Commit 13deed51 authored by's avatar

Merge branch 'v2-220418' into 20418order

parents 8b2419cc aedfae11
......@@ -43,12 +43,13 @@ interface AddressDrawerProps {
className?: string
renderText?: React.ReactNode
hiddenBtn?: boolean
function AddressDrawer(props: AddressDrawerProps) {
const { onChange, formInstance, renderForm, sumbitRequest,
addressListRequest, value: addr, disabled = false, rows = 1,
addressListRequest, value: addr, disabled = false, rows = 1, hiddenBtn=false,
showDefault = false,
formatValue = (addr) => {
return FormatValue(addr)
......@@ -179,16 +180,20 @@ function AddressDrawer(props: AddressDrawerProps) {
<Row className={className} gutter={10}>
<Col span={20}>
<Col span={hiddenBtn?24:20}>
<Input.TextArea rows={rows} disabled={disabled}
<Col span={4}>
<Button disabled={disabled} className='w-full' onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>管理</Button>
!hiddenBtn && (
<Col span={4}>
<Button disabled={disabled} className='w-full' onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>管理</Button>
......@@ -712,4 +712,55 @@ export default {
'order.shouhuodanzhaiyao': 'Receipt summary',
'order.xinzengshouhuodan': 'Add receipt',
'order.songhuodanzhaiyao': 'Delivery note summary',
'order.songhuotongzhibianhao': 'Delivery Notice No',
'order.shouhuodanbianhao': 'Receipt No',
'order.songhuojihuabianhao': 'Delivery plan No',
'order.gongyinghuiyuan': 'Supply member',
'order.beizhu': 'remarks',
'order.shouhuoren': 'consignee',
'order.fahuoshijian': 'Delivery time',
'order.shouhuorendianhua': 'Consignee telephone',
'order.songhuodingdanhao': 'Delivery order No',
'order.songhuodanbianhao': 'Delivery note No',
'order.fahuoriqi': 'the date of issuance',
'order.songhuodizhi': 'Shipping address',
'order.fahuozitidizhi': 'Shipping (pick-up) address',
'order.songhuoren': 'Deliveryman',
'order.songhuorendianhua': 'Deliveryman telephone',
'order.wuliugongsi': 'logistics company',
'order.chepaihaoma': 'license plate',
'order.wuliudanhao': 'Logistics order No',
'order.jihuabianhao': 'Plan number',
'order.jihuazhaiyao': 'Plan summary',
'order.jihuazhouqi': 'Planning cycle',
'order.caigouhuiyuan': 'Purchasing member',
'order.waibuzhuangtai': 'External state',
'order.peisongfangshi': 'Distribution mode',
'order.caigoushang': 'Purchaser',
'order.tijiaosonghuojihua': 'Submit delivery plan',
'order.gongyingshang': 'supplier',
'order.querensonghuojihua': 'Confirm delivery plan',
'order.waibudanjuliuzhuanjilu': 'External document flow record',
'order.tongzhidanbianhao': 'Notice No',
'order.tongzhidanzhaiyao': 'Notice summary',
'order.songhuoriqi': 'Delivery date',
'order.songhuoshijian': 'Delivery time',
'order.shouhuodizhi': 'Receiving address',
'order.shouhuoshijian': 'Receiving time',
'order.shouhuoriqi': 'Date of receipt',
'order.tijiaosonghuotongzhidan': 'Submit delivery notice',
'order.querensonghuotongzhidan': 'Confirm delivery notice',
'order.songhuojihua': 'Delivery plan',
'order.zuichang600gezifu300ge': 'Up to 600 characters, 300 Chinese characters',
'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaSRM': 'Add delivery plan(SRM)',
'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaB2B': 'Add delivery plan(B2B)',
'order.shengchengsonghuotongzhidan': 'Generate delivery notice',
'order.shengchengsonghuodan': 'Generate delivery note',
'order.yishengchengsonghuotongzhidan': 'Delivery note generated',
'order.yishengchengsonghuodan': 'Delivery note generated',
'order.songhuoshuliangbunengdayu': 'Delivery quantity cannot be greater than the quantity to be delivered',
......@@ -709,4 +709,55 @@ export default {
'purchaseRequisition.neirongbuneng1weikong':'컨텐트는 비워둘 수 없습니다.',
'order.shouhuodanzhaiyao': '청구서 요약',
'order.xinzengshouhuodan': '새 청구서',
'order.songhuodanzhaiyao': '배송지 요약',
'order.songhuotongzhibianhao': '배송 알림 번호',
'order.shouhuodanbianhao': '청구서 번호',
'order.songhuojihuabianhao': '배송 계획 번호',
'order.gongyinghuiyuan': '공급원',
'order.beizhu': '비고',
'order.shouhuoren': '수취인',
'order.fahuoshijian': '배송 일자',
'order.shouhuorendianhua': '수취인 전화',
'order.songhuodingdanhao': '배송 주문 번호',
'order.songhuodanbianhao': '배송지 번호',
'order.fahuoriqi': '출하 일자',
'order.songhuodizhi': '배송 주소',
'order.fahuozitidizhi': '배송 주소',
'order.songhuoren': '배달인',
'order.songhuorendianhua': '배달인 전화',
'order.wuliugongsi': '물류 회사',
'order.chepaihaoma': '차량 번호',
