Commit dad7b92e authored by Gavin Peng's avatar Gavin Peng

fix: 修复禅道bug

parent 27514902
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import { Button } from "antd";
import { HarvestMaterialDelete, HarvestMaterialInput } from "../assets/context";
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, CommodityIdColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, DeliveryNumColumn, FlowNoteColumn, FlowOnColumn, FlowOptionsColumn, FlowOptionsTimeColumn, FlowRoleColumn, FlowStatusColumn, MaterialModelColumn, MaterialNameColumn, MaterialNoColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TradeNameColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from "./table-column";
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, CommodityIdColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, DeliveryNumColumn, FlowNoteColumn, FlowOnColumn, FlowOptionsColumn, FlowOptionsTimeColumn, FlowRoleColumn, FlowStatusColumn, MaterialModelColumn, MaterialNameColumn, MaterialNoColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TradeNameColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn, CommodityNoColumn } from "./table-column";
export const DeliveryNoteAddFromTableColumn: any = [
......@@ -125,3 +125,43 @@ export const DeliveryGoodsTableColumn: any = [
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount' },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount' },
// 送货计划管理,协同 B2B通用 column
export const columnB2B = [
{ ...CommodityNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TradeNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
// 送货计划管理,协同 SRM通用 column
export const columnSRM = [
{ ...MaterialNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...MaterialNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...MaterialModelColumn, dataIndex: 'spec', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
// 送货计划管理,协同 SRM,B2B 嵌套表格通用 column - 不带地址
export const initExpandIconColumn = [
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 90, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export const deliveryPlanCollaborationQuerySchema: ISchema = {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: '供应会员'
placeholder: '采购会员'
submit: {
......@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ import AnchorPage, { AnchorsItem } from '@/components/AnchorPage'
import { history } from 'umi'
import { Circulation, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, BaseInfo as base_Info, Supplier, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, Remarks, PlannedDelivery, DeliveryPlanText, DeliveryPlanRemark, CreateDeliveryPlanTitleB2B } from '../../constants'
import { Button, DatePicker, Form, Input, InputNumber, message, Space, Spin, Steps, Table } from 'antd'
import { SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined, SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { afterToday, convertArrToObj, disabledDate, getDayAll, limitDecimalsF, limitDecimalsP } from '../../utils'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, CommodityNoColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TradeNameColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { RoleSelect } from '@/components/RoleSelect'
import { getMemberManageSupplyMember } from '@/services/MemberV2Api'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanOrderProductPage, postOrderDeliveryPlanB2bCreate } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
import { columnB2B, initExpandIconColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
const formItemLayout = {
labelCol: { span: 3 },
......@@ -27,28 +27,6 @@ const ROLE_TYPE = '1'
// 1:b2b,2:srm
const ORDER_TYPE = '1'
const initGoodsTableColumn = [
{ ...CommodityNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...TradeNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const initExpandIconColumn = [
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 150, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 86, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 86, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 86, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 86, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 96, },
const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm()
const datesRef = useRef<any>(null)
......@@ -58,19 +36,21 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
// 锚点标题
const [iAnchors, setIAnchors] = useState<AnchorsItem[]>([
// Circulation,
// 动态 TableColumn
const [goodsTableColumn, setGoodsTableColumn] = useState<any>(initGoodsTableColumn)
const [goodsTableColumn, setGoodsTableColumn] = useState<any>(columnB2B)
// 动态 expandIconColumn
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record, index) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
return <div>
<Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
// 选中 开始时间,结束时间
......@@ -127,7 +107,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
const inputChange = (val: any, text: any, record: any) => {
let { day } = text
let dataArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(goodsTableDataRef.current))
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.skuId === record.skuId)
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.planProductId === record.planProductId)
let childIndex = dataArr[index].orders.findIndex(f => f.orderProductId === record.orderProductId)
dataArr[index].orders[childIndex][`$${day}`].planCount = val
goodsTableDataRef.current = dataArr
......@@ -161,7 +141,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
setGoodsTableColumn([...initGoodsTableColumn, ...datesColumn])
setGoodsTableColumn([...columnB2B, ...datesColumn])
setExpandIconColumn([...initExpandIconColumn, ...datesExpandIconColumn])
} else {
// 清空
......@@ -169,7 +149,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
goodsTableDataRef.current = null
......@@ -189,7 +169,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
roleType: ROLE_TYPE,
orderType: ORDER_TYPE,
current: '1',
pageSize: '100'
pageSize: '999'
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const assemble = => {
