Commit 2d28ba59 authored by GuanHua's avatar GuanHua


parent 5698db1b
import BASE_CONFIG from '../base.config.json'
import { MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG } from '../config'
import { checkUrl } from '../utils'
const shopInfo = BASE_CONFIG.web.shopInfo
let webChannelInfo = shopInfo.filter(item => item.environment === 1 && item.type === 3)[0] // 渠道商城
let webChannelPointInfo = shopInfo.filter(item => item.environment === 1 && item.type === 5)[0] // 渠道积分商城
const checkUrl = (url, defaultUrl) => {
if (url) {
if (url.indexOf('/') > -1) {
return url
} else {
return `/${url}`
} else {
return defaultUrl
const defaultChannelRoute = '/channelmall' // 默认渠道商城根路径
const defaultIChannelPointRoute = '/pointsMall' // 默认渠道积分商城路径
const rootRoute = MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webChannelInfo.url, defaultChannelRoute) : defaultChannelRoute
const pointMallRoute = MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webChannelPointInfo.url, defaultIChannelPointRoute) : defaultIChannelPointRoute
const rootRoute = process.env.USE_ROUTE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webChannelInfo.url, defaultChannelRoute) : defaultChannelRoute
const pointMallRoute = process.env.USE_ROUTE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webChannelPointInfo.url, defaultIChannelPointRoute) : defaultIChannelPointRoute
const ChannelRoute = {
path: rootRoute,
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import routes from './router'
import proxy from './proxy'
import theme from './lingxi.theme.config'
export const MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG = process.env.USE_ROUTE_CONFIG || true // 是否使用pass平台配置的商城子域名
const OPEN_THEME_BUILD = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? true : false // 是否开启动态主题
const config: any = {
import shopRoute from '../shopRoutes'
import channelRoute from '../channelRoutes'
import ichannelRoute from '../selfchannelRoutes'
import { MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG } from '../config'
import BASE_CONFIG from '../base.config.json'
import { checkUrl } from '../utils'
const shopInfo = BASE_CONFIG.web.shopInfo
// let webMallInfo = shopInfo.filter(item => item.environment === 1 && item.type === 1)[0] // 企业商城
let webPointMallInfo = shopInfo.filter(item => item.environment === 1 && item.type === 2)[0] // 积分商城
const defaultPointMallRoute = '/pointsMall' // 积分商城默认路径
const pointMallRoute = MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG ? webPointMallInfo.url || defaultPointMallRoute : defaultPointMallRoute
const pointMallRoute = process.env.USE_ROUTE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webPointMallInfo.url, defaultPointMallRoute) : defaultPointMallRoute
console.log(process.env.USE_ROUTE_CONFIG, checkUrl(webPointMallInfo.url, defaultPointMallRoute), pointMallRoute, "pointMallRoute")
const mallRoute = {
path: '/',
import BASE_CONFIG from '../base.config.json'
import { MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG } from '../config'
import { checkUrl } from '../utils'
const shopInfo = BASE_CONFIG.web.shopInfo
let webIChannelInfo = shopInfo.filter(item => item.environment === 1 && item.type === 4)[0] // 渠道自有商城
let webChannelPointInfo = shopInfo.filter(item => item.environment === 1 && item.type === 5)[0] // 渠道积分商城
const checkUrl = (url, defaultUrl) => {
if (url) {
if (url.indexOf('/') > -1) {
return url
} else {
return `/${url}`
} else {
return defaultUrl
const defaultIChannelRoute = '/ichannelmall' // 默认渠道商城根路径
const defaultIChannelPointRoute = '/pointsMall' // 默认渠道积分商城路径
const rootRoute = MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webIChannelInfo.url, defaultIChannelRoute) : defaultIChannelRoute
const pointMallRoute = MALL_ROUTE_USE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webChannelPointInfo.url, defaultIChannelPointRoute) : defaultIChannelPointRoute
const rootRoute = process.env.USE_ROUTE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webIChannelInfo.url, defaultIChannelRoute) : defaultIChannelRoute
const pointMallRoute = process.env.USE_ROUTE_CONFIG ? checkUrl(webChannelPointInfo.url, defaultIChannelPointRoute) : defaultIChannelPointRoute
const selfChannelRoute = {
path: rootRoute,
export const checkUrl = (url, defaultUrl) => {
if (url && typeof url === 'string') {
if (url.indexOf('/') > -1) {
return url.trim()
} else {
return `/${url}`.trim()
} else {
return defaultUrl
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ interface newRootObject extends RootObject {
ichannelRootRoute: string;
const checkUrl = (url, defaultUrl) => {
if (url) {
export const checkUrl = (url, defaultUrl) => {
if (url && typeof url === 'string') {
if (url.indexOf('/') > -1) {
return url
return url.trim()
} else {
return `/${url}`
return `/${url}`.trim()
} else {
return defaultUrl
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