Commit 187de903 authored by 前端-钟卫鹏's avatar 前端-钟卫鹏

fix: 取消编辑商品禁用产品定价,最小起订限制大于0

parent f5d7e7f1
......@@ -690,6 +690,11 @@ const PriceAttributeForm: React.FC<Iprops> = (props) => {
message: '请输入最小起订数'
type: 'number',
min: 0.001,
message: '请输入大于0的数值',
pattern: /^\d+(\.\d{1,3})?$/,
message: '最小起订数小数点后仅限三位',
......@@ -714,7 +719,8 @@ const PriceAttributeForm: React.FC<Iprops> = (props) => {
// initialValue={planPrice}
history.location.query?.id ? <Radio.Group onChange={handlePlanPriceChange} disabled={!productInfoByEdit.isUpdateAttribute}>
// disabled={!productInfoByEdit.isUpdateAttribute}
history.location.query?.id ? <Radio.Group onChange={handlePlanPriceChange}>
<Radio value={1}>现货价格</Radio>
<Radio value={2}>价格需要询价</Radio>
<Radio value={3}>积分兑换商品</Radio>
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