Commit 77ee8364 authored by 前端-许佳敏's avatar 前端-许佳敏

chore: 去掉本地化配置

parent 1b89b454
......@@ -5,29 +5,29 @@ import AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin from 'antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin'
export default defineConfig({
devtool: false,
externals: {
"react": 'React',
"react-dom": 'ReactDOM',
"@antv/g2": 'G2',
"@antv/data-set": 'DataSet',
bizcharts: 'BizCharts',
"lingxi-design-ui": 'LingXiUI',
// "@formily/antd-components": 'FormilyComponent',
"@lingxi-design/ui": 'LingxiDesignUI',
// 对antd的组件做一个远程映射
scripts: [
// '',
// externals: {
// "react": 'React',
// "react-dom": 'ReactDOM',
// "@antv/g2": 'G2',
// "@antv/data-set": 'DataSet',
// bizcharts: 'BizCharts',
// "lingxi-design-ui": 'LingXiUI',
// // "@formily/antd-components": 'FormilyComponent',
// "@lingxi-design/ui": 'LingxiDesignUI',
// // 对antd的组件做一个远程映射
// ...ExternalsAntd
// },
// scripts: [
// '',
// '',
// '',
// '',
// '',
// '',
// '',
// // '',
// '',
// ],
chainWebpack(config) {
// config.plugin('lodash-webpack-plugin').use(LodashModuleReplacementPlugin)
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