Commit 2a2a4728 authored by GuanHua's avatar GuanHua

feat: 修改商品收藏列表接口,和店铺APP装修开发

parent e6bb5ed2
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import React, { useState, useRef, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react';
import { history } from 'umi';
import { Drawer, Button, Radio, message, Space, Typography } from 'antd';
import { PlayCircleOutlined, PoweroffOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { StandardTable } from 'god';
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api';
import { formatTimeString } from '@/utils'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const';
import { useStateFilterSearchLinkageEffect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useFilterSearch';
import Search from '@/components/NiceForm/components/Search';
import DateRangePickerUnix from '@/components/NiceForm/components/DateRangePickerUnix'
import Submit from '@/components/NiceForm/components/Submit'
import StatusTag from '@/components/StatusTag'
import * as tableSchemas from './schema';
const options = [
{ label: '平台', value: 1 },
{ label: '商家', value: 2 },
interface ActivityDrawerProps {
visible: boolean,
onClose: () => void,
onConfirm?: (record) => void,
selectId?: string,
activityType?: 1 | 2, // 类型: 1.平台 2.商家
const ActivityDrawer: React.FC<ActivityDrawerProps> = (props: ActivityDrawerProps) => {
const { visible, onClose, onConfirm, selectId, activityType = 2 } = props;
const { query: { shopId, environment } }: any = history.location
const [type, setType] = useState(activityType);
const [selectedRowKeys, setSelectedRowKeys] = useState<any>(selectId ? [selectId] : []);
const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState<any>([]);
const ref = useRef<any>({});
const _schema = useMemo(() => {
return tableSchemas[`ActivitySchema${type}`]
}, [type])
useEffect(() => {
setSelectedRowKeys(selectId ? [selectId] : []);
}, [selectId])
const columns = [
title: '活动信息',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
render: (text: any, record: any) => (
<Space direction='horizontal' style={{ width: 300 }}>
<img src={record.templatePicUrl} style={{ width: 40, height: 40, borderRadius: 4 }} />
<Space direction='vertical' style={{ width: 300 }}>
<Typography.Text type='secondary'>ID:{}</Typography.Text>
title: '类型',
dataIndex: 'templateName',
key: 'templateName'
title: '有效期',
dataIndex: 'startTime',
key: 'startTime',
render: (_: any, record: any) => <>
<div><PlayCircleOutlined />&nbsp;{formatTimeString(record.startTime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}</div>
<div><PoweroffOutlined />&nbsp;{formatTimeString(record.endTime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}</div>
title: '所属',
dataIndex: 'memberName',
key: 'memberName',
render: (text: any, record: any) => (
<Space direction='vertical'>
<StatusTag title={record.type === 1 ? '平台' : '商家'} type={record.type === 1 ? 'success' : 'primary'} />
{record.type === 2 && <Typography.Text type='secondary'>{text}</Typography.Text>}
const _onConfirm = () => {
if (selectedRows.length > 0) {
} else {
const _onRadioChange = (e: any) => {
const fetchTableData = async (params: any) => {
const _params = { ...params, environment, type, shopId }
const { data } = await PublicApi.getTemplateWebActivityPageListAdorn(_params);
return data;
const rowSelection: any = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
type: 'radio'
const drawerStyle = { background: '#FAFBFC' };
return (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'right', }}>
<Button onClick={onClose} style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>取消</Button>
<Button onClick={_onConfirm} type="primary">确定</Button>
fetchTableData={params => fetchTableData(params)}
justify: 'space-between'
ctx: {
inline: false,
schema: _schema,
effects: ($, actions) => {
components: { ModalSearch: Search, DateRangePickerUnix, Submit },
layouts: {
order: 1,
span: 16
children: (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>
layouts: {
order: 2,
span: 8
export default ActivityDrawer;
import { ISchema } from '@formily/antd';
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const';
export const ActivitySchema1: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'ModalSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
allowClear: true,
align: 'flex-start',
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'flex-layout',
'x-component-props': {
rowStyle: {
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
colStyle: {
marginRight: 20,
properties: {
'[startTime,endTime]': {
type: 'array',
'x-component': 'DateRangePickerUnix',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: ['开始时间','结束时间'],
allowClear: true,
sumbit: {
'x-component': 'Submit',
'x-mega-props': {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
export const ActivitySchema2: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'ModalSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
allowClear: true,
align: 'flex-start',
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'flex-layout',
'x-component-props': {
rowStyle: {
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
colStyle: {
marginRight: 20,
properties: {
