Commit a0e29074 authored by 前端-钟卫鹏's avatar 前端-钟卫鹏

fix: 待新增投标批量提交审核添加状态判断

parent e98beb1f
......@@ -935,6 +935,7 @@ export default {
'table.purchase.qingxiangouxuandan': 'Please check the receipt first',
'table.purchase.piliangtijiaotou': 'Batch submission of bids',
'table.purchase.qingxianxuanzetou': 'Please choose a bid first',
'table.purchase.zhinengtijiaodaishenhe': 'Only tenders to be submitted for audit can be submitted',
'table.purchase.chongxintijiao': 'Resubmit',
'table.purchase.qingshangchuanzige': 'Please upload qualification documents',
'table.purchase.gaipingbiaomuban': 'The bid evaluation template has been used and cannot be deleted',
......@@ -932,6 +932,7 @@ export default {
'table.purchase.qingxiangouxuandan': '먼저 영수증을 선택해 주십시오',
'table.purchase.piliangtijiaotou': '대량으로 입찰을 제출하다.',
'table.purchase.qingxianxuanzetou': '먼저 입찰을 선택하세요',
'table.purchase.zhinengtijiaodaishenhe': '심사입찰을 위한 입찰만 제출할수 있다',
'table.purchase.chongxintijiao': '다시 제출',
'table.purchase.qingshangchuanzige': '자격증 파일을 올려주세요.',
'table.purchase.gaipingbiaomuban': '이 평가 템플릿은 이미 사용 중이므로 삭제할 수 없습니다.',
......@@ -933,6 +933,7 @@ export default {
'table.purchase.qingxiangouxuandan': '请先勾选单据',
'table.purchase.piliangtijiaotou': '批量提交投标',
'table.purchase.qingxianxuanzetou': '请先选择投标',
'table.purchase.zhinengtijiaodaishenhe': '只能提交待提交审核投标的投标',
'table.purchase.chongxintijiao': '重新提交',
'table.purchase.qingshangchuanzige': '请上传资格证明文件',
'table.purchase.gaipingbiaomuban': '该评标模板已经被使用,不能删除',
......@@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ const ReadyAddTender: React.FC<ReadyAddTenderProps> = () => {
const { columns, ref, rowSelection, rowSelectionCtl } = useSelfTable()
const handleBitchPush = async () => {
// const canBitch = !rowSelectionCtl.selectRow.some(v => v.submitTenderInStatus !== TenderInsideWorkState.Not_Submitted_Check_Submit_Tender)
const canBitch = !rowSelectionCtl.selectRow.some(v => v.isSubmitCheck === false)
if (!rowSelectionCtl.selectRow.length) return message.error(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'table.purchase.qingxianxuanzetou' }))
// if (canBitch) {
const { code } = await run({ idList: rowSelectionCtl.selectedRowKeys })
if (code === 1000) {
if (canBitch) {
const { code } = await run({ idList: rowSelectionCtl.selectedRowKeys })
if (code === 1000) {
} else {
message.error(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'table.purchase.zhinengtijiaodaishenhe' }))
// } else {
// message.error('只能提交待提交审核投标的投标')
// }
return <PageHeaderWrapper>
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