?: React.CSSProperties // 自定义样式
progressIgnoreConfig?: Array<{ key?: string, value?: any, ignoreKey: string }> // 完整度计算 - 需要忽略的字段(key 和 value 是 忽略 ignoreKey 的前置条件)
progressListFieldsConfig?: listFieldsConfigItemType[] // 完整度计算 - 列表字段内部需要计算的字段配置
progressListFieldsConfig?: listFieldsConfigItemType[] // 完整度计算 - 列表字段内部需要计算的字段配置
isAutoSetChildrenIdAndTitle?: boolean
childrenTitleKey?: string
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ export const layout: any = {
const ContentLayout = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const {
tabLink = [],
......@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ const ContentLayout = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
{intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '保存' })}
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { Select, SelectProps } from 'antd'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export interface PropsType<VT> extends SelectProps<VT> {
requestApi?: Function
......@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ export interface PropsType<VT> extends SelectProps<VT> {
const FetchSelect = (props: PropsType<number>) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const {
params = {},
......@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ const FetchSelect = (props: PropsType<number>) => {
return (
placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '请选择' })}
import React, { forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useState, memo } from 'react'
import cs from 'classnames'
import styles from './index.less'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export type FlowChartOptionsType = {
label: string,
......@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ type ItemPropsType = {
const FlowChart = ({ children, options, onChange, fieldNames = { label: 'label', value: 'value' } }: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const [activeValue, setActiveValue] = useState<string | number>()
const onItemChange = (value: string | number, item?: any) => {
......@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ const FlowChart = ({ children, options, onChange, fieldNames = { label: 'label',
return (
<div className={styles['config-box']}>
<FlowChartItem type='start'>开始</FlowChartItem>
<FlowChartItem type='start'>{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.start', defaultMessage: '开始' })}</FlowChartItem>
options ? => (
......@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ const FlowChart = ({ children, options, onChange, fieldNames = { label: 'label',
<FlowChartItem type='end'>结束</FlowChartItem>
<FlowChartItem type='end'>{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.end', defaultMessage: '结束' })}</FlowChartItem>
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import { useState, useImperativeHandle, forwardRef, ReactNode } from 'react'
import { FormInstance } from 'antd'
import styles from './index.less'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export type HandleType = {
......@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ export const getColor = (scale: number) => {
const FormProgress = ({ title, disabled, ignoreConfig = [], listFieldConfig = [] }: PropsType, ref: any) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const [scale, setScale] = useState<number>(0)
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
......@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ const FormProgress = ({ title, disabled, ignoreConfig = [], listFieldConfig = []
style={{ backgroundColor: getColor(scale)?.bg, color: getColor(scale)?.text }}
信息完整度 {scale}%
{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'process.infointegrity', defaultMessage: '信息完整度' })} {scale}%
......@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ const ImgUpload = forwardRef((props: IProps, ref: any) => {
console.log(`imgData`, imgData)
onChange && onChange(maxCount === 1 ? imgData[0] : imgData, fileList)
......@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@
'common.form.upload.placeholder':'Please upload',
'common.enter': 'Please enter',
'': 'Please select',
'common.start': 'Start',
'common.end': 'End',
'common.error.nindangqianwuquan':'You are currently not authorized to visit this page',
'common.error.chongxindenglu':'Login again',
......@@ -152,4 +154,6 @@
I hope the cooperation will be successful next time.`,
'common.maxTextnumberLength': 'The longest is {char} characters, {hanzi} Chinese characters',
'common.taxProbabilityMSG': 'Number type, retaining up to 2 as decimals, which can be tax free at 0, 0',
'': 'You still have unsaved content. Are you sure you want to close it?',
......@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ export default {
'contract.zhaobiaobianhaohuiyuan':'Tender No./Member',
'contract.hetongbianhaozhaiyao':'Contract number/Abstract',
'contract.hetongshengxiaoshixiaoshi':'Contract effective/expiration time',
'contract.hetongshengxiaoshijian': 'Contract effective time',
'contract.hetongshixiaoshijian': 'Contract expiration time',
'contract.hetongyifang':'Contract Party B',
'contract.hetongofficer':'Total contract amount',
'contract.yizhixingjine':'Executed amount',
......@@ -493,4 +495,7 @@ export default {
'contract.quantity.tip': 'The quantity awarded is limited to three decimal places',
'contract.qingshurufukuanjihua': 'Please enter the required fields for payment plan',
'contract.all':'All contracts',
'':'Select contract',
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ export default {
'material.frozon.reason.modal.title': 'frozen reason',
'material.sourceList': 'sourceList',
'material.submit': 'submit',
'': 'supplierID',
'': '',
'': 'Supplier ID',
'': 'Supplier name',
'': 'Select supplier',
'material.edit.supplier': 'Edit supplier',
'': 'Serial number',
......@@ -142,4 +142,6 @@ export default {
'material.contactMemberPhone':'Contact telephone',
'material.sourceList.submit.warn':'Please confirm the data in the form first',
\ No newline at end of file
'material.all': 'All material',
'material.supplier.all': 'All supplier',
......@@ -111,4 +111,29 @@ export default {
'processRuleSetting.dangcaigoudingdantijiaoshi': 'when the purchase order is submitted',
'processRuleSetting.dang8Dbaogaotijiaohou': 'when the 8D report is submitted',
'processRuleSetting.dangqingkuandantijiaoshi': 'when the payment requisition is submitted',
'processRuleSetting.liuchengxinxi': 'Process information',
'processRuleSetting.laiyuanshangcheng': 'source mall',
'processRuleSetting.qingkuanleixing': 'payment request type',