'order.wuliudanhao': '물류번호',
'order.jihuabianhao': '계획 번호',
'order.jihuazhaiyao': '계획 요약',
'order.jihuazhouqi': '계획 주기',
'order.caigouhuiyuan': '구매 회원',
'order.waibuzhuangtai': '외부 상태',
'order.peisongfangshi': '배송 방법',
'order.caigoushang': '구매상',
'order.tijiaosonghuojihua': '배송 계획 제출',
'order.gongyingshang': '공급자',
'order.querensonghuojihua': '배송 계획 확인',
'order.waibudanjuliuzhuanjilu': '외부 증빙서류 유전 기록',
'order.tongzhidanbianhao': '통지서 번호',
'order.tongzhidanzhaiyao': '통지서 요약',
'order.songhuoriqi': '배송 일자',
'order.songhuoshijian': '배송 시간',
'order.shouhuodizhi': '배송 주소',
'order.shouhuoshijian': '납품 시간',
'order.shouhuoriqi': '납품 일자',
'order.tijiaosonghuotongzhidan': '배송 통지서 제출',
'order.querensonghuotongzhidan': '배송 확인 통지서',
'order.songhuojihua': '배송 계획',
'order.zuichang600gezifu300ge': '최대 600자, 한자 300자',
'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaSRM': '신규 배송 계획(SRM)',
'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaB2B': '신규 배송 계획(B2B)',
'order.shengchengsonghuotongzhidan': '배송 통지서 생성',
'order.shengchengsonghuodan': '배송지 생성',
'order.yishengchengsonghuotongzhidan': '배송 통지서가 생성됨',
'order.yishengchengsonghuodan': '배송지 생성됨',
'order.songhuoshuliangbunengdayu': '배송 수량은 배송 대기 수량보다 클 수 없습니다.',
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ export default {
'saleOrder.pingjia': '评价',
'saleOrder.zhuandan': '转单',
'saleOrder.xiugaidingdanjia': '修改订单价格',
'saleOrder.xiugaidingdan': "修改订单",
'saleOrder.xiugaidingdan': '修改订单',
'saleOrder.shengchengzhifulian': '生成支付链接',
'saleOrder.songhuodizhi': '送货地址',
'saleOrder.caozuo': '操作',
......@@ -703,12 +703,62 @@ export default {
'purchaseRequisition.jigoumingcheng': '机构名称',
'purchaseRequisition.caigoushouhuodan': '采购收货单',
'purchaseRequisition.dingdan': '订单',
'purchaseRequisition.wuliaozu': '物料组',
'purchaseRequisition.shengchangchangjia': '生产厂家',
'purchaseRequisition.changdi': '产地',
'purchaseRequisition.beizu': '备注',
'purchaseRequisition.neirongbuneng1weikong': '内容不能为空',
'purchaseRequisition.wuliao': '物料',
'purchaseRequisition.xinxi': '信息',
'order.shouhuodanzhaiyao': '收货单摘要',
'order.xinzengshouhuodan': '新增收货单',
'order.songhuodanzhaiyao': '送货单摘要',
'order.songhuotongzhibianhao': '送货通知编号',
'order.shouhuodanbianhao': '收货单编号',
'order.songhuojihuabianhao': '送货计划编号',
'order.gongyinghuiyuan': '供应会员',
'order.beizhu': '备注',
'order.shouhuoren': '收货人',
'order.fahuoshijian': '发货时间',
'order.shouhuorendianhua': '收货人电话',
'order.songhuodingdanhao': '送货订单号',
'order.songhuodanbianhao': '送货单编号',
'order.fahuoriqi': '发货日期',
'order.songhuodizhi': '送货地址',
'order.fahuozitidizhi': '发货(自提)地址',
'order.songhuoren': '送货人',
'order.songhuorendianhua': '送货人电话',
'order.wuliugongsi': '物流公司',
'order.chepaihaoma': '车牌号码',
'order.wuliudanhao': '物流单号',
'order.jihuabianhao': '计划编号',
'order.jihuazhaiyao': '计划摘要',
'order.jihuazhouqi': '计划周期',
'order.caigouhuiyuan': '采购会员',
'order.waibuzhuangtai': '外部状态',
'order.peisongfangshi': '配送方式',
'order.caigoushang': '采购商',
'order.tijiaosonghuojihua': '提交送货计划',
'order.gongyingshang': '供应商',
'order.querensonghuojihua': '确认送货计划',
'order.waibudanjuliuzhuanjilu': '外部单据流转记录',
'order.tongzhidanbianhao': '通知单编号',
'order.tongzhidanzhaiyao': '通知单摘要',
'order.songhuoriqi': '送货日期',
'order.songhuoshijian': '送货时间',
'order.shouhuodizhi': '收货地址',
'order.shouhuoshijian': '收货时间',
'order.shouhuoriqi': '收货日期',
'order.tijiaosonghuotongzhidan': '提交送货通知单',
'order.querensonghuotongzhidan': '确认送货通知单',
'order.songhuojihua': '送货计划',
'order.zuichang600gezifu300ge': '最长600个字符,300个汉字',
'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaSRM': '新增送货计划(SRM)',
'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaB2B': '新增送货计划(B2B)',
'order.shengchengsonghuotongzhidan': '生成送货通知单',
'order.shengchengsonghuodan': '生成送货单',
'order.yishengchengsonghuotongzhidan': '已生成送货通知单',
'order.yishengchengsonghuodan': '已生成送货单',
'order.songhuoshuliangbunengdayu': '送货数量不能大于待送货数量',
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import React, { useRef, useEffect, useState, useMemo } from 'react';
import { useIntl } from 'umi'
import { useIntl, history } from 'umi'
import { PageHeaderWrapper } from '@ant-design/pro-layout'
import { Card, PageHeader, Descriptions, Button, DatePicker } from 'antd';
import NiceForm from '@/components/NiceForm';
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import useBalanceInfo from '../../hooks/useBalanceInfo';
