'marketingAbility.qingshuruhuodongxiangouzongshuliang':'Please enter the total purchase limit of the activity',
'marketingAbility.bixudayu0qiedayugerenxiangoushuliang':'Must be greater than 0 and greater than the personal purchase limit',
'marketingAbility.shifoushanchu?':'Do you want to delete?',
'marketingAbility.zhekoubixudayu0qiexiaoyu100zuiduobaoliu3weixiaoshu':'The discount must be greater than 0 and less than 100, with a maximum of 3 as a decimal',
'marketingAbility.zhekoubixudayu0qiexiaoyu100zuiduobaoliu3weixiaoshu':'The discount must be greater than 0 and less than 100, with a maximum of 1 as a decimal',