'processRuleSetting.kexuanze': 'Optional',
'processRuleSetting.yixuanze': 'Selected',
'processRuleSetting.selectAllTips': 'All has been selected',
'': 'Is',
'processRuleSetting.isnot': 'Is not',
'processRuleSetting.baohan': 'Include',
'processRuleSetting.bubaohan': 'Not include',
'processRuleSetting.zaizhiqian': 'Before',
'processRuleSetting.zaizhihou': 'After',
'processRuleSetting.and': 'And',
'processRuleSetting.or': 'Or',
'processRuleSetting.condition': 'Condition',
'processRuleSetting.tianjiaziduan': 'Add field',
'processRuleSetting.tianjiaguize': 'Add rule',
'processRuleSetting.xianghuguanxi': 'Interrelation',
'processRuleSetting.customerID': 'Customer ID',
'processRuleSetting.customerName': 'Customer name',
'processRuleSetting.selectCustomer': 'Select customer',
'processRuleSetting.allCustomer': 'All customer',
......@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ export default {
'common.form.upload.placeholder': '올려주세요.',
'common.enter': '입력하십시오',
'': '선택하십시오',
'common.start': '시작하다',
'common.end': '끝내다',
'common.error.nindangqianwuquan': '현재 이 페이지에 대한 액세스 권한이 없습니다.',
'common.error.chongxindenglu': '다시 로그인',
......@@ -152,4 +154,6 @@ export default {
다음 번 협력이 성공하기를 바랍니다.`,
'common.maxTextnumberLength': '가장 긴 것은 {char}자, {hanzi}자입니다.',
'common.taxProbabilityMSG': '숫자 유형(최대 2는 소수, 0은 0, 0은 면세)',
'': '아직 저장되지 않은 내용이 있습니다.닫으시겠습니까?',
......@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ export default {
'contract.zhaobiaobianhaohuiyuan': '입찰번호/회원',
'contract.hetongbianhaozhaiyao': '계약 번호/요약',
'contract.hetongshengxiaoshixiaoshi': '계약 효력 발생/실효 시간',
'contract.hetongshengxiaoshijian': '계약 효력 발생 시간',
'contract.hetongshixiaoshijian': '계약 실효 시간',
'contract.hetongyifang': '계약 을측',
'contract.hetongzongjine': '계약 총액',
'contract.yizhixingjine': '수행된 금액',
......@@ -490,4 +492,7 @@ export default {
'contract.fujiandaxiaochaoguo.limit': '계약 텍스트 첨부 형식 업로드: .pdf, .doc(.docx), xls(.xlsx)',
'contract.quantity.tip': '수여된 수량은 소수점 이하 세 자리로 제한됩니다.',
'contract.qingshurufukuanjihua': '결제 계획에 필요한 필드를 입력하십시오',
'contract.all':'모든 계약',
'':'계약 선택',
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export default {
'material.frozon.reason.modal.title': '동결 원인',
'material.sourceList': '상품 공급원 명세서',
'material.submit': '커밋',
'': '공급업체 id',
'': '공급업체 ID',
'': '공급업체 이름',
'': '공급업체 선택',
'material.edit.supplier': '협력업체 편집',
......@@ -143,4 +143,6 @@ export default {
'material.contactMemberPhone':'연락처 전화',
'material.sourceList.submit.warn':'먼저 양식의 데이터를 확인하십시오',
\ No newline at end of file
'material.all': '모든 재료',
'material.supplier.all': '모든 공급업체',
......@@ -110,4 +110,29 @@ export default {
'processRuleSetting.dangcaigoudingdantijiaoshi': '구매 주문 제출 시',
'processRuleSetting.dang8Dbaogaotijiaohou': '8D 보고서 제출 시',
'processRuleSetting.dangqingkuandantijiaoshi': '지불 신청 제출 시',
'processRuleSetting.liuchengxinxi': '프로세스 정보',
'processRuleSetting.laiyuanshangcheng': '상점',
'processRuleSetting.qingkuanleixing': '결제 요청 유형',
'processRuleSetting.kexuanze': '선택 가능',
'processRuleSetting.yixuanze': '골라냈어',
'processRuleSetting.selectAllTips': '모두 선택',
'': '예',
'processRuleSetting.isnot': '아니요',
'processRuleSetting.baohan': '포함',
'processRuleSetting.bubaohan': '포함하지 않음',
'processRuleSetting.zaizhiqian': '그 전에',
'processRuleSetting.zaizhihou': '이후',
'processRuleSetting.and': '화목하다',
'processRuleSetting.or': '또는',
'processRuleSetting.condition': '조건',
'processRuleSetting.tianjiaziduan': '필드 추가',
'processRuleSetting.tianjiaguize': '규칙 추가',
'processRuleSetting.xianghuguanxi': '상호 관계',
'processRuleSetting.customerID': '고객 ID',
'processRuleSetting.customerName': '고객 이름',
'processRuleSetting.selectCustomer': '고객 선택',
'processRuleSetting.allCustomer': '모든 고객',
......@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ export default {
'common.form.upload.placeholder': '请上传',
'common.enter': '请填写',
'': '请选择',
'common.start': '开始',
'common.end': '结束',
'common.error.nindangqianwuquan': '您当前无权访问该页面',
'common.error.chongxindenglu': '重新登录',
......@@ -151,4 +153,6 @@ export default {
'common.content': '贵公司参与了我公司《{data}》竞标。在我公司综合各投标单位的基本情况,并进行充分技术交流后,经评标委员会综合评定,贵公司未能中标。我公司对贵公司的积极参与和支持深表感谢!希望下次合作成功。',
'common.maxTextnumberLength': '最长{char}个字符,{hanzi}个汉字',
'common.taxProbabilityMSG': '数字类型,最多保留2为小数, 可为0, 0时表示免税',
'': '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?',
......@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ export default {
'contract.zhaobiaobianhaohuiyuan': '招标编号/会员',
'contract.hetongbianhaozhaiyao': '合同编号/摘要',
'contract.hetongshengxiaoshixiaoshi': '合同生效/失效时间',
'contract.hetongshengxiaoshijian': '合同生效时间',
'contract.hetongshixiaoshijian': '合同失效时间',
'contract.hetongyifang': '合同乙方',
'contract.hetongzongjine': '合同总金额',
'contract.yizhixingjine': '已执行金额',
......@@ -503,4 +505,7 @@ export default {
'contract.quantity.tip': '授标数量仅限三位小数',
'contract.qingshurufukuanjihua': '请输入付款计划必填内容',
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export default {
'material.frozon.reason.modal.title': '冻结原因',
'material.sourceList': '货源清单',
'material.submit': '提交',
'': '供应商id',
'': '供应商ID',
'': '供应商名称',
'': '选择供应商',
'material.edit.supplier': '编辑供应商',
......@@ -143,4 +143,6 @@ export default {
\ No newline at end of file
'material.all': '全部物料',
'material.supplier.all': '全部供应商',
......@@ -112,4 +112,28 @@ export default {
'processRuleSetting.dang8Dbaogaotijiaohou': '当8D报告提交后',
'processRuleSetting.dangqingkuandantijiaoshi': '当请款单提交时',
'processRuleSetting.liuchengxinxi': '流程信息',
'processRuleSetting.laiyuanshangcheng': '来源商城',
'processRuleSetting.qingkuanleixing': '请款类型',
'processRuleSetting.kexuanze': '可选择',
'processRuleSetting.yixuanze': '已选择',
'processRuleSetting.selectAllTips': '已存在相关字段选择了全部',
'': '不是',
'processRuleSetting.isnot': '不是',
'processRuleSetting.baohan': '包含',
'processRuleSetting.bubaohan': '不包含',
'processRuleSetting.zaizhiqian': '在之前',
'processRuleSetting.zaizhihou': '在之后',
'processRuleSetting.and': '并且',
'processRuleSetting.or': '或者',
'processRuleSetting.condition': '条件',
'processRuleSetting.tianjiaziduan': '添加字段',
'processRuleSetting.tianjiaguize': '添加规则',
'processRuleSetting.xianghuguanxi': '相互关系',
'processRuleSetting.customerID': '客户ID',
'processRuleSetting.customerName': '客户名称',
'processRuleSetting.selectCustomer': '选择客户',
'processRuleSetting.allCustomer': '全部客户',
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import CommonDrawer from '@/components/CommonDrawer'
import cs from 'classnames'
import styles from './index.less'
import { CheckSquareFilled } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export interface CommonCheckboxDrawerType {