......@@ -234,13 +214,13 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-0' title={} id={Circulation.key} cols={1}>
{/* <BaseInfo className='mt-0' title={} id={Circulation.key} cols={1}>
<Steps progressDot current={0}>
<Steps.Step title={Purchaser} description={SubmitDeliveryPlan} />
<Steps.Step title={Supplier} description={ConfirmDeliveryPlan} />
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={base_Info.key}>
</BaseInfo> */}
<BaseInfo className='mt-0' title={} id={base_Info.key}>
......@@ -280,19 +260,27 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BCreate: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={PlannedDelivery.key} cols={1}>
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
expanded ? (
<CaretDownOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
) : (
<CaretRightOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
scroll={{ x: '100%' }}
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={<>{} <span style={{ color: 'red' }}>*</span></>} id={Remarks.key} cols={1}>
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={Remarks.key} cols={1}>
{ required: true, message: '请输入' }
{ required: false, message: '请输入' }
<Input.TextArea rows={4} maxLength={300} placeholder={DeliveryPlanRemark} />
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import { history } from 'umi'
import { Circulation, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, BaseInfo as base_Info, Supplier, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, ExternalState, Remarks, ExternalRoamRecord, PlannedDelivery, PlanNumber } from '../../constants'
import { Steps, Table, Tag } from 'antd'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import { ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { columnB2B, ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn, initExpandIconColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { getDayAll, godAtob, integrationArrToObj, integrationOjb, TagStatus } from '../../utils'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, CommodityNoColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TradeNameColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanDeliveryHistory, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetail, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetailProductPage } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
import moment from 'moment'
import CustomizedTableItem from '../../components/CustomizedTableItem'
import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
const tagStatus = new TagStatus()
const statusTxt = new Map([[1, '待提交'], [2, '待确认'], [3, '待修订'], [4, '已确认'], [5, '已删除']])
......@@ -35,32 +35,14 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BDetails: React.FC = () => {
// 动态 TableColumn
const [goodsTableColumn, setGoodsTableColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...CommodityNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...TradeNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const [goodsTableColumn, setGoodsTableColumn] = useState<any>(columnB2B)
// 动态 expandIconColumn
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 200, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 160, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 128, },
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record, index) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
return <div>
<Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
// 详情
......@@ -91,7 +73,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BDetails: React.FC = () => {
current: '1',
pageSize: '10'
pageSize: '999'
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const assemble = => {
......@@ -136,7 +118,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BDetails: React.FC = () => {
return (<>
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
......@@ -164,12 +146,20 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BDetails: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={PlannedDelivery.key} cols={1}>
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
expanded ? (
<CaretDownOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
) : (
<CaretRightOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
scroll={{ x: 2022 }}
scroll={{ x: '100%' }}
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={ExternalRoamRecord.key} cols={1}>
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementAwaitB2B: React.FC = () => {
const buttonGroup = {
'提交': record.status <= 1,
'修改': record.status >= 1,
'修改':record.status === 1 || record.status === 3,
'删除': record.status <= 1,
'查看': true,
......@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ export const deliveryPlanManagementAwaitB2BSchema: ISchema = {
properties: {
digest: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '计划摘要',
'[startTime, endTime]': {
type: 'daterange',
'x-component-props': {
......@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ import AnchorPage, { AnchorsItem } from '@/components/AnchorPage'
import { history } from 'umi'
import { Circulation, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, BaseInfo as base_Info, Supplier, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, Remarks, PlannedDelivery, DeliveryPlanRemark, ExternalRoamRecord, ExternalState } from '../../constants'
import { Button, Form, Input, InputNumber, message, Space, Spin, Steps, Table, Tag } from 'antd'
import { SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined, SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { afterToday, getDayAll, godAtob, integrationArrToObj, integrationOjb, limitDecimalsF, limitDecimalsP, TagStatus } from '../../utils'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, CommodityNoColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TradeNameColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanDeliveryHistory, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetail, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetailProductPage, postOrderDeliveryPlanUpdate } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