memberName: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '商家名称',
allowClear: true,
'[startTime,endTime]': {
type: 'array',
'x-component': 'DateRangePickerUnix',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: ['开始时间','结束时间'],
allowClear: true,
sumbit: {
'x-component': 'Submit',
'x-mega-props': {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api';
// 高级筛选schema中用于输入搜索品牌的Effect
export const searchBrandOptionEffect = (
shopId: any,
context: any,
fieldName: string,
) => {
context.getFieldState(fieldName, state => {
current: '1',
pageSize: '100',
name: state.props['x-component-props'].searchValue,
}).then(res => {
context.setFieldState(fieldName, state => {
state.props['x-component-props'].dataoption = => {
return { label:, value: };
// 高级筛选schema中用于输入搜索商品品类的Effect
export const searchCustomerCategoryOptionEffect = (
shopId: any,
context: any,
fieldName: string,
) => {
context.getFieldState(fieldName, state => {
}).then(res => {
// PublicApi.getProductPlatformGetCategoryTree().then(res => {
context.setFieldState(fieldName, state => {
state.props['x-component-props'].dataoption = => {
return { title:, id: };
.commodityName {
flex: 1;
color: #252D37;
font-size: 14px;
overflow: hidden; // 超出的文本隐藏
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: -webkit-box; // 将对象作为弹性伸缩盒子模型显示。
-webkit-box-orient: vertical; //从上到下垂直排列子元素(设置伸缩盒子的子元素排列方式)
-webkit-line-clamp: 2; // 结合上面两个属性,表示显示的行数。
margin-left: 10px;
.priceInfo {
font-size: 14px;
color: #D32F2F;
.unit {
color: #909399;
font-size: 12px;
.table {
:global {
// .ant-table-thead {
// tr {
// th {
// background-color: transparent;
// }
// }
// }
.ant-table-tbody {
tr {
td.ant-table-row-expand-icon-cell {
display: none;
.ant-table-expanded-row {
.ant-table-cell {
background-color: #fff;
.defaultTag {
display: inline-block;
padding: 0 8px;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 400;
color: #5C626A;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 4px;
border: 1px solid #EDEEEF;
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { history } from 'umi';
import { Drawer, Button, message, Space, Table, Tooltip } from 'antd';
import { FormEffectHooks } from '@formily/antd'
import { StandardTable } from 'god';
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api';
import { formatTimeString } from '@/utils'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const';
import { useStateFilterSearchLinkageEffect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useFilterSearch';
import Search from '@/components/NiceForm/components/Search';
import DateRangePickerUnix from '@/components/NiceForm/components/DateRangePickerUnix'
import Submit from '@/components/NiceForm/components/Submit'
import StatusTag from '@/components/StatusTag'
import CustomInputSearch from '@/components/NiceForm/components/CustomInputSearch'
import CustomCategorySearch from '@/components/NiceForm/components/CustomCategorySearch'
import ActivityImage from '@/assets/couponIcons/ActivityImage.svg';
import styles from './index.less';
import CommoditySchema from './schema';
import { searchBrandOptionEffect, searchCustomerCategoryOptionEffect } from './effect'
interface CommodityDrawerProps {
visible: boolean,
onClose: () => void,
onConfirm?: (record) => void,
selectId?: string | number[],
filterParam?: any,
selectType?: 'radio' | 'checkbox'
const _returnCategoryList = (list: any, obj: any) => { && list.unshift(;
if (obj.category) {
_returnCategoryList(list, obj.category);
const CommodityDrawer: React.FC<CommodityDrawerProps> = (props: CommodityDrawerProps) => {
const { visible, onClose, onConfirm, selectId, filterParam, selectType = 'radio' } = props;
const { query: { shopId } }: any = history.location
const [selectedRowKeys, setSelectedRowKeys] = useState<any>(selectId ? [selectId] : []);
const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState<any>([]);
const [expandedRowKeys, setExpandedRowKeys] = useState<any>([]);
const ref = useRef<any>({});
useEffect(() => {
setSelectedRowKeys(selectId ? [selectId] : []);
}, [selectId])
const expandedRowRender = (record: any) => {
return (
{record?.activityList?.map((item, index) => {
return (
<div key={index} style={{ marginBottom: 8 }}>
<Space direction='horizontal'>
<img src={ActivityImage} style={{ width: 24, height: 24, borderRadius: 4 }} />
<div className={styles['defaultTag']}>{item?.type}</div>
<StatusTag title={item?.belongType === 1 ? '平台活动' : '商家活动'} type={item?.belongType === 1 ? 'primary' : 'success'} />
const columns = [
title: '商品信息',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
render: (text: any, record: any) => (
<Space direction='horizontal' style={{ width: 300 }}>
<img src={record.mainPic} style={{ width: 64, height: 64, borderRadius: 4 }} />
<Tooltip title={}>
<div className={styles.commodityName}>{}</div>
title: '品类',
dataIndex: 'customerCategory',
render: (_, _record) => {
let _list = [];
_returnCategoryList(_list, _record?.customerCategory);
return (
<Space direction='horizontal'>
{_list?.map((item) => <StatusTag title={item} type="default" />)}
title: '品牌',
dataIndex: 'brand',
render: (_, _record) => <span>{_record?.brand?.name}</span>
title: '价格',
dataIndex: 'unitName',