onOk?: (values: any) => void
......@@ -21,9 +22,8 @@ export interface CommonCheckboxDrawerType {
disabled?: boolean
const mock = [{ "id": 1, "name": "B2B建材商城平台", "type": 1, "environment": 1, "property": 1, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 1, "logoUrl": " logo 136x485c1637c713ad4ceab09af4dd290ef049.png", "describe": "B2B联营商城-默认商城", "state": 1, "url": "lingxi-b2b-uat", "isDefault": 1, "createTime": 1636022896144 }, { "id": 3, "name": "渠道商城", "type": 3, "environment": 1, "property": 1, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 0, "logoUrl": " Logoc69bfc4910654370bcaed87afafc4be2.jpg", "describe": "渠道商城", "state": 1, "url": "lingxi-channel", "isDefault": 1, "createTime": 1636024198304 }, { "id": 4, "name": "积分商城", "type": 2, "environment": 1, "property": 1, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": null, "logoUrl": "", "describe": "积分商城", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1636024229683 }, { "id": 9, "name": "瓴犀建材商城APP", "type": 1, "environment": 4, "property": 1, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 0, "logoUrl": "瓴犀 正方形圆角logo63ffadde28f54a2f8929e49e9a558ded.png", "describe": "B端建材商城APP", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1636685121120 }, { "id": 11, "name": "APP积分商城", "type": 2, "environment": 4, "property": 1, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": null, "logoUrl": "", "describe": "APP积分商城", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1636685442585 }, { "id": 12, "name": "小程序积分商城", "type": 2, "environment": 3, "property": 3, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": null, "logoUrl": "", "describe": "小程序积分商城", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1636685475000 }, { "id": 14, "name": "瓴犀B2C商城", "type": 1, "environment": 3, "property": 2, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 0, "logoUrl": "", "describe": "C端联营商城小程序", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1637139438058 }, { "id": 15, "name": "瓴犀商城", "type": 1, "environment": 3, "property": 1, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 0, "logoUrl": "", "describe": "小程序B端联营商城-建材", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1637337210138 }, { "id": 16, "name": "B2C综合商城", "type": 1, "environment": 1, "property": 2, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 1, "logoUrl": " logo 136x48a963f082b9a245ab8d8eb0a1d1b42505.png", "describe": "B2C综合商城", "state": 1, "url": "lingxi-bc-open", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1638856144596 }, { "id": 17, "name": "APP (B2C综合商城)", "type": 1, "environment": 4, "property": 2, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 0, "logoUrl": "", "describe": "APP (B2C综合商城)", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 1, "createTime": 1638861020341 }, { "id": 18, "name": "B2C综合商城", "type": 1, "environment": 3, "property": 2, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 1, "openMro": 0, "logoUrl": "瓴犀 正方形圆角logo2bc418c1767f407681c9cb4078809346.png", "describe": "小程序 (B2C综合商城)", "state": 1, "url": "/", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1638931914330 }, { "id": 27, "name": "B2B电子元器件商城", "type": 1, "environment": 1, "property": 1, "self": 0, "memberOperate": 0, "openMro": 1, "logoUrl": "瓴犀logo-美政2ffc50291c8e465791b691c1983ac1af.png", "describe": "电子元器件MRO联营商城", "state": 1, "url": "lingxi-mro", "isDefault": 0, "createTime": 1647833903391 }]
const CommonCheckboxDrawer = (props: CommonCheckboxDrawerType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const { onOk, fieldCode, selectCache, dataSource, fetchApi, fetchParams = {}, title, idKey = 'id', labelKey = 'name', disabled } = props
const [list, setList] = useState<any[]>([])
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ const CommonCheckboxDrawer = (props: CommonCheckboxDrawerType, ref) => {
onCancel={(fnClose) => {
if (isValuesChangeRef.current) {
content: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?',
content: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?' }),
onOk: () => {
isValuesChangeRef.current = false
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ const CommonCheckboxDrawer = (props: CommonCheckboxDrawerType, ref) => {
{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.text.all', defaultMessage: '全部' })}
<div className={styles['box']}>
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import CommonCheckboxDrawer, { CommonCheckboxDrawerType } from '../CommonCheckbo
import { Select_Content_Type, REQ_FUNDS_TYPE } from '../constant'
import WrapSelect from '../WrapSelect'
import { GlobalConfig } from '@/global/config'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export type fetchCheckboxParamsType = {
[Select_Content_Type.SelectSourceMall]?: Object,
......@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ interface PropsType {
const CommonCheckboxSelect = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const { onChange, value, fieldCode = 'id', onValueChange, selectType, disabled, fetchParams = {}, } = props
const [selectData, setSelectData] = useState<any[]>([])
// const [fetchParams, setFetchParams] = useState<fetchCheckboxParamsType>({})
......@@ -77,10 +79,10 @@ const CommonCheckboxSelect = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
case Select_Content_Type.SelectSourceMall:
drawerProps.fetchApi = postManageWebShopWebAllShop
drawerProps.fetchParams = { siteId:, ...(fetchParams[selectType] || {}) }
drawerProps.title = '选择来源商城'
drawerProps.title = `${intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '选择' })}${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.laiyuanshangcheng', defaultMessage: '来源商城' })}`
case Select_Content_Type.SelectReqFundsType:
drawerProps.title = '选择请款类型'
drawerProps.title = `${intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '选择' })}${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.qingkuanleixing', defaultMessage: '请款类型' })}`
drawerProps.dataSource = REQ_FUNDS_TYPE
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { ColumnType } from 'antd/lib/table'
import NiceForm from '@/components/NiceForm'
import { createFormActions, IFormEffect, ISchema, ISchemaFormActions, ISchemaFormAsyncActions } from '@formily/antd'
import CommonDrawer, { HandleType } from '@/components/CommonDrawer'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export type RefHandleType = {
show: (flag?: boolean, params?: any, data?: any) => void
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ interface PropsType {
const CommonTableDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const formActions = createFormActions()
const {
......@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ const CommonTableDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
onCancel={(fnClose) => {
if (isValuesChangeRef.current) {
content: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?',
content: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?' }),
onOk: () => {
isValuesChangeRef.current = false
......@@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ const CommonTableDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
<Tabs activeKey={tabKey} onChange={(key: string) => { setTabKey(key) }}>
<Tabs.TabPane tab='可选择' key='1' className='use-ant-pagination-mini'>
<Tabs.TabPane tab={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.kexuanze', defaultMessage: '可选择' })} key='1' className='use-ant-pagination-mini'>
!isQueryAll && (
......@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@ const CommonTableDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
<Tabs.TabPane tab={`已选择(${selectedRows.length})`} key='2'>
<Tabs.TabPane tab={`${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.yixuanze', defaultMessage: '已选择' })}(${selectedRows.length})`} key='2'>
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import TableGoodsDrawer from '../TableGoodsDrawer'
import TableSupplierDrawer from '../TableSupplierDrawer'
import TableContractDrawer from '../TableContractDrawer'
import TableCustomerDrawer from '../TableCustomerDrawer'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export type fetchTableParamsType = {
[Select_Content_Type.SelectMaterial]?: Object,
......@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ interface PropsType {
const CommonTableSelect = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const { onChange, value, onQueryAll, onValueChange, isAll, disabled, selectType, isSomeQueryAll, fetchParams = {}, } = props
const [selectData, setSelectData] = useState<any[]>([])
const [isQueryAll, setIsQueryAll] = useState<boolean>(false)
......@@ -130,9 +132,9 @@ const CommonTableSelect = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
placeholder={isQueryAll ? '全部' : '请选择'}
placeholder={isQueryAll ? intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.text.all', defaultMessage: '全部' }) : intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '请选择' })}
tips={isSomeQueryAll ? '已存在相关字段选择了全部' : ''}
tips={isSomeQueryAll ? intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.selectAllTips', defaultMessage: '已存在相关字段选择了全部' }) : ''}
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import React, { useRef, useState, useCallback, forwardRef, memo, useEffect, useImperativeHandle } from 'react'
import { Modal, Tree } from 'antd'
import CommonDrawer from '@/components/CommonDrawer'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
onOk?: (values: any) => void
......@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ interface PropsType {
const CommonTreeDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const { onOk, fieldCode, selectCache, fetchApi, fetchParams = {}, title, treeKey = 'id', disabled } = props
const [tree, setTree] = useState<any[]>([])
......@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ const CommonTreeDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
onCancel={(fnClose) => {
if (isValuesChangeRef.current) {
content: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?',
content: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?' }),
onOk: () => {
isValuesChangeRef.current = false
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { isJSONString } from '@/utils'
import CommonTreeDrawer from '../CommonTreeDrawer'
import { Select_Content_Type } from '../constant'
import WrapSelect from '../WrapSelect'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export type fetchTreeParamsType = {
[Select_Content_Type.SelectCategory]?: Object,
......@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ interface PropsType {
const CommonTreeSelect = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const { onChange, value, fieldCode = 'title', onValueChange, selectType, disabled, fetchParams = {}, } = props
const [selectData, setSelectData] = useState<any[]>([])
// const [fetchParams, setFetchParams] = useState<fetchTreeParamsType>({})
......@@ -72,17 +74,15 @@ const CommonTreeSelect = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
console.log('drawerProps', drawerProps)
switch (selectType) {
case Select_Content_Type.SelectCategory:
// drawerProps.fetchParams = fetchParams[selectType]
drawerProps.fetchApi = getProductCustomerGetCustomerCategoryTree
drawerProps.title = '选择品类'
drawerProps.title = `${intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '选择' })}${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.pinlei', defaultMessage: '品类' })}`
return <CommonTreeDrawer {...drawerProps} />
console.log('disabled', disabled)
return (
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
justify-content: center;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
margin-left: 16px;
background-color: #F4F5F7;
border: 1px solid #F5F6F7;
border-radius: 4px;
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import CommonTableSelect, { fetchTableParamsType } from '../CommonTableSelect'
import CommonTreeSelect, { fetchTreeParamsType } from '../CommonTreeSelect'
import CommonCheckboxSelect, { fetchCheckboxParamsType } from '../CommonCheckboxSelect'
import { getRuleEngineProcessEngineGetProcessEngineInfo } from '@/services/RuleEngineV2Api'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
type PropsType = {
form?: FormInstance
......@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ const getKey = (code: string, ruleFieldKey: string, fieldFieldKey: string) => {
const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const {
fetchFieldsTypeApi = getRuleEngineProcessEngineGetProcessEngineInfo,
......@@ -219,7 +221,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
onClick={() => onRuleWrap(ruleField.key)}
<CaretRightFilled rotate={!ruleShowConfig[ruleField.key] ? 90 : 0} style={{ fontSize: 12 }} />
{`流程规则 ${ruleIndex + 1}`}
{`${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.liuchengguize', defaultMessage: '流程规则' })} ${ruleIndex + 1}`}
......@@ -243,7 +245,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.button.delete', defaultMessage: '删除' })}
<DeleteOutlined />
......@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
<div className={styles['fields']}>
