Commit 8d0a47d0 authored by 前端-黄佳鑫's avatar 前端-黄佳鑫

fix: 修改营销活动翻译

parent 6983ef16
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ export default {
"selfManagement.seconds": "The start spike time must be less than the end spike time",
"selfManagement.secondGreater": "The end spike time must be greater than the start spike time",
"selfManagement.expiresActivitiesAccordingExtractingTrialSystemAutomaticallyApplicationExtractGenerate": "When the trial activity expires, the trial user time is extracted according to the setting, and the system automatically extracts trial users from the trial users and generates orders",
"selfManagement.extractingUserTimeTrial": "Extracting User Time Trial",
"selfManagement.extractingUserTimeTrial": "Trial user time",
"selfManagement.pleaseSelectExtract": "Please choose to extract trial user time",
"selfManagement.arrivalRequestSubmitsReportSystemRemindSubmitReport": "After the trial end time is reached, trial users are required to submit trial reports, and the system reminds trial users to submit trial reports",
"selfManagement.endOfTheTrialTime": "Trial end time",
......@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ export default {
"selfManagement.transfiniteIndividualPurchaseQuantityBeyondOriginal": "The over-limit rule means that when the personal purchase limit is exceeded, the excess can be set to purchase at the original price or set to be non-purchasable",
"selfManagement.transfiniteRules": "TransfiniteRules",
"selfManagement.negotiateMaximumAmountBargainingAmountAccordingAmountFixedRandomAmountAmountWithinRandomAmount": "The maximum amount that can be bargained each time a user helps bargain. A fixed amount means that the amount to be chopped each time is fixed, and the random amount means that the amount to be chopped each time is a random amount within the setting range" ,
"selfManagement.amountBargaining": "Amount of bargaining each time",
"selfManagement.amountBargaining": "Cut-off Amount",
"selfManagement.negotiateMaximumDegree": "The maximum number of times each user helps bargain",
"selfManagement.userLimitNumberOf": "User Limit Number of Times",
"selfManagement.userLimitNumberOf": "Limit Times",
"selfManagement.requirementsCloudsAchieveNumberPeopleGroup-buyingDemandCloudsNumberNumber": "The number of people required to form a group must be reached. If only the number of people participating in the group purchase meets the group number setting requirements, the group purchase will be established",
"selfManagement.theNumberOfClusters": "Number of Clusters",
"selfManagement.cloudsOfTime": "Group Time",
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ export default {
"selfManagement.tuxedoTuxedoGroup-buyingActivitiesWhetherGroup-buyingActivitiesEffectivelyWithoutLimitingUnlimitedRequiredNumberDefault": "User participation restriction means whether users who have joined the group in this group purchase activity can participate in other valid group purchase activities. Unrestricted means that they can participate without restriction. The number of times required to fill in the restriction is 1 by default. ",
"selfManagement.userTuxedoLimit": "User TuxedoLimit",
"selfManagement.secondsSecondBargainSecondsRestoreOriginal": "Set the daily spike-kill time period during the activity period. During the spike-time period, you can purchase at the second-bargain price. If not during the second-kill time period, restore the original price to purchase",
"selfManagement.dailySecondsToKillTime": "Daily Second Kill Time Period",
"selfManagement.dailySecondsToKillTime": "Second Kill Time",
"selfManagement.theDepositPaymentTime": "Deposit Payment Time",
"selfManagement.balancePaymentPaymentTime": "Final Payment Payment Time",
"selfManagement.activityDescription": "Activity Description",
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ export default {
"": "Yes",
"": "No",
"selfManagement.sureYouWantToSubmit?": "Are you sure you want to submit?",
"selfManagement.yuan": "",
"selfManagement.yuan": "yuan",
"selfManagement.thereIsNo": "No",
"selfManagement.pleaseSelectThePrizeSet!": "Please select the prize setting!",
"selfManagement.amountGreaterDecimalPlaces": "The amount must be greater than 0 and keep at most 2 decimal places",
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ const ProductLayout: React.FC<ProductLayoutProps> = (props: any) => {
return Promise.reject(new Error(remind.message[4]));
if (!pattern.test(value) && remind.label[2] !== '元') {
return Promise.reject(new Error(remind.label[1] + `${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'selfManagement.bixudayu0zuiduobaoliu3wei'})}`));
return Promise.reject(new Error(remind.label[1] + `${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'selfManagement.bixudayu0zuiduobaoliu3wei'})}`)); activityPage.yuan
if (!pattern1.test(value) && remind.label[2] === '元') {
return Promise.reject(new Error(remind.label[1] + `${intl.formatMessage({ id: 'marketingAbility.bixudayu0zuiduobaoliu2weixiaoshu'})}`));
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