render: (_text, _record) => {
return (
<div className={styles.priceInfo}>
<span className={styles.unit}>({_record.unitName})</span>
title: '商家名称',
dataIndex: 'memberName',
const _onConfirm = () => {
if (selectedRows.length > 0) {
if (selectType === 'radio') {
} else {
} else {
const fetchTableData = async (params: any) => {
const _params = {
if (selectId) {
_params.idNotInList = Array.isArray(selectId) ? selectId : [selectId]
const { data } = await PublicApi.getMarketingAdornGoodsListAdorn(_params);
setExpandedRowKeys(data?.data?.map((item) => || []);
return data;
const rowSelection: any = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
type: selectType
const drawerStyle = { background: '#FAFBFC' };
return (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'right', }}>
<Button onClick={onClose} style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>取消</Button>
<Button onClick={_onConfirm} type="primary">确定</Button>
fetchTableData={params => fetchTableData(params)}
tableProps={{ expandable: { expandedRowRender, expandedRowKeys, indentSize: 0, defaultExpandAllRows: true },className: styles['table'] }}
justify: 'space-between'
ctx: {
inline: false,
schema: CommoditySchema,
effects: ($, actions) => {
FormEffectHooks.onFieldChange$('brandId').subscribe(state => {
searchBrandOptionEffect(shopId, actions, 'brandId')
FormEffectHooks.onFieldChange$('categoryId').subscribe(state => {
searchCustomerCategoryOptionEffect(shopId, actions, 'categoryId')
components: { ModalSearch: Search, DateRangePickerUnix, Submit, CustomInputSearch, CustomCategorySearch },
export default CommodityDrawer;
import { ISchema } from '@formily/antd';
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const';
const CommoditySchema: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'ModalSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
allowClear: true,
align: 'flex-start',
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'flex-layout',
'x-component-props': {
rowStyle: {
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
colStyle: {
marginRight: 20,
properties: {
id: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '商品ID',
allowClear: true,
memberName: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '商家名称',
allowClear: true,
brandId: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'CustomInputSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '品牌',
showSearch: true,
showArrow: true,
defaultActiveFirstOption: false,
filterOption: false,
notFoundContent: null,
style: { width: '174px' },
searchValue: null,
dataoption: [],
categoryId: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'CustomCategorySearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '品类',
showSearch: true,
notFoundContent: null,
style: { width: '174px' },
dataoption: [],
fieldNames: { label: 'title', value: 'id', children: 'children' },
'[publishStartTime,publishEndTime]': {
type: 'array',
'x-component': 'DateRangePickerUnix',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: ['开始时间','结束时间'],
allowClear: true,
sumbit: {
'x-component': 'Submit',
'x-mega-props': {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
export default CommoditySchema
import React, { useState, useRef, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react';
import { history } from 'umi';
import { Drawer, Button, Radio, message, Space, Typography } from 'antd';
import { PlayCircleOutlined, PoweroffOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { StandardTable } from 'god';
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api';
import { formatTimeString } from '@/utils'
import { priceFormat } from '@/utils/numberFomat'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const';
import { useStateFilterSearchLinkageEffect } from '@/formSchema/effects/useFilterSearch';
import Search from '@/components/NiceForm/components/Search';
import Submit from '@/components/NiceForm/components/Submit'
import StatusTag from '@/components/StatusTag'
import CouponPlatformIcon from '@/pages/pageCustomized/icons/coupon_platform.png';
import CouponShopIcon from '@/pages/pageCustomized/icons/coupon_shop.png';
import * as tableSchemas from './schema';
const options = [
{ label: '平台', value: 1 },
{ label: '商家', value: 2 },
interface CouponsDrawerProps {
visible: boolean,
onClose: () => void,
onConfirm?: (record) => void,
selectId?: number,
// 1平台,2商家
belongType?: 1 | 2
const CouponsDrawer: React.FC<CouponsDrawerProps> = (props: CouponsDrawerProps) => {
const { visible, onClose, onConfirm, selectId, belongType } = props;
const { query: { shopId } }: any = history.location
const [type, setType] = useState(belongType || 1);
const [selectedRowKeys, setSelectedRowKeys] = useState<any>(selectId ? [selectId] : []);
const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState<any>([]);
const ref = useRef<any>({});
const _schema = useMemo(() => {
return tableSchemas[`CouponSchema${type}`]
}, [type])
useEffect(() => {
setSelectedRowKeys(selectId ? [selectId] : []);
}, [selectId])
// useEffect(() => {
// ref?.current?.reload();
// }, [type, ref?.current])
const columns = [
title: '优惠券信息',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
render: (text: any, record: any) => (