{ any, index) => (
<div key={field.key}>
<ConfigFieldCard title={`条件 ${index + 1}`}>
<ConfigFieldCard title={`${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.condition', defaultMessage: '条件' })} ${index + 1}`}>
name={[, "id"]}
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "id"]}
......@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
name={[, "code"]}
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "code"]}
rules={[{ required: !disabled, message: '请选择' }]}
rules={[{ required: !disabled, message: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '请选择' }) }]}
......@@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
name={[, "condition"]}
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "condition"]}
rules={[{ required: !disabled, message: '请选择' }]}
rules={[{ required: !disabled, message: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '请选择' }) }]}
<Select disabled={disabled} options={conditionOptions[type]} />
......@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
<Col style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Col style={{ flex: 1, marginRight: 16 }}>
<Col style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Form.Item noStyle shouldUpdate={true}>
{/* <Form.Item noStyle shouldUpdate={(prevValues, currentValues) => {
return prevValues.engineRuleList?.[ruleIndex]?.ruleFieldList?.[index]?.type !== currentValues.engineRuleList?.[ruleIndex]?.ruleFieldList?.[index]?.type
......@@ -344,13 +346,13 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
name={[, "value"]}
fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "value"]}
rules={[{ required: !disabled, message: '此项为必填项' }]}
rules={[{ required: !disabled, message: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.bitian', defaultMessage: '该字段是必填字段' }) }]}
fieldsTypeItem?.type === Fields_Type.NUMBER ? // 字段类型为数字
<Input maxLength={10} disabled={disabled} type='number' placeholder="请输入" />
<Input maxLength={10} disabled={disabled} type='number' placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.form.input.placeholder', defaultMessage: '请输入' })} />
: fieldsTypeItem?.type === Fields_Type.DATE ? // 字段类型为日期
<StringDatePicker disabled={disabled} style={{ width: '100%' }} placeholder="请选择" />
<StringDatePicker disabled={disabled} style={{ width: '100%' }} placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '请选择' })} />
: fieldsTypeItem?.type === Fields_Type.STRING && fieldsTypeItem?.select_content ? // 字段类型为字符且存在选择弹窗
condition === CONDITION_VALUE.EQUAL || condition === CONDITION_VALUE.UNEQUAL ? // 条件为是或不是的情况才显示弹窗
......@@ -404,11 +406,11 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
disabled={inputDisabled || disabled}
placeholder={inputDisabled ? '已存在相关字段选择了全部' : '请输入'}
placeholder={inputDisabled ? intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.selectAllTips', defaultMessage: '已存在相关字段选择了全部' }) : intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.form.input.placeholder', defaultMessage: '请输入' })}
: // 目前仅有字符/数字/日期三种类型 所以这里是字符+无弹窗的情况
<Input maxLength={200} disabled={disabled} placeholder="请输入" />
<Input maxLength={200} disabled={disabled} placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.form.input.placeholder', defaultMessage: '请输入' })} />
......@@ -453,7 +455,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
style={{ width: "100%" }}
<PlusOutlined /> 添加字段
<PlusOutlined /> {intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.tianjiaziduan', defaultMessage: '添加字段' })}
......@@ -462,7 +464,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
<ConfigFieldCard title='相互关系'>
<ConfigFieldCard title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.xianghuguanxi', defaultMessage: '相互关系' })}>
name={[, "relation"]}
fieldKey={[ruleField.fieldKey, "relation"]}
......@@ -487,7 +489,7 @@ const ProcessRules = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
onClick={() => {
ruleAdd({ relation: interrelationOptions[0].value })
{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.tianjiaguize', defaultMessage: '添加规则' })}
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import { ColumnType } from 'antd/lib/table'
import React, { memo, forwardRef } from 'react'
import CommonTableDrawer from '../CommonTableDrawer'
import { schema } from './schema'
import { fetchBrand, fetchCategoryData, fetchTreeData, useAsyncCascader } from '../effects'
import { useAsyncSelect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useAsyncSelect'
import { getIntl } from 'umi'
import { useStateFilterSearchLinkageEffect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useFilterSearch'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const'
import { Cascader } from 'antd'
......@@ -19,13 +18,15 @@ interface PropsType {
otherParams?: Object
const intl = getIntl()
const tableColumns: ColumnType<any>[] = [
{ title: '合同编号', dataIndex: 'contractNo', key: 'contractNo' },
{ title: '合同摘要', dataIndex: 'code', key: 'code', width: 250 },
{ title: '合同生效时间', dataIndex: 'startTime', key: 'startTime' },
{ title: '合同失效时间', dataIndex: 'endTime', key: 'endTime' },
{ title: '合同乙方', dataIndex: 'partyBName', key: 'partyBName' },
{ title: '合同金额', dataIndex: 'totalAmount', key: 'totalAmount' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.hetongbianhao', defaultMessage: '合同编号' }), dataIndex: 'contractNo', key: 'contractNo' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.hetongzhaiyao', defaultMessage: '合同摘要' }), dataIndex: 'code', key: 'code', width: 250 },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.hetongshengxiaoshijian', defaultMessage: '合同生效时间' }), dataIndex: 'startTime', key: 'startTime' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.hetongshixiaoshijian', defaultMessage: '合同失效时间' }), dataIndex: 'endTime', key: 'endTime' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.hetongyifang', defaultMessage: '合同乙方' }), dataIndex: 'partyBName', key: 'partyBName' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.hetongjine', defaultMessage: '合同金额' }), dataIndex: 'totalAmount', key: 'totalAmount' },
const TableMaterialDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }: PropsType, ref) => {
......@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ const TableMaterialDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({id: '', defaultMessage: '选择合同' })}
queryAllLabel={intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.all', defaultMessage: '全部合同' })}
......@@ -4,51 +4,6 @@ import { getIntl } from 'umi'
const intl = getIntl()
// export const schema: ISchema = {
