Commit 7787fc7d authored by Bill's avatar Bill

fix: 结算优惠券添加实际支付时间

parent d4faf550
......@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ function useHandleSettlementList() {
{title: '总单数', dataIndex: 'totalCount'},
{title: '结算金额', dataIndex: 'amount', render: (text) => `¥${priceFormat(text)}`},
{title: '结算日期', dataIndex: 'settlementDate'},
{title: '预计付款日期', dataIndex: 'settlementDate1'},
{title: '实际支付时间', dataIndex: 'settlementDate2'},
{title: '预计付款日期', dataIndex: 'estimatedPaymentDate'},
{title: '实际支付时间', dataIndex: 'actualPaymentTime'},
{title: '支付方式', dataIndex: 'payWayName'},
title: '结算状态', dataIndex: 'status',
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