Commit 93444a6e authored by GuanHua's avatar GuanHua


parent 3a11a641
import React from 'react'
import { Card, Tabs } from 'antd'
import { Card, Tabs, Table } from 'antd'
import EyePreview from '@/components/EyePreview'
import styles from '../index.less'
interface taskItemType {
......@@ -18,11 +19,82 @@ const { TabPane } = Tabs
const ReplaceDetail: React.FC<ReplaceDetailPropsType> = (props) => {
const { } = props
const columns = [
title: '订单号',
dataIndex: 'applyNo',
key: 'applyNo',
render: (text, record) => {
// 查看订单, 需根据状态显示不同schema
return <EyePreview url={`/`}>
ellipsis: true,
title: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'operator',
ellipsis: true,
title: '商品名称',
dataIndex: 'status',
ellipsis: true,
title: '品类',
dataIndex: 'operate',
ellipsis: true,
title: '品牌',
dataIndex: 'operateTime',
ellipsis: true,
title: '单位',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '换货数量',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '已换货发货',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '未换货发货',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '已换货收货',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '差异数量',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
return (
<Card className={styles.card_wrap}>
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" >
<TabPane tab="换货收货统计" key="1">
dataSource={[{}, {}]}
rowClassName={(_, index) => (index === 0 || (index % 2) === 0) && "tb_bg"}
<TabPane tab="换货收货明细" key="2">
import React from 'react'
import { Card } from 'antd'
import { Card, Table } from 'antd'
import EyePreview from '@/components/EyePreview'
import styles from '../index.less'
interface taskItemType {
......@@ -16,10 +17,87 @@ interface ReplaceGoodsPropsType {
const ReplaceGoods: React.FC<ReplaceGoodsPropsType> = (props) => {
const { } = props
const columns = [
title: '订单号',
dataIndex: 'applyNo',
key: 'applyNo',
render: (text, record) => {
// 查看订单, 需根据状态显示不同schema
return <EyePreview url={`/`}>
ellipsis: true,
title: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'operator',
ellipsis: true,
title: '商品名称',
dataIndex: 'status',
ellipsis: true,
title: '品类',
dataIndex: 'operate',
ellipsis: true,
title: '品牌',
dataIndex: 'operateTime',
ellipsis: true,
title: '单位',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '采购数量',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '采购单价',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '采购金额',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '换货数量',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '换货原因',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '是否退货',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
return (
<Card className={styles.card_wrap}>
<div className={styles.card_title}>换货商品</div>
dataSource={[{}, {}]}
rowClassName={(_, index) => (index === 0 || (index % 2) === 0) && "tb_bg"}
import React from 'react'
import { Descriptions } from 'antd'
import cx from 'classnames'
import styles from './index.less'
interface ReturnDetailedPropsType { }
const ReturnDetailed: React.FC<ReturnDetailedPropsType> = (props) => {
return (
<div className={styles.detailed_wrap}>
<div className={styles.batch_list}>
<div className={cx(styles.batch_list_item,}>第一批次</div>
<div className={styles.batch_list_item}>第二批次</div>
<div className={styles.batch_list_item}>第三批次</div>
<div className={styles.detail_description_wrap}>
<div className={styles.detail_description_item}></div>
<div className={styles.detail_description_item}></div>
<div className={styles.detail_description_item}></div>
export default ReturnDetailed
.detailed_wrap {
.batch_list {
display: flex;
&_item {
width: 88px;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
text-align: center;
color: #606266;
border: 1px solid #DCDFE6;
cursor: pointer;
&.active {
background-color: #6B778C;
color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #6B778C;
.detail_description {
margin-top: 24px;
background: #F7F8FA;
\ No newline at end of file
import React from 'react'
import { Card, Tabs } from 'antd'
import { Card, Tabs, Table } from 'antd'
import EyePreview from '@/components/EyePreview'
import ReturnDetailed from './detailed'
import styles from '../index.less'
interface taskItemType {
......@@ -18,14 +20,85 @@ const { TabPane } = Tabs
const ReturnGoods: React.FC<ReturnGoodsPropsType> = (props) => {
const { } = props
const columns = [
title: '订单号',
dataIndex: 'applyNo',
key: 'applyNo',
render: (text, record) => {
// 查看订单, 需根据状态显示不同schema
return <EyePreview url={`/`}>
ellipsis: true,
title: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'operator',
ellipsis: true,
title: '商品名称',
dataIndex: 'status',
ellipsis: true,
title: '品类',
dataIndex: 'operate',
ellipsis: true,
title: '品牌',
dataIndex: 'operateTime',
ellipsis: true,
title: '单位',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '换货数量',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '已退货发货',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '未退货发货',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '已退货收货',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
title: '差异数量',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
return (
<Card className={styles.card_wrap}>
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" >
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="2" >
<TabPane tab="退货发货统计" key="1">
dataSource={[{}, {}]}
rowClassName={(_, index) => (index === 0 || (index % 2) === 0) && "tb_bg"}
<TabPane tab="退货发货明细" key="2">
<ReturnDetailed />
import React from 'react'
import { Table } from 'antd'
import { Table, Tabs, } from 'antd'
import styles from '../../../../common/styles.less'
const { TabPane } = Tabs
interface TaskLogPropsType {
dataSource: []
......@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ interface TaskLogPropsType {
const TaskLog: React.FC<TaskLogPropsType> = (props) => {
const { dataSource } = props
const columns = [
const innerColumns = [
title: '序号',
dataIndex: 'step',
......@@ -53,15 +54,61 @@ const TaskLog: React.FC<TaskLogPropsType> = (props) => {
const outerColumns = [
title: '序号',
dataIndex: 'step',
ellipsis: true,
title: '操作角色',
dataIndex: 'operator',
ellipsis: true,
title: '状态',
dataIndex: 'status',
ellipsis: true,
title: '操作',
dataIndex: 'operate',
ellipsis: true,
title: '操作时间',
dataIndex: 'operateTime',
ellipsis: true,
title: '审核意见',
dataIndex: 'opinion',
ellipsis: true,
return (
rowClassName={(_, index) => (index === 0 || (index % 2) === 0) && "tb_bg"}
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" type="card">
<TabPane tab="外部流转" key="1">
rowClassName={(_, index) => (index === 0 || (index % 2) === 0) && "tb_bg"}
<TabPane tab="内部流转" key="2">
rowClassName={(_, index) => (index === 0 || (index % 2) === 0) && "tb_bg"}
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