// type: 'object',
// properties: {
// contractNo: {
// type: 'string',
// "x-component": 'SearchFilter',
// 'x-component-props': {
// placeholder: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.qingshuruhetongbianhao', defaultMessage: '请输入合同编号'}),
// align: 'start',
// },
// },
// type: 'object',
// 'x-component': 'flex-layout',
// 'x-component-props': {
// inline: true,
// colStyle: {
// marginRight: 20
// }
// },
// properties: {
// contractAbstract: {
// type: 'string',
// "x-component-props": {
// placeholder: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.qingshuruhetongzhaiyao', defaultMessage: '请输入合同摘要' })
// }
// },
// "[startTime,endTime]": {
// type: 'array',
// "x-component": 'DateRangePickerUnix',
// 'x-component-props': {
// placeholder: [intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.kaishishijian', defaultMessage: '开始时间'}), intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.jieshushijian', defaultMessage: '结束时间'})],
// },
// },
// submit: {
// 'x-component': 'Submit',
// 'x-component-props': {
// children: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.chaxun', defaultMessage: '查询'}),
// },
// },
// },
// },
// }
// }
export const schema: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
......@@ -65,7 +20,7 @@ export const schema: ISchema = {
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '请输入合同编号'
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.qingshuruhetongbianhao', defaultMessage: '请输入合同编号' })
......@@ -102,7 +57,7 @@ export const schema: ISchema = {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
children: intl.formatMessage({id: 'common.button.query', defaultMessage: '查询' }),
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import React, { memo, forwardRef } from 'react'
import CommonTableDrawer from '../CommonTableDrawer'
import { schema } from './schema'
import { getMemberManageProcessBuyerMember } from '@/services/MemberV2Api'
import { getIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
handleOk?: (data: any) => void
......@@ -13,12 +14,14 @@ interface PropsType {
otherParams?: Object
const intl = getIntl()
const tableColumns: ColumnType<any>[] = [
{ title: '客户ID', dataIndex: 'id', key: 'id' },
{ title: '客户名称', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: '会员类型', dataIndex: 'memberTypeName', key: 'memberTypeName' },
{ title: '会员角色', dataIndex: 'roleName', key: 'roleName' },
{ title: '会员等级', dataIndex: 'levelTag', key: 'levelTag' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'processRuleSetting.customerID', defaultMessage: '客户ID' }), dataIndex: 'id', key: 'id' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'processRuleSetting.customerName', defaultMessage: '客户名称' }), dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.type', defaultMessage: '会员类型' }), dataIndex: 'memberTypeName', key: 'memberTypeName' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.role', defaultMessage: '会员角色' }), dataIndex: 'roleName', key: 'roleName' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.level', defaultMessage: '会员等级' }), dataIndex: 'levelTag', key: 'levelTag' },
const TableMaterialDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }: PropsType, ref) => {
......@@ -26,8 +29,8 @@ const TableMaterialDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({id: 'processRuleSetting.selectCustomer', defaultMessage: '选择客户' })}
queryAllLabel={intl.formatMessage({id: 'processRuleSetting.allCustomer', defaultMessage: '全部客户' })}
import { ISchema } from '@formily/antd'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const'
import { getIntl } from 'umi'
const intl = getIntl()
......@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ export const schema = {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '客户名称',
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({id: 'processRuleSetting.customerName', defaultMessage: '客户名称' }),
advanced: false
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { useAsyncSelect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useAsyncSelect'
import { useStateFilterSearchLinkageEffect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useFilterSearch'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const'
import { Cascader } from 'antd'
import { getIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
handleOk?: (data: any) => void
......@@ -18,13 +19,15 @@ interface PropsType {
otherParams?: Object
const intl = getIntl()
const tableColumns: ColumnType<any>[] = [
{ title: '商品ID', dataIndex: 'id', key: 'id' },
{ title: '商品名称', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: '品类', dataIndex: ['customerCategory', 'name'], key: 'customerCategory' },
{ title: '品牌', dataIndex: ['brand', 'name'], key: 'brand' },
{ title: '跨境电商进口', dataIndex: 'isCrossBorder', key: 'isCrossBorder', render: (t) => t ? '是' : '否' },
{ title: '商品定价', dataIndex: 'priceTypeName', key: 'priceTypeName' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: '', defaultMessage: '商品ID' }), dataIndex: 'id', key: 'id' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: '', defaultMessage: '商品名称' }), dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'commodity.goods.columns.customerCategory', defaultMessage: '品类' }), dataIndex: ['customerCategory', 'name'], key: 'customerCategory' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'commodity.goods.columns.brand', defaultMessage: '品牌' }), dataIndex: ['brand', 'name'], key: 'brand' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'constants.order.13', defaultMessage: '跨境电商进口' }), dataIndex: 'isCrossBorder', key: 'isCrossBorder', render: (t) => t ? intl.formatMessage({id: 'processRuleSetting.shi', defaultMessage: '是' }) : intl.formatMessage({id: 'processRuleSetting.fou', defaultMessage: '否' }) },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({id: 'commodity.products.fastModifyPrice.columns.priceType', defaultMessage: '商品定价' }), dataIndex: 'priceTypeName', key: 'priceTypeName' },
const TableGoodsDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }: PropsType, ref) => {
......@@ -32,8 +35,8 @@ const TableGoodsDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }: P
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({id: '', defaultMessage: '选择商品' })}
queryAllLabel={intl.formatMessage({id: '', defaultMessage: '全部商品' })}
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export const schema: ISchema = {
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '商品名称'
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '商品名称' })