<Space direction='horizontal' style={{ width: 300 }}>
<img src={record.type === 1 ? CouponPlatformIcon : CouponShopIcon} style={{ width: 40, height: 40, borderRadius: 4 }} />
<Space direction='vertical' style={{ width: 300 }}>
<Typography.Text type='secondary'>ID:{}</Typography.Text>
title: '类型',
dataIndex: 'typeName',
key: 'typeName'
title: '领劵方式',
dataIndex: 'getWayName',
key: 'getWayName'
title: '面额',
dataIndex: 'denomination',
key: 'denomination',
render: (text: any) => (
<span style={{ color: '#D32F2F' }}>¥ {priceFormat(text)}</span>
title: '使用条件',
dataIndex: 'useConditionMoney',
key: 'useConditionMoney',
render: (text: any) => (
`满 ${text} 元使用`
title: '有效期',
dataIndex: 'releaseTimeEnd',
key: 'releaseTimeEnd',
render: (_: any, record: any) => <>
<div><PlayCircleOutlined />&nbsp;{formatTimeString(record.releaseTimeStart, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}</div>
<div><PoweroffOutlined />&nbsp;{formatTimeString(record.releaseTimeEnd, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}</div>
title: '所属',
dataIndex: 'belongName',
key: 'belongName',
render: (text: any, record: any) => (
<Space direction='vertical'>
<StatusTag title={record.belongType === 1 ? '平台' : '商家'} type={record.belongType === 1 ? 'success' : 'primary'} />
{record.belongType === 2 && <Typography.Text type='secondary'>{text}</Typography.Text>}
const _onConfirm = () => {
if (selectedRows.length > 0) {
onConfirm?.({ ...selectedRows[0] });
} else {
const _onRadioChange = (e: any) => {
const fetchTableData = async (params: any) => {
const _params = { ...params, shopId };
let _fetch: any;
switch (type) {
case 1:
_fetch = PublicApi.getMarketingCouponPlatformActivityPageSelectPage
case 2:
_fetch = PublicApi.getMarketingCouponPlatformActivityPageSelectMerchantPage
const { data } = await _fetch(_params);
return data;
const rowSelection: any = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
type: 'radio'
const drawerStyle = { background: '#FAFBFC' };
return (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'right', }}>
<Button onClick={onClose} style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>取消</Button>
<Button onClick={_onConfirm} type="primary">确定</Button>
fetchTableData={params => fetchTableData(params)}
justify: 'space-between'
ctx: {
inline: false,
schema: _schema,
effects: ($, actions) => {
components: { ModalSearch: Search, Submit },
layouts: {
order: 1,
span: 16
children: (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>
layouts: {
order: 2,
span: 8
export default CouponsDrawer;
import { ISchema } from '@formily/antd';
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const';
export const CouponSchema1: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'ModalSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
allowClear: true,
align: 'flex-start',
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'flex-layout',
'x-component-props': {
rowStyle: {
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
colStyle: {
marginRight: 20,
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '优惠劵名称',
allowClear: true,
sumbit: {
'x-component': 'Submit',
'x-mega-props': {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
export const CouponSchema2: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'ModalSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
allowClear: true,
align: 'flex-start',
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'flex-layout',
'x-component-props': {
rowStyle: {
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
colStyle: {
marginRight: 20,
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '优惠劵名称',
allowClear: true,
memberName: {
type: 'string',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '商家名称',
allowClear: true,
sumbit: {
'x-component': 'Submit',
'x-mega-props': {
span: 1,
'x-component-props': {
children: '查询',
.shopName {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
&-top {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
color: #252D37;
font-size: 14px;
&-tag {
margin-left: 20px;
display: inline-block;
background: #FFF0F2;
border-radius: 2px;
font-size: 12px;
color: #EF3346;
padding: 2px 4px;
&-bottom {
color: #909399;
font-size: 12px;
.info {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
&-title {
flex: 1;
font-size: 14px;
color: #252D37;
&-bottom {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
font-size: 12px;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
&-tag {
display: inline-block;
padding: 2px 4px;
border-radius: 2;
background-color: #EBF9F6;
color: #00A98F;
&-time {
flex: 1;
color: #909399;
text-align: right;
import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
import { Drawer, Input, Table, Button, Row, Col, message } from 'antd';
import { SearchOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import moment from 'moment';
import { priceFormat } from '@/utils/numberFomat';
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api';
import styles from './index.less';
interface MixDrawerProps {
visible: boolean,
// 1商城,3积分商品,4店铺,5资讯, 6品牌,
type: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6,
shopId?: number,
// 1.B端 2.C端 3.SRM
property: 1 | 2 | 3,