import moment from 'moment'
import { ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { columnB2B, ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn, initExpandIconColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
const formItemLayout = {
labelCol: { span: 6 },
......@@ -44,29 +43,9 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BUpdate: React.FC = () => {
// 动态 TableColumn
const [goodsTableColumn, setGoodsTableColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...CommodityNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...TradeNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const [goodsTableColumn, setGoodsTableColumn] = useState<any>(columnB2B)
// 动态 expandIconColumn
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 150, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 86, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 86, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 86, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 86, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 96, },
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record, index) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
......@@ -82,7 +61,6 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BUpdate: React.FC = () => {
// 保存
const save = () => {
form.validateFields().then(values => {
console.log('values :>> ', values)
if (_.isEmpty(goodsTableDataRef.current)) {
......@@ -112,7 +90,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BUpdate: React.FC = () => {
const inputChange = (val: any, text: any, record: any) => {
let { day } = text
let dataArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(goodsTableDataRef.current))
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.skuId === record.skuId)
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.planProductId === record.planProductId)
let childIndex = dataArr[index].orders.findIndex(f => f.orderProductId === record.orderProductId)
dataArr[index].orders[childIndex][`$${day}`].planCount = val
goodsTableDataRef.current = dataArr
......@@ -151,7 +129,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BUpdate: React.FC = () => {
current: '1',
pageSize: '10'
pageSize: '999'
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const assemble = => {
......@@ -246,9 +224,17 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitB2BUpdate: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={PlannedDelivery.key} cols={1}>
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
expanded ? (
<CaretDownOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
) : (
<CaretRightOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
scroll={{ x: 2022 }}
......@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { history } from 'umi'
import AnchorPage, { AnchorsItem } from '@/components/AnchorPage'
import { BaseInfo as base_Info, Remarks, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, ExternalState, ExternalDeliveryPlanCirculation, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, Supplier, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, PlanMaterial, DeliveryPlanText, DeliveryPlanRemark, CreateDeliveryPlanTitleSRM } from '../../constants'
import { BaseInfo as base_Info, Remarks, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, Supplier, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, PlanMaterial, DeliveryPlanText, DeliveryPlanRemark, CreateDeliveryPlanTitleSRM, Circulation } from '../../constants'
import { Button, DatePicker, Form, Input, InputNumber, message, Space, Spin, Steps, Table } from 'antd'
import { SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined, SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { afterToday, convertArrToObj, disabledDate, getDayAll, limitDecimalsF, limitDecimalsP } from '../../utils'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, MaterialModelColumn, MaterialNameColumn, MaterialNoColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { RoleSelect } from '@/components/RoleSelect'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanOrderProductPage, postOrderDeliveryPlanSrmCreate } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
import { getMemberManageLowerMerchantProviderPage } from '@/services/MemberV2Api'
import { columnSRM, initExpandIconColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
const formItemLayout = {
labelCol: { span: 3 },
......@@ -27,29 +27,6 @@ const ROLE_TYPE = '1'
// 1:b2b,2:srm
const ORDER_TYPE = '2'
const initMaterialTableColumn = [
{ ...MaterialNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...MaterialNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...MaterialModelColumn, dataIndex: 'spec', width: 128, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const initExpandIconColumn = [
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 150, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 86, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 86, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 86, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 86, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 96, },
const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm()
const datesRef = useRef<any>(null)
......@@ -58,19 +35,21 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
const [spinning, setSpinning] = useState<boolean>(false)
const [iAnchors, setIAnchors] = useState<AnchorsItem[]>([
// Circulation,
// 动态 TableColumn
const [materialTableColumn, setMaterialTableColumn] = useState<any>(initMaterialTableColumn)
const [materialTableColumn, setMaterialTableColumn] = useState<any>(columnSRM)
// 动态 expandIconColumn
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
return <div>
<Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
......@@ -129,7 +108,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
const inputChange = (val: any, text: any, record: any) => {
let { day } = text
let dataArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(materialTableDataRef.current))
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.skuId === record.skuId)