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export const schema: ISchema = {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
children: intl.formatMessage({id: 'common.button.query', defaultMessage: '查询' }),
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { useAsyncSelect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useAsyncSelect'
import { useStateFilterSearchLinkageEffect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useFilterSearch'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const'
import { Cascader } from 'antd'
import { getIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
handleOk?: (data: any) => void
......@@ -18,14 +19,16 @@ interface PropsType {
otherParams?: Object
const intl = getIntl()
const tableColumns: ColumnType<any>[] = [
{ title: 'ID', dataIndex: 'id', key: 'id' },
{ title: '物料编号', dataIndex: 'code', key: 'code', width: 120 },
{ title: '物料名称', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: '物料组', dataIndex: ['materialGroup', 'name'], key: 'materialGroup' },
{ title: '规格型号', dataIndex: 'type', key: 'type' },
{ title: '品类', dataIndex: ['customerCategory', 'name'], key: 'customerCategory' },
{ title: '品牌', dataIndex: ['brand', 'name'], key: 'brand' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.code', defaultMessage: '物料编号'}), dataIndex: 'code', key: 'code', width: 120 },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '物料名称'}), dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '物料组'}), dataIndex: ['materialGroup', 'name'], key: 'materialGroup' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.type', defaultMessage: '规格型号'}), dataIndex: 'type', key: 'type' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.category', defaultMessage: '品类'}), dataIndex: ['customerCategory', 'name'], key: 'customerCategory' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.brand', defaultMessage: '品牌'}), dataIndex: ['brand', 'name'], key: 'brand' },
const TableMaterialDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }: PropsType, ref) => {
......@@ -33,8 +36,8 @@ const TableMaterialDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.modal.selectMaterial.title', defaultMessage: '选择物料'})}
queryAllLabel={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.all', defaultMessage: '全部物料'})}
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export const schema: ISchema = {
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '物料编号'
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.code', defaultMessage: '物料编号'})
......@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ export const schema: ISchema = {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '物料名称'
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '物料名称'})
type: {
type: 'string',
"x-component-props": {
placeholder: '规格型号'
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.type', defaultMessage: '规格型号'})
materialGroupId: {
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ export const schema: ISchema = {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
children: intl.formatMessage({id: 'common.button.query', defaultMessage: '查询' }),
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import React, { memo, forwardRef } from 'react'
import CommonTableDrawer from '../CommonTableDrawer'
import { schema } from './schema'
import { postMemberManageLowerProviderPage } from '@/services/MemberV2Api'
import { getIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
handleOk?: (data: any) => void
......@@ -13,9 +14,11 @@ interface PropsType {
otherParams?: Object
const intl = getIntl()
const tableColumns: ColumnType<any>[] = [
{ title: '供应商ID', dataIndex: 'id', key: 'id' },
{ title: '供应商名称', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '供应商ID'}), dataIndex: 'id', key: 'id' },
{ title: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '供应商名称'}), dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
const TableSupplierDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }: PropsType, ref) => {
......@@ -23,8 +26,8 @@ const TableSupplierDrawer = ({ handleOk, onQueryAll, otherParams = {}, }
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '选择供应商'})}
queryAllLabel={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'material.supplier.all', defaultMessage: '全部供应商'})}
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export const schema = {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '供应商名称',
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '供应商名称'}),
advanced: false
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import styles from './index.less'
import { LinkOutlined, CloseOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import cs from 'classnames'
import { Tooltip } from 'antd'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
onIconClick?: (isSeeMore?: boolean) => void
......@@ -18,7 +19,19 @@ interface PropsType {
const WrapSelect = (props: PropsType) => {
const { onIconClick, onItemClick, onItemDelete, data = [], labelKey = 'name', valueKey='id', placeholder = '请选择', disabled, tips, showCount = 3 } = props
const intl = useIntl()
const {
data = [],
labelKey = 'name',
placeholder = intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '请选择'}),
showCount = 3
} = props
return (
<div className={styles['wrap-select']}>
......@@ -49,7 +62,7 @@ const WrapSelect = (props: PropsType) => {
data.length > showCount && (
<div className={styles['content-item']} onClick={() => { onIconClick?.(true) }}>
更多({data.length - showCount})
{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'common.text.more', defaultMessage: '更多'})}({data.length - showCount})
......@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ export enum CONDITION_VALUE {
export const conditionOptions = {
[Fields_Type.STRING]: [
{ label: '是', value: CONDITION_VALUE.EQUAL },
{ label: '不是', value: CONDITION_VALUE.UNEQUAL },
{ label: '包含', value: CONDITION_VALUE.INCLUDED },
{ label: '不包含', value: CONDITION_VALUE.NOT_INCLUDED },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '是' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.EQUAL },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.isnot', defaultMessage: '不是' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.UNEQUAL },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.baohan', defaultMessage: '包含' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.INCLUDED },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.bubaohan', defaultMessage: '不包含' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.NOT_INCLUDED },