import CustomizeColumn from '@/components/CustomizeColumn';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const RangePicker = DatePicker.RangePicker
const formActions = createFormActions();
......@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ const logisticsDetail: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'balance.accountsPayable.settlementList.logisticsDetail.title' }, { data: initialValue?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const RangePicker = DatePicker.RangePicker;
const formActions = createFormActions();
......@@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ const OrderDetail: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'balance.accountsPayable.settlementList.orderDetail.title' }, { data: infoDetail?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import CustomizeColumn from '@/components/CustomizeColumn';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const RangePicker = DatePicker.RangePicker;
const formActions = createFormActions();
......@@ -63,6 +64,8 @@ const ProductNoticeSettlementDetail: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'balance.accountsPayable.settlementList.productNoticeSettlementDetail.title' }, { data: initialValue?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import useBalanceInfo from '../../hooks/useBalanceInfo';
import CustomizeColumn from '@/components/CustomizeColumn';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const RangePicker = DatePicker.RangePicker;
const formActions = createFormActions();
......@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ const logisticsDetail: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'balance.accountsReceivable.settlementList.logisticsDetail.title' }, { data: initialValue?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const RangePicker = DatePicker.RangePicker;
const formActions = createFormActions();
......@@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ const OrderDetail: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'balance.accountsReceivable.settlementList.orderDetail.title' }, { data: infoDetail?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import {
import useInitialValue from '@/pages/member/common/hooks/useInitialValue';
import CustomizeColumn from '@/components/CustomizeColumn';
import useBalanceInfo from '../../hooks/useBalanceInfo';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const RangePicker = DatePicker.RangePicker;
const formActions = createFormActions();
......@@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ const ProductNoticeSettlementDetail: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'balance.accountsReceivable.settlementList.productNoticeSettlementDetail.title' }, { data: initialValue?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -686,6 +686,7 @@ const Add = () => {
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import useBalanceInfo from '../../hooks/useBalanceInfo';
import CustomizeColumn from '@/components/CustomizeColumn';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const formActions = createFormActions();
const columns = [
......@@ -138,6 +139,8 @@ const Info: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }, { data: initialValue?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import CustomizeColumn from '@/components/CustomizeColumn';
import { priceFormat } from '@/utils/numberFomat';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const intl = getIntl();
......@@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ const Info: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }, { data: initialValue?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/SettleV2Api';
import CustomizeColumn from '@/components/CustomizeColumn';
import ReutrnEle from '@/components/ReturnEle';
const formActions = createFormActions();
......@@ -87,6 +88,8 @@ const Info: React.FC = () => {
return (
title={intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }, { data: initialValue?.settlementNo })}
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
backIcon={<ReutrnEle />}
<div style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
<CustomizeColumn data={infoList} title="" column={3} />
......@@ -487,7 +487,8 @@ const PriceAttributeForm: React.FC<Iprops> = (props) => {
* @param record table行记录