onConfirm: (record: any) => void,
onClose?: () => void,
selectId?: string | number[],
selectType?: 'radio' | 'checkbox',
filterParam?: any,
const Environment_MAPS = {
1: 'web',
2: 'H5',
3: '小程序',
4: 'APP'
const Property_MAPS = {
1: 'B端商城',
2: 'C端商城',
3: 'SRM商城',
const Title_MAPS = {
1: '选择商城',
3: '选择积分商品',
4: '选择店铺',
5: '选择资讯'
const MixDrawer: React.FC<MixDrawerProps> = (props: MixDrawerProps) => {
const { visible, type, property, onConfirm, onClose, selectId, filterParam, shopId, selectType = 'radio' } = props;
const [dataSource, setDataSource] = useState<any>([]);
const [totalCount, setTotalCount] = useState<number>(0);
const [selectedRowKeys, setSelectedRowKeys] = useState<any>([]);
const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState<any>([]);
const [keyWord, setKeyWord] = useState<string>('');
const [current, setCurrent] = useState<number>(1);
const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState<number>(10);
useEffect(() => {
setSelectedRowKeys(selectId ? [selectId] : []);
}, [selectId])
const _search = (current: number, pageSize: number, keyWord?: string) => {
let _params: any = {
let _fetch;
switch (type) {
case 1:
_params.type = 1;
_params.environment = 4; = property;
if (keyWord) { = keyWord
_fetch = PublicApi.getManageShopListAdorn;
case 3:
if (keyWord) { = keyWord
_params.priceType = 3;
if (selectId) {
_params.idNotList = Array.isArray(selectId) ? selectId : [selectId]
_fetch = PublicApi.getProductCommodityGetPlatformCommodityList;
case 4:
if (keyWord) {
_params.memberName = keyWord
_fetch = PublicApi.getTemplateWebMemberShopWebMemberShopListAdorn;
// 资讯
case 5:
if (keyWord) {
_params.title = keyWord
if (property === 1) {
_params.shopId = shopId
_params.idNotInList = selectId
_fetch = PublicApi.getManageContentInformationListAdorn;
// 品牌
case 6:
if (keyWord) { = keyWord
_params.shopId = shopId
_params.idNotInList = selectId
_fetch = PublicApi.getSearchCommodityTemplateGetBrandList;
_fetch && _fetch(_params).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
setDataSource( ??;
setTotalCount( ??;
} else {
}).catch(err => console.log(err))
const _onInputChange = (e) => {
const _val =;
const _onPageChange = (page, pageSize) => {
_search(page, pageSize)
const _onConfirm = () => {
if (selectedRows.length > 0) {
if (selectType === 'radio') {
} else {
} else {
const columns = useMemo(() => {
if (type === 1) {
return (
title: 'logoUrl',
dataIndex: 'logoUrl',
width: 64,
render: (text: string) => {
return (
<img src={text} style={{ width: 64, height: 64 }} />
title: 'name',
dataIndex: 'name',
render: (text: string, record: any) => {
return (
<div className={styles['shopName']}>
<div className={styles['shopName-top']}>
<div className={styles['shopName-top-tag']}>{Property_MAPS[record?.property]}</div>
<div className={styles['shopName-bottom']}>
title: 'environment',
dataIndex: 'environment',
render: (text: any) => {
return (
<span style={{ color: '#007BFC', background: '#E9F3FF', borderRadius: 2, display: 'inline-block', padding: '2px 4px' }}>{Environment_MAPS[text]}</span>
if (type === 3) {
return (
title: 'mainPic',
dataIndex: 'mainPic',
render: (text: string) => {
return (
<img src={text} style={{ width: 40, height: 40 }} />
title: 'name',
dataIndex: 'name',
title: 'min',
dataIndex: 'min',
render: (_: any, record: any) => {
return (
<span style={{ color: '#EA8000' }}>{priceFormat(record?.min)} 积分</span>
if (type === 4) {
return (
title: 'logo',
dataIndex: 'logo',
render: (text: string) => {
return (
<img src={text} style={{ width: 40, height: 40 }} />
title: 'memberName',
dataIndex: 'memberName',
if (type === 5) {
return (
title: 'imageUrl',
dataIndex: 'imageUrl',
width: 72,
render: (text: string) => {
return (
<img src={text} style={{ width: 72, height: 48 }} />
title: 'title',
dataIndex: 'title',
render: (text: string, record: any) => {
return (
<div className={styles['info']}>
<div className={styles['info-title']}>{text}</div>
<div className={styles['info-bottom']}>
<div className={styles['info-bottom-tag']}>{record?.columnName}</div>
<div className={styles['info-bottom-time']}>{moment(record?.createTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}</div>
if (type === 6) {
return (
title: 'logoUrl',
dataIndex: 'logoUrl',
render: (text: string) => {
return (
<img src={text} style={{ width: 40, height: 40 }} />
title: 'name',
dataIndex: 'name',
}, [type]);
const rowSelection: any = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
type: selectType
useEffect(() => {
}, [type])
useEffect(() => {
if (visible) {
_search(current, pageSize);
}, [visible])
const _showTotal = (total) => {
return `共 ${total} 条`
const drawerStyle = { background: '#FAFBFC' };
return (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'right', }}>
<Button onClick={onClose} style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>取消</Button>
<Button onClick={_onConfirm} type="primary">确定</Button>
<Row style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}>
<Col span={8}>
suffix={<SearchOutlined onClick={() => { _search(1, pageSize, keyWord) }} />}
onPressEnter={() => { _search(1, pageSize, keyWord) }}
