"systemSetting.priceLineCommodity":"Enable the display of commodity price curves. When the mouse is moved to the price column, the historical price changes of commodities of the current specification will be displayed.",
"systemSetting.autoReceiveOrder":"Enable automatic confirmation of receipt. When the receipt is not confirmed after the delivery exceeds the number of days after receipt, the system defaults to receipt.",
"systemSetting.forcastTimeOrder":"Enable delivery appointment time. You can make an appointment to place an order and deliver goods within the appointment time (days).",
"systemSetting.expressTimeOrder":"Enable delivery time period. You can choose the time within the delivery time period."
\ No newline at end of file
"systemSetting.expressTimeOrder":"Enable delivery time period. You can choose the time within the delivery time period.",
// 优惠券
'coupon.meiyongshiyongshangchengxinxi':'No applicable mall information, unable to jump',