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.planProductId === record.planProductId)
let childIndex = dataArr[index].orders.findIndex(f => f.orderProductId === record.orderProductId)
dataArr[index].orders[childIndex][`$${day}`].planCount = val
materialTableDataRef.current = dataArr
......@@ -163,7 +142,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
setMaterialTableColumn([...initMaterialTableColumn, ...datesColumn])
setMaterialTableColumn([...columnSRM, ...datesColumn])
setExpandIconColumn([...initExpandIconColumn, ...datesExpandIconColumn])
} else {
// 清空
......@@ -171,7 +150,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
materialTableDataRef.current = null
......@@ -191,7 +170,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
roleType: ROLE_TYPE,
orderType: ORDER_TYPE,
current: '1',
pageSize: '110'
pageSize: '999'
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const assemble = => {
......@@ -236,13 +215,13 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-0' title={} id={ExternalDeliveryPlanCirculation.key} cols={1}>
{/* <BaseInfo className='mt-0' title={} id={Circulation.key} cols={1}>
<Steps progressDot current={0}>
<Steps.Step title={Purchaser} description={SubmitDeliveryPlan} />
<Steps.Step title={Supplier} description={ConfirmDeliveryPlan} />
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={base_Info.key}>
</BaseInfo> */}
<BaseInfo className='mt-0' title={} id={base_Info.key}>
......@@ -273,7 +252,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
{ required: true, message: '请选择' }
{ required: false, message: '请选择' }
<Input />
......@@ -282,19 +261,27 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMCreate: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={PlanMaterial.key} cols={1}>
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
expanded ? (
<CaretDownOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
) : (
<CaretRightOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
scroll={{ x: 2022 }}
scroll={{ x: '100%' }}
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={<>{} <span style={{ color: 'red' }}>*</span></>} id={Remarks.key} cols={1}>
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={Remarks.key} cols={1}>
{ required: true, message: '请输入' }
{ required: false, message: '请输入' }
<Input.TextArea rows={4} maxLength={300} placeholder={DeliveryPlanRemark} />
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import AnchorPage, { AnchorsItem } from '@/components/AnchorPage'
import { BaseInfo as base_Info, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, ExternalRoamRecord, Circulation, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, Supplier, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, PlannedDelivery, ExternalState, PlanNumber } from '../../constants'
import { Steps, Table, Tag } from 'antd'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import { ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { columnSRM, ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn, initExpandIconColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { getDayAll, godAtob, integrationArrToObj, integrationOjb, TagStatus } from '../../utils'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, MaterialModelColumn, MaterialNameColumn, MaterialNoColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanDeliveryHistory, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetail, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetailProductPage } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
import moment from 'moment'
import CustomizedTableItem from '../../components/CustomizedTableItem'
import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
const tagStatus = new TagStatus()
const statusTxt = new Map([[1, '待提交'], [2, '待确认'], [3, '待修订'], [4, '已确认'], [5, '已删除']])
......@@ -31,33 +31,14 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMDetails: React.FC = () => {
// 动态 TableColumn
const [materialTableColumn, setMaterialTableColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...MaterialNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...MaterialNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...MaterialModelColumn, dataIndex: 'spec', width: 128, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const [materialTableColumn, setMaterialTableColumn] = useState<any>(columnSRM)
// 动态 expandIconColumn
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 150, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 86, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 86, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 86, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 86, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 96, },
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record, index) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
return <div>
<Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
......@@ -89,7 +70,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMDetails: React.FC = () => {
current: '1',
pageSize: '10'
pageSize: '999'
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const assemble = => {
......@@ -133,7 +114,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMDetails: React.FC = () => {
return (
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
......@@ -161,12 +142,20 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMDetails: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={PlannedDelivery.key} cols={1}>
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
expanded ? (
<CaretDownOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
) : (
<CaretRightOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
scroll={{ x: 2022 }}
scroll={{ x: '100%' }}
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={ExternalRoamRecord.key} cols={1}>
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementAwaitSRM: React.FC = () => {
const buttonGroup = {
'提交': record.status <= 1,
'修改': record.status >= 1,
'修改': record.status === 1 || record.status === 3,
'删除': record.status <= 1,