[Fields_Type.NUMBER]: [
{ label: '>', value: CONDITION_VALUE.GREATER_THAN },
......@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ export const conditionOptions = {
{ label: '!=', value: CONDITION_VALUE.UNEQUAL },
[Fields_Type.DATE]: [
{ label: '是', value: CONDITION_VALUE.EQUAL },
{ label: '不是', value: CONDITION_VALUE.UNEQUAL },
{ label: '在之前', value: CONDITION_VALUE.LESS_THAN },
{ label: '在之后', value: CONDITION_VALUE.GREATER_THAN },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '是' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.EQUAL },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.isnot', defaultMessage: '不是' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.UNEQUAL },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.zaizhiqian', defaultMessage: '在之前' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.LESS_THAN },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.zaizhihou', defaultMessage: '在之后' }), value: CONDITION_VALUE.GREATER_THAN },
export const interrelationOptions = [
{ label: '并且', value: 1 },
{ label: '或者', value: 2 },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.and', defaultMessage: '并且' }), value: 1 },
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.or', defaultMessage: '或者' }), value: 2 },
export enum RULE_TYPE {
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
* @author: Crayon
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react'
import { history } from 'umi'
import { history, getIntl } from 'umi'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import { Form } from 'antd'
import { commonProgressProps } from '../../../constants'
import { commonProgressProps, commonTabLink } from '../../../constants'
import ProcessImage from '../../../components/ProcessImage'
import ProcessRules from '../../../components/ProcessRuleConfig/ProcessRules'
import ContentLayout from '@/components/ContentLayout'
......@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ type PropsType = {
title?: string | React.ReactNode
const intl = getIntl()
const BaseTabLink = [
{ key: 'processBase', name: "基本信息" },
{ key: 'processSelect', name: "流程选择" },
{ key: 'processImage', name: "流程图示" },
{ key: 'processInfo', name: "流程信息" },
{ key: 'payConfig', name: "支付配置" },
{ key: 'processRule', name: "流程规则" },
...commonTabLink.slice(0, 3),
{ key: 'processInfo', name: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.liuchengxinxi', defaultMessage: '流程信息' }) },
{ key: 'payConfig', name: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.zhifupeizhi', defaultMessage: '支付配置' }) },
{ key: 'processRule', name: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'processRuleSetting.liuchengguize', defaultMessage: '流程规则' }) },
const getTabLink = (processBaseItem: any, isDefault: boolean) => {
if (isDefault) return BaseTabLink.slice(0, 5)
const newBaseTabLink = processBaseItem.payTimes > 0 ? BaseTabLink : BaseTabLink.filter(i => i.key !== 'payConfig')
let newBaseTabLink = isDefault ? BaseTabLink.slice(0, 5) : BaseTabLink
newBaseTabLink = processBaseItem.payTimes > 0 ? newBaseTabLink : newBaseTabLink.filter(i => i.key !== 'payConfig')
return processBaseItem.processType === 1 ? newBaseTabLink : newBaseTabLink.filter(i => i.key !== 'processInfo')
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import React, { useRef, useState, useCallback, forwardRef, memo, useEffect, useI
import { Modal, Tree } from 'antd'
import CommonDrawer from '@/components/CommonDrawer'
import { getProductCustomerGetCustomerCategoryTree } from '@/services/ProductV2Api'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
onOk?: (values: any) => void
......@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ interface PropsType {
const CategoryDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const { onOk, fieldCode, selectCache } = props
const [categoryTree, setCategoryTree] = useState<any[]>([])
......@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ const CategoryDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
onCancel={(fnClose) => {
if (isValuesChangeRef.current) {
content: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?',
content: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?' }),
onOk: () => {
isValuesChangeRef.current = false
......@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ import { Form, Modal } from 'antd'
import CommonDrawer from '@/components/CommonDrawer'
import ProcessRules from '../ProcessRules'
import { getRuleEngineProcessRuleConfigGetProcessRuleConfig, postRuleEngineConfigBatchSaveOrUpdate } from '@/services/RuleEngineV2Api'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
interface PropsType {
onChange?: () => void
const ConfigDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const [form] = Form.useForm()
const { onChange } = props
......@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ const ConfigDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const handleCancel = useCallback((fnClose) => {
if (isValuesChangeRef.current) {
content: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?',
content: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?' }),
onOk: () => {
isValuesChangeRef.current = false
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import CommonDrawer, { HandleType } from '@/components/CommonDrawer'
import { getProductGoodsGetDoesNotFreezeGoodsList } from '@/services/ProductV2Api'
import { useAsyncSelect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useAsyncSelect'
import { fetchBrand, fetchCategoryData, fetchTreeData, useAsyncCascader } from '../../effects'
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
export type RefHandleType = {
show: (flag?: boolean, params?: any, data?: any) => void
......@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ interface PropsType {
const MaterialDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
const intl = useIntl()
const formActions = createFormActions()
const { onOk, onQueryAll, fieldCode = 'code', fieldLabel, selectCache } = props
......@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ const MaterialDrawer = (props: PropsType, ref) => {
onCancel={(fnClose) => {
if (isValuesChangeRef.current) {
content: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?',
content: intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: '您还有未保存的内容,是否确定要关闭?' }),
onOk: () => {
isValuesChangeRef.current = false
......@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ const WrapSelect = (props: PropsType) => {
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