pagination={{ total: totalCount, pageSize: pageSize, current: current, onChange: _onPageChange, showTotal: _showTotal, showSizeChanger: true, showQuickJumper: true, size: 'small' }}
export default MixDrawer;
.marketingSwitch {
width: 136px;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid #FAFBFB;
border-radius: 4px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
font-size: 12px;
color: #5C626A;
margin: 9px 0;
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { Switch } from 'antd';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash';
import { updatePageConfig, STATE_PROPS, SelectedInfoType, PageConfigType } from '@lingxi-disign/core';
import { useSelector } from '@lingxi-disign/react';
import * as MarketingConfigs from '../../../mobileTemplate/shopTemplateEdit/page_config';
import styles from './index.less';
interface MarketingSwitchProps {
type: number,
title: string,
icon: any
type SettingPanelType = {
selectedInfo: SelectedInfoType,
pageConfig: PageConfigType
const MarketingSwitch: React.FC<MarketingSwitchProps> = (props: any) => {
const { type, title, icon } = props;
const { pageConfig } = useSelector<SettingPanelType, STATE_PROPS>(['pageConfig']);
const _checked = Object.keys(pageConfig).indexOf(`11-${type}`) >= 0;
const _onChange = useCallback((checked: boolean) => {
if (checked) {
let _pageConfig: any = { ...pageConfig }
const _marketingConfig = MarketingConfigs[`marketingConfig_${type}`];
_pageConfig = cloneDeep({ ..._pageConfig, ..._marketingConfig });
const _insertIndex = _pageConfig['0'].childNodes.indexOf('10');
_pageConfig['0'].childNodes?.splice(_insertIndex, 0, `11-${type}`);
} else {
const _type = `11-${type}`;
let _pageConfig: any = cloneDeep({ ...pageConfig })
const _deleteType = _type.split('-');
for (let key in _pageConfig) {
const _deteleKey = key.split('-')
if (_deleteType[0] === _deteleKey[0] && _deleteType[1] === _deteleKey[1]) {
delete _pageConfig[key]
_pageConfig['0'].childNodes.splice(_pageConfig['0'].childNodes.indexOf(_type), 1);
}, [pageConfig])
return (
<div className={styles.marketingSwitch}>
<img src={icon} className={styles.marketingSwitch_img} />
<div className={styles.marketingSwitch_text}>{title}</div>
<Switch size='small' onChange={_onChange} checked={_checked} />
export default MarketingSwitch;
import icon1 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-1.svg';
import icon2 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-2.svg';
import icon3 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-3.svg';
import icon4 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-4.svg';
import icon5 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-5.svg';
import icon6 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-6.svg';
import icon7 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-7.svg';
import icon8 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-8.svg';
import icon9 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-9.svg';
import icon10 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-10.svg';
import icon11 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-11.svg';
import icon12 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-12.svg';
import icon13 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-13.svg';
import icon14 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-14.svg';
import icon15 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-15.svg';
import icon16 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-16.svg';
import icon17 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-17.svg';
import icon18 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-18.svg';
import icon19 from '@/assets/couponIcons/marketing-19.svg';
const ICON_CONFIGS = [
{type : 1, title: '特价促销',explain: '爆款限时特价',icon: icon1},
{type : 2, title: '直降促销',explain: '大牌商品最高直降$元',icon: icon2},
{type : 3, title: '满量减',explain: '大牌商品最高减$元',icon: icon3},
{type : 4, title: '折扣促销',explain: '大牌商品低至$折',icon: icon4},
{type : 5, title: '满量折',explain: '大牌商品低至$折',icon: icon5},
{type : 6, title: '满额减',explain: '大牌商品最高减$元',icon: icon6},
{type : 7, title: '满额折',explain: '大牌商品低至$折',icon: icon7},
{type : 8, title: '赠商品',explain: '满$元即有机会获赠商品',icon: icon8},
{type : 9, title: '赠优惠券',explain: '价值$元优惠券免费领取',icon: icon9},
{type : 10, title: '多件促销',explain: '任选$件商品,$折起!',icon: icon10},
{type : 11, title: '组合促销',explain: '任选$件商品,仅需$元!',icon: icon11},
{type : 12, title: '秒杀',explain: '今日大牌秒杀',icon: icon12},
{type : 13, title: '拼团',explain: '大牌拼团直降$元',icon: icon13},
{type : 14, title: '满额换购',explain: '满$元即可换购以下商品',icon: icon14},
{type : 15, title: '买商品换购',explain: '购买指定商品即可换购以下商品',icon: icon15},
{type : 16, title: '预售',explain: '大牌新品火爆预售',icon: icon16},
{type : 17, title: '试用',explain: '新品抢先试用',icon: icon17},
{type : 18, title: '套餐',explain: '超级搭配套餐',icon: icon18},
{type : 19, title: '砍价',explain: '砍一砍,免费拿',icon: icon19},
export default ICON_CONFIGS;
.edit_container {
width: 320px;
background-color: #FFF;
:global {
.ant-tabs-card.ant-tabs-top > .ant-tabs-nav .ant-tabs-tab:not(:last-of-type), .ant-tabs-card.ant-tabs-bottom > .ant-tabs-nav .ant-tabs-tab:not(:last-of-type), .ant-tabs-card.ant-tabs-top > div > .ant-tabs-nav .ant-tabs-tab:not(:last-of-type), .ant-tabs-card.ant-tabs-bottom > div > .ant-tabs-nav .ant-tabs-tab:not(:last-of-type){