const tableSelelctChange = (v, record) => {
let _row = { ...record, 对应货品: v }
console.log(v, record)
let _row = { ...record, 对应物料: v }
let newTabeData = [..._tableDataSource]
newTabeData[record[intl.formatMessage({ id: 'commodity.products.addProductsItem.priceAttributeForm.index' })]] = _row
_tableDataSource = newTabeData
......@@ -672,8 +672,13 @@ const Products: React.FC<{}> = () => {
} else {
const { memberId, memberRoleId } = getAuth() || {}
getTemplateWebMemberShopWebFindCurrMemberShop({ memberId, memberRoleId }).then(res => {
res.code === 1000 && postProductCommodityOffPublishCommodity({...params, storeId: res['data']['id'], storeName: res['data']['name'], storeLogo: res['data']['logo']}).then(() => {
getTemplateWebMemberShopWebFindCurrMemberShop({ memberId, memberRoleId }).then(({code, data}) => {
code === 1000 && postProductCommodityOffPublishCommodity({
storeId: data ? data['id'] : null,
storeName: data ? data['name'] : null,
storeLogo: data ? data['logo'] : null,
}).then(() => {
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const FormList = (props: any) => {
render: (_, item, index) => {
return (
style={{ width: 200 }}
style={{ width: 100 }}
......@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ const FormList = (props: any) => {
title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'contract.fukuanjieduan' }), dataIndex: 'payStage', align: 'left',
render: (_, item, index) => <TextArea maxLength={150} rows={1} onChange={(e) => onSelectChange(e, 'payStage', index)} />
render: (_, item, index) => <TextArea style={{width: 200}} maxLength={150} rows={1} onChange={(e) => onSelectChange(e, 'payStage', index)} />
title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'contract.yujifukuanshijian' }), dataIndex: 'expectPayTime', align: 'left',
render: (_, item, index) => <DatePicker
style={{ width: '100%' }}
style={{ width: 150 }}
onChange={(e) => onSelectChange(e, 'expectPayTime', index)}
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ const FormList = (props: any) => {
<div className={styles.flex}>
width: 150,
width: 50,
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ const FormList = (props: any) => {
<span>{intl.formatMessage({id: 'commodity.products.directChannel.columns.currency'})}</span>
width: 130,
width: 100,
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ const FormList = (props: any) => {
dataIndex: '',
align: 'left',
key: 'x',
render: (_, item, index) => <a onClick={() => Delete(item, index)}>{intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.shanchu'})}</a>,
render: (_, item, index) => <a style={{width: 80}} onClick={() => Delete(item, index)}>{intl.formatMessage({id: 'contract.shanchu'})}</a>,
......@@ -249,14 +249,16 @@ const FormList = (props: any) => {
return (
<div className="table">
<div style={{width: '100%', overflow: 'auto'}}>
width: "100%"
minWidth: 1200,
overflow: 'auto'
scroll={{ x: true }}
<div style={{ background: '#F4F5F7' }} onClick={() => addtable()} >
......@@ -689,10 +689,12 @@ export const paramsShop = (
if (pageConfig['13'].childNodes?.length) {
const _list = pageConfig['13'].childNodes;
for (const key in _list) {{
id: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id,
belongType: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.belongType,
if (pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id) {{
id: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id,
belongType: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.belongType,
......@@ -1319,10 +1321,12 @@ export const paramsShop = (
if (pageConfig['13'].childNodes?.length) {
const _list = pageConfig['13'].childNodes;
for (const key in _list) {{
id: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id,
belongType: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.belongType,
if (pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id) {{
id: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id,
belongType: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.belongType,
......@@ -1963,10 +1967,13 @@ export const paramsShop = (
if (pageConfig['13'].childNodes?.length) {
const _list = pageConfig['13'].childNodes;
for (const key in _list) {{
id: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id,
belongType: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.belongType,
if (pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id) {{
