"merchantCoupon.VipIDGiveMountDaily":"The total claimable for each member ID must be greater than the daily claimable",
"merchantCoupon.giveCouponStartTimeValid":"The deadline for receiving (issuing) coupons should be less than the deadline for coupon validity",
"merchantCoupon.giveCouponStartTimeValidUpto":"The expiration time of the coupon validity period should be greater than the coupon receipt (issuance) deadline",
"merchantCoupon.giveCouponEveryID":"The number of coupons issued should be greater than or equal to the total number of receivables per member ID"
"merchantCoupon.giveCouponEveryID":"The number of coupons issued should be greater than or equal to the total number of receivables per member ID",
"merchantCoupon.components.couponRules.effectiveTimeEnd":"It expires {days} days after receipt",