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
border: 0;
margin: 0;
flex: 1;
height: 48px;
background-color: #FAFBFC;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
color: #8E959D;
font-size: 16px;
background-color: #fff;
color: #1F2C3D;
.ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-content {
margin-top: -16px;
.ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-content>.ant-tabs-tabpane {
// padding: 16px;
background: #fff;
.ant-tabs-card>.ant-tabs-nav::before {
display: none;
import React from 'react';
import { Tabs, Row, Col } from 'antd';
import { PropsType, ChildNodesType } from '@lingxi-disign/core';
import { ModuleTree } from '@lingxi-disign/react';
import MarketingSwitch from '../marketingSwitch';
import ICONS_CONFIG from './iconsConfig';
import styles from './index.less';
const { TabPane } = Tabs;
export interface VirtualDOMType {
key?: string;
componentName: string;
props?: PropsType;
childNodes?: ChildNodesType;
condition?: string;
isStateDomain?: boolean;
propFields?: string[];
methods?: {
[key: string]: string;
loop?: string | any[];
fileName?: string;
[custom: string]: any;
interface MobileClientEditLeftProps {
const MobileClientEditLeft: React.FC<MobileClientEditLeftProps> = (props: MobileClientEditLeftProps) => {
return (
<div className={styles.edit_container}>
<Tabs type="card">
<TabPane tab="已添加" key="1">
<ModuleTree />
<TabPane tab="全部模块" key="2">
<Row gutter={16}>
{, index) => <Col key={index} span={12} style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}><MarketingSwitch {...item} /></Col>)}
export default MobileClientEditLeft;
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api'
import { LAYOUT_TYPE } from '@/constants'
import { STATE_PROPS, PageConfigType, PROPS_SETTING_TYPES } from '@lingxi-disign/core'
import { useSelector } from '@lingxi-disign/react'
import { paramsShop, paramsChannel } from './returnSaveParams'
import { history } from 'umi'
import styles from './index.less'
......@@ -38,94 +39,11 @@ const ToolBar: React.FC<ToolBarPropsType> = (props) => {
const handleSave = useCallback(() => {
const param: any = {
templateId: Number(templateId),
if(layoutType === {
param.appStoreBO = {}
Object.keys(pageConfig).forEach(key => {
const pageConfigItem = pageConfig[key]
if(pageConfigItem.componentType) {
switch(pageConfigItem.componentType) {
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileShopHeaderNav:
param.appStoreBO.backdropBO = {
status: false,
backdrop: pageConfigItem.props.backdrop || ''
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileBanner:
param.appStoreBO.advertBO = {
status: false,
advertDetailsBOList: pageConfigItem.props.dataList || []
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileQuickNav:
param.appStoreBO.functionBO = {
status: false,
functionDetailsBO: pageConfigItem.props.dataList || []
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileShopCommodity:
param.appStoreBO.productBO = {
status: false,
title: pageConfigItem.props.title,
productIdList: pageConfigItem.props.productIdList,
if (layoutType === {
saveAppEnterprise(paramsShop(templateId, pageConfig))
} else if(layoutType=== {
param.appChannelBO = {}
console.log(pageConfig, "pageConfig")
Object.keys(pageConfig).forEach(key => {
const pageConfigItem = pageConfig[key]
if(pageConfigItem.componentType) {
switch(pageConfigItem.componentType) {
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileHeaderNav:
param.appChannelBO.topBO = {
status: false,
style: pageConfigItem.props.styleTheme,
topDetailsBOList: pageConfigItem.props.dataList || []
case "mobileChannelBanner":
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileBanner:
param.appChannelBO.advertBO = {
status: false,
advertDetailsBOList: pageConfigItem.props.dataList || []
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileChannelGoodsCard:
param.appChannelBO.productBO = {
status: false,
productDetailsBOList: pageConfigItem.props.dataList || []
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.moibileChannelInformation:
param.appChannelBO.informationBO = {
status: false,
title: pageConfigItem.props.title,
informationIdList: pageConfigItem.props.informationIdList || []
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileBottomNavigation:
param.appChannelBO.bottomBO = {
status: false,
bottomDetailsBOList: pageConfigItem.props.dataList || []
saveAppEnterprise(paramsChannel(templateId, pageConfig))
console.log(JSON.stringify(param), "param")
}, [pageConfig])
const saveAppEnterprise = (param) => {
import {
} from '@lingxi-disign/core';
import { get, isEmpty } from 'lodash'
const contactList = (list: any[], data: any) => {
let result: any[] = [];
if (list && Array.isArray(list)) {
result = [...list, data];
} else {
result = [data];
return result;
* 处理店铺装修数据
* @param templateId
* @param pageConfig
export const paramsShop = (
templateId: number,
pageConfig: PageConfigType,
) => {
let _params: any = {
adornContent: {},
categoryAdornContent: {},
const _root: any = pageConfig[ROOT].childNodes || [];
_root.forEach(childKey => {
let propsData: any = undefined;
let childNodes: ChildNodesType | undefined = undefined