id: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.id,
belongType: pageConfig[_list[key]]?.props?.belongType,
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ export const blockedModalSchema: ISchema = {
'x-component': 'Textarea',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),
maxLength: 60,
rows: 5,
'x-rules': [
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ export const unfriendModalSchema: ISchema = {
'x-component': 'Textarea',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),
maxLength: 60,
rows: 5,
'x-rules': [
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ export const freezeSchema: ISchema = {
'x-component': 'Textarea',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),
maxLength: 60,
rows: 5,
'x-rules': [
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ export const unfriendModalSchema: ISchema = {
'x-component': 'Textarea',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),
maxLength: 60,
rows: 5,
'x-rules': [
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const FormilyCommodity: React.FC<Iprops> & { isFieldComponent: boolean } = (prop
const formatSearchParams = (params) => {
const idInList = typeof !== 'undefined' && ? { idInList: [] } : {}
const { id, categoryId, } = params;
const idNotInList = Array.from(new Set([productProps?.id].concat(disabledSaleRankingKeys).filter(Boolean)));
const idNotInList = Array.from(new Set([productProps?.id].concat(disabledSaleRankingKeys).filter(Boolean))).join(',');
const common = {
shopId: fixtureContext?.shopId.toString(),
customerCategoryId: categoryId || activeKey,
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import {
} from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api';
import moment from "moment";
import { } from '../../constants'
import { Deliverylimit } from '../../constants'
import { isNull } from "lodash";
import { RoleTypeEnum } from "../../constants/RoleTypeEnum";
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ export class ReceivingNoteAddService extends HandleFormSubmit {
handleBeforeFields(): boolean {
let b = this.getTableData().some((v) => Number(v.ConsigneeNum) < v.DeliveryNum)
if (b) {
return b;
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ export class DeliveryNoteAddService extends HandleFormSubmit {
return Number(v.deliveryCount) > Number(v.purchaseCount)
if (b) {
return b;
......@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ export class ReceiveOrderCreate extends DeliveryNoteAddService {
sendTime: moment(data.sendTime),
receiveTime: moment(data.receiveTime),
"executorVO.carNumbers": data.executorVO.carNumbers,
logisticsNo: data.logisticsNo,
export const ReceiptAddLabel = '新增收货单';
import { getIntl } from 'umi';
const intl = getIntl();
export const ReceiptAbstractLabel = '收货单摘要';
export const DeliveryAbstractLabel = '送货单摘要';
export const DeliveryAbstractNoLabel = '送货通知编号';
export const ReNoLabel = '收货单编号';
export const DeliveryPanleNoLabel = '送货计划编号'
export const SupplyMembersLabel = '供应会员';
export const NoteLabel = '备注';
// export const ReceiptAddLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'coupon.weishiyong', defaultMessage: '新增收货单'});
export const ConsigneeLabel = '收货人';
export const ConsigneeTimeLabel = '发货时间';
export const ConsigneePhoneLabel = '收货人电话';
export const ReceiptAddLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.xinzengshouhuodan',defaultMessage: '新增收货单'});
export const DeliveryOrderNoLabel = '送货订单号';
export const DeliveryNoLabel = '送货单编号';
export const DeliveryDateLabel = '发货日期';
export const DeliveryTimeLabel = '发货时间';
export const DeliveryAddrLabel = '送货地址';
export const DeliverySlefAddrLabel = '发货(自提)地址';
export const DeliveryNameLabel = '送货人';
export const DeliveryPhoneLabel = '送货人电话';
export const ReceiptAbstractLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shouhuodanzhaiyao',defaultMessage: '收货单摘要'});
export const DeliveryAbstractLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuodanzhaiyao',defaultMessage: '送货单摘要'});
export const DeliveryAbstractNoLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuotongzhibianhao',defaultMessage: '送货通知编号'});
export const ReNoLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shouhuodanbianhao',defaultMessage: '收货单编号'});
export const DeliveryPanleNoLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuojihuabianhao',defaultMessage: '送货计划编号'})
