Commit fd7ad619 authored by 前端-钟卫鹏's avatar 前端-钟卫鹏

fix: 处理物流公司管理翻译异常

parent f7d588f6
......@@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ export default {
'logistics.fou': 'No',
'logistics.hezuoleixing': 'Type of cooperation',
'logistics.pingtaiwuliufuwushang': 'Platform logistics service provider',
'logistics.shanghuhezuowuliucompany': 'Merchant cooperative logistics company',
'logistics.shanghuhezuowuliugongsi': 'Merchant cooperative logistics company',
'logistics.qingxuanzehezuoleixing': 'Please select the type of cooperation',
'logistics.wuliucompanydaimaping': 'logistics company code/platform member ID',
'logistics.wuliucompanydaima': 'logistics company code',
'logistics.qingshuruwuliucompanydai': 'Please enter the logistics company code',
'logistics.wuliugongsidaimaping': 'logistics company code/platform member ID',
'logistics.wuliugongsidaima': 'logistics company code',
'logistics.qingshuruwuliugongsidai': 'Please enter the logistics company code',
'logistics.pingtaihuiyuanID': 'Platform member ID',
'logistics.qingxuanzepingtaihuiyuanID': 'Please select platform member ID',
'logistics.wuliucompanymingcheng': 'logistics company name',
'logistics.wuliugongsimingcheng': 'logistics company name',
'logistics.zuichang60gezifu30ge': 'The longest is 60 characters, 30 Chinese characters',
'logistics.qingshuruwuliucompanyming': 'Please enter the logistics company name',
'logistics.qingshuruwuliugongsiming': 'Please enter the logistics company name',
'logistics.beizhu': 'Remarks',
'logistics.huiyuanmingcheng': 'Member Name',
'logistics.xuanzehuiyuanjuese': 'Select member role',
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ const LogisticsCompanyManage = () => {
dataIndex: 'id',
title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'logistics.wuliugongsibianmaping' }),
title: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'logistics.wuliugongsidaima' }),
key: 'code',
dataIndex: 'code',
render: (text, data) => text ? text : data.companyMemberId
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