Commit 63fe498f authored by Gavin Peng's avatar Gavin Peng

feat: 订单能力 - 送货计划管理-待提交送货B2B对接完善

parent ebb26556
......@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ export const ReceivingAddress = '收货地址';
export const SubmitDeliveryNotice = '提交送货通知单';
export const ConfirmDeliveryNotice = '确认送货通知单';
export const DeliveryPlanText = '送货计划'
export const DeliveryPlanRemark = '最长600个字符,300个汉字'
// 公共组装类工具
* 数组转对象 默认赋值 0 (示例:['$04-01','$04-02'] = { '$04-01': {}, '$04-02': {} })
* @param arr
* @returns
const convertArrtoObj = (arr) => {
return arr.reduce((obj,currVal) => {
[currVal]: { day: currVal.substr(1), planCount: 0, createNotice: false, createDelivery: false }
}, {})
export {
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// 公共日期类工具
const getDayAll = (starDay: string, endDay: string) => {
let arr = []
let dates = []
......@@ -24,10 +26,10 @@ const getDayAll = (starDay: string, endDay: string) => {
let day = time.getDate() >= 10 ? time.getDate() : '0' + time.getDate()
// year + '-' +
// let YYMMDD = year + '-' + mouth + '-' + day
let MMDD = mouth + '-' + day
let MMDD = '$' + mouth + '-' + day
// dates.pop()
return dates
// deliveryPlanManagement - deliveryPlanAwaitB2B - details copy.ts 测试使用,上线前需要删除
......@@ -65,5 +67,5 @@ const getDayAll2 = (starDay: string, endDay: string) => {
export {
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './status'
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './status'
export * from './date'
export * from './assemblyTools'
\ No newline at end of file
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