export const SupplyMembersLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.gongyinghuiyuan',defaultMessage: '供应会员'});
export const NoteLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.beizhu',defaultMessage: '备注'});
export const LogisticsCompanyLabel = '物流公司';
export const LogisticsCarNoLabel = '车牌号码';
export const LogisticsNoLabel = '物流单号';
export const PlanNumber = '计划编号';
export const SupplyMember = '供应会员';
export const PlanSummary = '计划摘要';
export const PlanningCycle = '计划周期';
export const ExternalState = '外部状态';
export const ConsigneeLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shouhuoren',defaultMessage: '收货人'});
export const ConsigneeTimeLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.fahuoshijian',defaultMessage: '发货时间'});
export const ConsigneePhoneLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shouhuorendianhua',defaultMessage: '收货人电话'});
export const BuyerLabel = '采购会员';
export const OutStatusLabel = '外部状态';
export const DeliveryOrderNoLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuodingdanhao',defaultMessage: '送货订单号'});
export const DeliveryNoLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuodanbianhao',defaultMessage: '送货单编号'});
export const DeliveryDateLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.fahuoriqi',defaultMessage: '发货日期'});
export const DeliveryTimeLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.fahuoshijian',defaultMessage: '发货时间'});
export const DeliveryAddrLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuodizhi',defaultMessage: '送货地址'});
export const DeliverySlefAddrLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.fahuozitidizhi',defaultMessage: '发货(自提)地址'});
export const DeliveryNameLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuoren',defaultMessage: '送货人'});
export const DeliveryPhoneLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuorendianhua',defaultMessage: '送货人电话'});
export const DeliveryTypeLabel = '配送方式';
export const LogisticsCompanyLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.wuliugongsi',defaultMessage: '物流公司'});
export const LogisticsCarNoLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.chepaihaoma',defaultMessage: '车牌号码'});
export const LogisticsNoLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.wuliudanhao',defaultMessage: '物流单号'});
export const Purchaser = '采购商';
export const SubmitDeliveryPlan = '提交送货计划';
export const PlanNumber = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.jihuabianhao',defaultMessage: '计划编号'});
export const SupplyMember = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.gongyinghuiyuan',defaultMessage: '供应会员'});
export const PlanSummary = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.jihuazhaiyao',defaultMessage: '计划摘要'});
export const PlanningCycle = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.jihuazhouqi',defaultMessage: '计划周期'});
export const ExternalState = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.waibuzhuangtai',defaultMessage: '外部状态'});
export const Supplier = '供应商';
export const ConfirmDeliveryPlan = '确认送货计划';
export const BuyerLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.caigouhuiyuan',defaultMessage: '采购会员'});
export const OutStatusLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.waibuzhuangtai',defaultMessage: '外部状态'});
export const OutStatusLogTitleLabel = '外部单据流转记录';
export const DeliveryTypeLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.peisongfangshi',defaultMessage: '配送方式'});
export const NoticeNo = '通知单编号';
export const NoticeSummary = '通知单摘要';
export const DeliveryDate = '送货日期';
export const DeliveryTime = '送货时间';
export const ReceivingAddress = '收货地址';
export const ReceivingTime = '收货时间';
export const ReceivingDate = '收货日期';
export const Purchaser = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.caigoushang',defaultMessage: '采购商'});
export const SubmitDeliveryPlan = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.tijiaosonghuojihua',defaultMessage: '提交送货计划'});
export const SubmitDeliveryNotice = '提交送货通知单';
export const ConfirmDeliveryNotice = '确认送货通知单';
export const Supplier = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.gongyingshang',defaultMessage: '供应商'});