'查看': true,
......@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ import { history } from 'umi'
import AnchorPage, { AnchorsItem } from '@/components/AnchorPage'
import { BaseInfo as base_Info, Remarks, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, ExternalRoamRecord, ExternalState, Circulation, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, Supplier, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, PlannedDelivery, DeliveryPlanRemark } from '../../constants'
import { Button, Form, Input, InputNumber, message, Space, Spin, Steps, Table, Tag } from 'antd'
import { SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined, SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import { ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { columnSRM, ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn, initExpandIconColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { afterToday, getDayAll, godAtob, integrationArrToObj, integrationOjb, limitDecimalsF, limitDecimalsP, TagStatus } from '../../utils'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, MaterialModelColumn, MaterialNameColumn, MaterialNoColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanDeliveryHistory, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetail, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetailProductPage, postOrderDeliveryPlanUpdate } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
import moment from 'moment'
......@@ -43,33 +42,14 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMUpdate: React.FC = () => {
// 动态 TableColumn
const [materialTableColumn, setMaterialTableColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...MaterialNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...MaterialNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...MaterialModelColumn, dataIndex: 'spec', width: 128, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const [materialTableColumn, setMaterialTableColumn] = useState<any>(columnSRM)
// 动态 expandIconColumn
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 150, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 86, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 86, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 86, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 86, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 96, },
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
return <div>
<Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
// 详情
......@@ -112,7 +92,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMUpdate: React.FC = () => {
const inputChange = (val: any, text: any, record: any) => {
let { day } = text
let dataArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(materialTableDataRef.current))
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.skuId === record.skuId)
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.planProductId === record.planProductId)
let childIndex = dataArr[index].orders.findIndex(f => f.orderProductId === record.orderProductId)
dataArr[index].orders[childIndex][`$${day}`].planCount = val
materialTableDataRef.current = dataArr
......@@ -151,7 +131,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMUpdate: React.FC = () => {
current: '1',
pageSize: '10'
pageSize: '999'
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const assemble = => {
......@@ -201,7 +181,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMUpdate: React.FC = () => {
return (
<Spin spinning={spinning}>
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
......@@ -245,19 +225,27 @@ const DeliveryPlanAwaitSRMUpdate: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={PlannedDelivery.key} cols={1}>
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
expanded ? (
<CaretDownOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
) : (
<CaretRightOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
scroll={{ x: 2022 }}
scroll={{ x: '100%' }}
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={Remarks.key} cols={1}>
{ required: true, message: '请输入' }
{ required: false, message: '请输入' }
<Input.TextArea rows={4} maxLength={300} placeholder={DeliveryPlanRemark} />
......@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import { Steps, Table, Tag } from 'antd'
import AnchorPage, { AnchorsItem } from "@/components/AnchorPage"
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import { BaseInfo as base_Info, Circulation, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, ExternalRoamRecord, ExternalState, PlanMaterial, PlannedDelivery, PlanningCycle, PlanNumber, PlanSummary, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, Supplier, SupplyMember, SupplyMembersLabel, } from '../../constants'
import { ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, CommodityNoColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, MaterialModelColumn, MaterialNameColumn, MaterialNoColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderNumColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TradeNameColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { columnB2B, columnSRM, initExpandIconColumn, ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { getDayAll, godAtob, integrationArrToObj, integrationOjb, TagStatus } from '../../utils'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanDeliveryHistory, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetail, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetailProductPage } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
import CustomizedTableItem from '../../components/CustomizedTableItem'
......@@ -20,32 +19,6 @@ import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
const intl = getIntl();
const columnB2B = [
{ ...CommodityNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TradeNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
const columnSRM = [
{ ...MaterialNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...MaterialNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...MaterialModelColumn, dataIndex: 'spec', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
