Commit 2b9b2be2 authored by Bill's avatar Bill

fix: 修改新增加工

parent d4ebbe8f
......@@ -88,10 +88,12 @@ const schema: ISchema = {
processNum: {
type: 'string',
title: '加工数量',
required: true
processUnitPrice: {
title: "单价",
type: 'string'
type: 'string',
required: true
isHasTax: {
title: "是否含税",
This diff is collapsed.
export type EnterpriceType = {
name: string,
memberId: number | string,
roleId: number | string
export type FileType = {
name: string,
url: string,
export type submitDataType = {
/** 物流地址id, 显示用,不提交 */
receivefullAddress: number,
receiveAddress: string
receiveUserName: string
receiveUserTel: string
receiverAddressId: number
deliveryDate: string,
/**配送方式 */
deliveryType: 1 | 2 | number & {},
/* 加工企业id */
processMemberId: number,
processName: string
processRoleId: number,
/** 来源 1 加工订单, 2 加工商品 */
source: 1 | 2 | number & {},
/** 通知单摘要 */
summary: string,
orderList?: {
/** 品牌 */
brand: string,
category: string
/** skuid */
commodityId: number,
/** 附件 */
enclosure: FileType[],
/** 订单商品,即下单的商品 唯一id */
id: string,
/** 是否是 */
isHasTax: 0 | 1 | number | {},
/** 是否含税、税率,显示用 */
isHasTaxAndTaxRate: string,
/** 商品图片 */
mainPic: string,
/** 商品名 */
name: string,
/** 订单id, 跟上面id 不一样 */
orderId: number,
orderNo: string,
/** 加工数量 */
processNum: string,
/** 加工总价 = 加工数量 * 加工单价 */
processTotalPrice: string,
/** 加工单价 */
processUnitPrice: string,
/** 采购数量 或者叫订单数量 */
purchaseCount: number
/** 采购数量 跟 单位,只做显示用 */
purchaseCountAndUnit: string,
/** skuid, 这里跟commodityId yizhi */
skuid: number
/** 加工剩余数量 */
surplusAndProcessNum: number,
/** 税率 */
taxRate: string,
/** 单位 */
unitName: string,
/** 商品属性 */
productProps: {
name: string,
value: string,
/** 加工商品 */
productList: {
brand: string,
category: string,
/** 商品id */
commodityId: number,
enclosure: FileType[],
isHasTax: 0 | 1 | number & {}
isHasTaxAndTaxRate: string,
mainPic: string,
name: string,
processNum: string,
processTotalPrice: string,
processUnitPrice: string,
productProps: {
name: string,
value: string,
/** skuid */
skuid: number,
taxRate: string,
unitName: string,
/** 其他说明 */
otherDesc: string,
/** 包装说明 */
packingDesc: string,
/** 付款说明 */
payDesc: string,
/** 税费说明 */
taxDesc: string,
/** 交付说明 */
deliveryDesc: string,
/** 物资说明 */
materialDesc: string,
enclosure: FileType[]
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