export const ConfirmDeliveryPlan = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.querensonghuojihua',defaultMessage: '确认送货计划'});
export const DeliveryPlanText = '送货计划'
export const DeliveryPlanRemark = '最长600个字符,300个汉字'
export const OutStatusLogTitleLabel = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.waibudanjuliuzhuanjilu',defaultMessage: '外部单据流转记录'});
export const CreateDeliveryPlanTitleSRM = '新增送货计划(SRM)'
export const CreateDeliveryPlanTitleB2B = '新增送货计划(B2B)'
export const NoticeNo = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.tongzhidanbianhao',defaultMessage: '通知单编号'});
export const NoticeSummary = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.tongzhidanzhaiyao',defaultMessage: '通知单摘要'});
export const DeliveryDate = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuoriqi',defaultMessage: '送货日期'});
export const DeliveryTime = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuoshijian',defaultMessage: '送货时间'});
export const ReceivingAddress = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shouhuodizhi',defaultMessage: '收货地址'});
export const ReceivingTime = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shouhuoshijian',defaultMessage: '收货时间'});
export const ReceivingDate = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shouhuoriqi',defaultMessage: '收货日期'});
export const NoticeGenerated = '生成送货通知单'
export const DeliveryNoteGenerated = '生成送货单'
export const SubmitDeliveryNotice = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.tijiaosonghuotongzhidan',defaultMessage: '提交送货通知单'});
export const ConfirmDeliveryNotice = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.querensonghuotongzhidan',defaultMessage: '确认送货通知单'});
export const AlreadyNoticeGenerated = '已生成送货通知单'
export const AlreadyDeliveryNoteGenerated = '已生成送货单'
export const DeliveryPlanText = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuojihua',defaultMessage: '送货计划'})
export const DeliveryPlanRemark = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.zuichang600gezifu300ge',defaultMessage: '最长600个字符,300个汉字'})
export const CreateDeliveryPlanTitleSRM = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaSRM',defaultMessage: '新增送货计划(SRM)'})
export const CreateDeliveryPlanTitleB2B = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.xinzengsonghuojihuaB2B',defaultMessage: '新增送货计划(B2B)'})
export const NoticeGenerated = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shengchengsonghuotongzhidan',defaultMessage: '生成送货通知单'})
export const DeliveryNoteGenerated = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.shengchengsonghuodan',defaultMessage: '生成送货单'})
export const AlreadyNoticeGenerated = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.yishengchengsonghuotongzhidan',defaultMessage: '已生成送货通知单'})
export const AlreadyDeliveryNoteGenerated = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.yishengchengsonghuodan',defaultMessage: '已生成送货单'})
export const Deliverylimit = intl.formatMessage({id: 'order.songhuoshuliangbunengdayu',defaultMessage: '送货数量不能大于待送货数量'})
......@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ const DeliveryNoticeManageSRMDetails: React.FC = () => {
......@@ -196,7 +197,6 @@ const DeliveryNoticeManageSRMDetails: React.FC = () => {
<ContentBox title={} id={LogisticsInfo.key}>
......@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ export const receivingNoteQuerySchema: ISchema = {
className: 'useMegaStart'
properties: {
ctl: {
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'Children',
'x-component-props': {
children: '{{controllerBtns}}',
// ctl: {
// type: 'object',
// 'x-component': 'Children',
// 'x-component-props': {
// children: '{{controllerBtns}}',
// },
// },
receiveNo: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Search',
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ function DeliveryNoteAddForm() {
value: res?.logisticsCompanyId
console.log(target, 'targettargettargettarget')
id: id,
......@@ -164,12 +165,15 @@ function DeliveryNoteAddForm() {
label={ReceivingTime} name="receiveTime">
<DatePickerSelect disabled={true} className='w-full' />
<DatePickerSelect disabled={true} className="w-full" />
required: false,
message: '',
label={ConsigneeLabel} name="receiveVO.consignee">
<Input />
......@@ -186,7 +190,10 @@ function DeliveryNoteAddForm() {
required: false,
message: '',
label={ConsigneePhoneLabel} name="">
<Input />