const tagStatus = new TagStatus()
const statusTxt = new Map([[1, '待提交'], [2, '待确认'], [3, '待修订'], [4, '已确认'], [5, '已删除']])
......@@ -65,18 +38,11 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementDetails: React.FC = () => {
const [tableColumn, setTableColumn] = useState<any>([])
// 动态 expandIconColumn
// const dynamicWidth = deliveryPlanType === '1' ? 214 : 342
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 160, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 96, ellipsis: true, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 128, ellipsis: true, },
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} />
return <div>
<Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" scroll={{ x: '100%' }} />
// 详情
......@@ -181,7 +147,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementDetails: React.FC = () => {
{/* B2B 显示计划送货物料,SRM显示计划送货商品 */}
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
......@@ -9,39 +9,13 @@ import moment from 'moment'
import AnchorPage, { AnchorsItem } from '@/components/AnchorPage'
import { BaseInfo as base_Info, Remarks, PlanningCycle, SupplyMembersLabel, PlanSummary, ExternalRoamRecord, ExternalState, Circulation, Purchaser, SubmitDeliveryPlan, Supplier, ConfirmDeliveryPlan, PlannedDelivery, DeliveryPlanRemark, PlanNumber } from '../../constants'
import { Button, Form, Input, InputNumber, message, Space, Spin, Steps, Table, Tag } from 'antd'
import { SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { CaretDownOutlined, CaretRightOutlined, SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import BaseInfo from '@/components/BaseInfo/BaseInfo'
import { ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { columnB2B, columnSRM, initExpandIconColumn, ExternalRoamRecordTableColumn } from '../../constants/page-table-column'
import { afterToday, getDayAll, godAtob, integrationArrToObj, integrationOjb, limitDecimalsF, limitDecimalsP, TagStatus } from '../../utils'
import { BrandColumn, ClassColumn, ConsigneeNumColumn, DeliveredNumColumn, MaterialModelColumn, MaterialNameColumn, MaterialNoColumn, OrderCreatedAtColumn, OrderNoColumn, OrderSummaryColumn, OrderNumColumn, PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, TransitNumColumn, UntilColumn, CommodityNoColumn, TradeNameColumn } from '../../constants/table-column'
import { getOrderDeliveryPlanDeliveryHistory, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetail, getOrderDeliveryPlanDetailProductPage, postOrderDeliveryPlanUpdate } from '@/services/OrderNewV2Api'
const columnB2B = [
{ ...CommodityNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...TradeNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const columnSRM = [
{ ...MaterialNoColumn, dataIndex: 'skuId', width: 80, },
{ ...MaterialNameColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 192, },
{ ...MaterialModelColumn, dataIndex: 'productName', width: 128, },
{ ...ClassColumn, dataIndex: 'category', width: 96, },
{ ...BrandColumn, dataIndex: 'brand', width: 96, },
{ ...UntilColumn, dataIndex: 'unit', width: 64, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCountSum', width: 96, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCountSum', width: 128, },
const formItemLayout = {
labelCol: { span: 6 },
wrapperCol: { span: 16 }
......@@ -72,16 +46,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementUpdate: React.FC = () => {
// 动态 TableColumn
const [tableColumn, setTableColumn] = useState<any>([])
// 动态 expandIconColumn
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>([
{ ...OrderNoColumn, dataIndex: 'orderNo', width: 80, },
{ ...OrderSummaryColumn, dataIndex: 'orderDigest', width: 150, },
{ ...OrderCreatedAtColumn, dataIndex: 'createTime', width: 120, },
{ ...OrderNumColumn, dataIndex: 'purchaseCount', width: 86, },
{ ...ConsigneeNumColumn, dataIndex: 'receiveCount', width: 86, },
{ ...TransitNumColumn, dataIndex: 'transitCount', width: 86, },
{ ...DeliveredNumColumn, dataIndex: 'leftCount', width: 86, },
{ ...PlannedDeliveryNumColumn, dataIndex: 'planCount', width: 96, },
const [expandIconColumn, setExpandIconColumn] = useState<any>(initExpandIconColumn)
const expandedRowRender = (record: any) => {
return <Table rowKey={'orderProductId'} columns={expandIconColumn} dataSource={record.orders} pagination={false} tableLayout="fixed" />
......@@ -126,7 +91,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementUpdate: React.FC = () => {
const inputChange = (val: any, text: any, record: any) => {
let { day } = text
let dataArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tableDataRef.current))
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.skuId === record.skuId)
let index = dataArr.findIndex(f => f.planProductId === record.planProductId)
let childIndex = dataArr[index].orders.findIndex(f => f.orderProductId === record.orderProductId)
dataArr[index].orders[childIndex][`$${day}`].planCount = val
tableDataRef.current = dataArr
......@@ -166,7 +131,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementUpdate: React.FC = () => {
current: '1',
pageSize: '10'
pageSize: '999'
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const assemble = => {
......@@ -216,7 +181,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementUpdate: React.FC = () => {
return (
<Spin spinning={spinning}>
onBack={() => history.goBack()}
......@@ -263,9 +228,17 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementUpdate: React.FC = () => {
<BaseInfo className='mt-16' title={} id={PlannedDelivery.key} cols={1}>
// defaultExpandAllRows
expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) =>
expanded ? (
<CaretDownOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
) : (
<CaretRightOutlined onClick={e => onExpand(record, e)} />
scroll={{ x: '100%' }}
......@@ -275,7 +248,7 @@ const DeliveryPlanManagementUpdate: React.FC = () => {
{ required: true, message: '请输入' }
{ required: false, message: '请输入' }
<Input.TextArea rows={4} maxLength={300} placeholder={DeliveryPlanRemark} />
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