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ const schema: ISchema = {
{ default: '拜访人' },
type: 'array',
required: true,
'x-component': 'VisitorMemberFieldItem',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: intl.formatMessage(
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ const LogisticsCompanyManageAdded = (props: any) => {
if (values.cooperateType === COOPERATE.PLATFORM) {
params.companyMemberId = values.companyMemberId;
params.companyRoleId = excludeList[0].roleId;
params.companyRoleId = values.companyRoleId || excludeList[0].roleId;
} else {
params.code = values.code
......@@ -199,16 +199,17 @@ const LogisticsCompanyManageAdded = (props: any) => {
connectMember: (
connectMember: path !== 'preview' ? (
<div onClick={() => toggle(true)}>
<LinkOutlined style={{ marginRight: 4 }} />
{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'logistics.xuanze' })}
) : null
effects={() => {
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ const MerchantCouponDetail: React.FC<IProps> = (props) => {
key: 'applicableMember',
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'merchantCoupon.suitMall' }),
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'merchantCoupon.suitUsers' }),
key: 'innerFlowRecords',
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ export interface IProps {
effect?: React.ReactNode,
/** 页面的组件 */
components?: React.ReactNode,
/** 隐藏中间单号标题中间的分隔符 */
hideBar?: boolean,
const PeripheralLayout: React.FC<IProps> = (props: any) => {
......@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ const PeripheralLayout: React.FC<IProps> = (props: any) => {
} = props;
const dataSource = useContext(Context)
......@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ const PeripheralLayout: React.FC<IProps> = (props: any) => {
<ArrowLeftOutlined className={style.goBack} onClick={() => history.goBack()} />
<span className={style.titleContext}>
{detail ? detail : dataSource.details}
{hideBar ? '' : ' | '}
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const Detail = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const _data = purchaseBiddingMessageSupplier?.data
if (purchaseBiddingMessageSupplier && !isEmpty(dataSource)) {
if (purchaseBiddingMessageSupplier && !isEmpty(dataSource) && == onlineId) {
const _obj = {
ranking: _data.ranking,
minLowPrice: _data.minPrice,
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ const PurchaseOrderDetail:React.FC<PurchaseOrderDetailProps> = () => {
// 校验配送区域范围
const { commodityAreaList, isAllArea } = value['products'][0]
const { provinceCode, cityCode, districtCode, streetCode } = value['deliveryAddresId']
if(!isAllArea && commodityAreaList.length > 0) {
if(!isAllArea && commodityAreaList?.length > 0) {
const ressult = commodityAreaList.some(item => {
if(item['provinceCode'] === provinceCode && item['isAllCity']) { // 省内配送
return true
......@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ const RadioNode = (props) => {
state.props.deliveryType =
// 如果他选择的客户自提 就让他恢复默认的输入框
const Address = form.getFieldState('deliveryAddressId')
const name = ? : Address.value.receiverName;
const addres = Address.value.fullAddress ? Address.value.fullAddress : Address.value.streetName + Address.value.address +;
if (Address.value) {
const name = ? : Address.value.receiverName;
const addres = Address.value.fullAddress ? Address.value.fullAddress : Address.value.streetName + Address.value.address +;
form.setFieldState('deliveryAddress', state => {
state.visible = true;
state.value = `${name} - ${addres}`
......@@ -167,22 +167,15 @@ export const MaterialTableCell: React.FC<MaterialTableCellProps> = ({
validator: validatorNumber
] : dataIndex === 'remark' ?
required: true,
message: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'purchaseRequisition.neirongbuneng1weikong', defaultMessage: '内容不能为空' }),
: [
pattern: /^\d+(\.\d{1,4})?$/,
message: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'purchaseRequisition.danjiajinxiansi', defaultMessage: '单价仅限四位小数' }),
validator: validatorNumber
] : [
pattern: /^\d+(\.\d{1,4})?$/,
message: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'purchaseRequisition.danjiajinxiansi', defaultMessage: '单价仅限四位小数' }),
validator: validatorNumber
{chooseFormItem(formItem, record[dataIndex] || '')}
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