let tempProps: any = undefined
switch (childKey) {
case '1':
propsData = get(pageConfig, ['1', 'props']) || {}
if (propsData.backdrop) {
_params.adornContent.header = {
style: 0,
status: true,
details: {
backdrop: propsData.backdrop || ''
case '2':
propsData = get(pageConfig, ['2', 'props']) || {}
childNodes = get(pageConfig, ['2', 'childNodes']) || {}
_params.adornContent.navList = {
style: 0,
status: true,
details: []
if (childNodes && Array.isArray(childNodes) && childNodes.length > 0) {
for (let key in childNodes) {
tempProps = pageConfig[childNodes[key]]?.props || {}
!isEmpty(tempProps) && _params.adornContent.navList.details.push({
type: tempProps.type,
url: tempProps.url,
icon: tempProps.icon,
case '4':
propsData = get(pageConfig, ['4', 'props']) || {}
childNodes = get(pageConfig, ['4', 'childNodes']) || {}
_params.adornContent.advert = {
style: propsData.styleTheme || 0,
status: true,
details: []
if (childNodes && Array.isArray(childNodes) && childNodes.length > 0) {
for (let key in childNodes) {
tempProps = pageConfig[childNodes[key]]?.props || {}
!isEmpty(tempProps) && _params.adornContent.advert.details.push({
type: tempProps.type,
img: tempProps.img,
case '6':
propsData = get(pageConfig, ['6', 'props']) || {}
childNodes = get(pageConfig, ['6', 'childNodes']) || {}
_params.adornContent.commodity = {
style: 0,
status: true,
details: []
if (childNodes && Array.isArray(childNodes) && childNodes.length > 0) {
for (let key in childNodes) {
tempProps = pageConfig[childNodes[key]]?.props || {}
!isEmpty(tempProps) && _params.adornContent.commodity.details.push({
title: tempProps.title,
categoryId: tempProps.categoryId,
idList: tempProps.idList,
manageWay: tempProps.manageWay,
num: tempProps.num,
return _params;
* 处理渠道装修数据
* @param templateId
* @param pageConfig
export const paramsChannel = (
templateId: number,
pageConfig: PageConfigType,
) => {
let _params: any = {
adornContent: {},
const _root: any = pageConfig[ROOT].childNodes || [];
_root.forEach(childKey => {
let propsData: any = undefined;
let childNodes: ChildNodesType | undefined = undefined
let tempProps: any = undefined
switch (childKey) {
case '1':
return _params;
import {
} from '@lingxi-disign/core';
const Banner: ComponentSchemaType = {
propsConfig: {
children: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_TYPES.string,
const BannerItems: ComponentSchemaType = {
fatherNodesRule: ['Banner.children'],
propsConfig: {
children: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_TYPES.string,
componentType: {
type: PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.bannerItems,
export default {
'Banner.Items': BannerItems,
import {
} from '@lingxi-disign/core';
const MobileNavCard: ComponentSchemaType = {
propsConfig: {
children: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_TYPES.string,
styleType: {
label: "样式",
type: PROPS_TYPES.number,
const MobileNavCardNavItem: ComponentSchemaType = {
fatherNodesRule: ['MobileNavCard.children'],
propsConfig: {
children: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_TYPES.string,
componentType: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileNavCardNavItem,
export default {
'MobileNavCard.NavItem': MobileNavCardNavItem,
import {
} from '@lingxi-disign/core';
const MobileShopCommodity: ComponentSchemaType = {
propsConfig: {
children: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_TYPES.string,
const CommodityItem: ComponentSchemaType = {
fatherNodesRule: ['MobileShopCommodity.children'],
propsConfig: {
children: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_TYPES.string,
componentType: {
label: '内容',
type: PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileShopCommodity,
export default {
'MobileShopCommodity.Item': CommodityItem,
import { ComponentSchemaType, PROPS_SETTING_TYPES } from '@lingxi-disign/core';;
const MobileShopHeader: ComponentSchemaType = {
propsConfig: {
componentType: {
label: '编辑',
type: PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileShopHeaderNav
export default MobileShopHeader;
......@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ import MobileChannelGoodsCard from './MobileChannelGoodsCard'
import MobileChannelInformation from './MobileChannelInformation'
import MobileChannelCategory from './MobileChannelCategory'
import View from './View';
import MobileShopHeader from './MobileShopHeader'
import MobileNavCard from './MobileNavCard'
import Banner from './Banner'
import MobileShopCommodity from './MobileShopCommodity'
export default {
......@@ -81,4 +85,8 @@ export default {
......@@ -13,9 +13,13 @@ type SettingPanelType = {
pageConfig: PageConfigType,
interface MobileSettingPanelProps {
shopId: number
const { TabPane } = Tabs
const MobileSettingPanel: React.FC = ()=> {
const MobileSettingPanel: React.FC<MobileSettingPanelProps> = (props)=> {
const { selectedInfo, pageConfig } = useSelector<SettingPanelType, STATE_PROPS>(['selectedInfo', 'pageConfig'])
const { propsConfig } = selectedInfo || {}
const [ newSelectInfo, setNewSelectInfo ] = useState<SelectedInfoType>()
......@@ -27,7 +31,6 @@ const MobileSettingPanel: React.FC = ()=> {
const newProps = get(pageConfig, [selectedKey, 'props'], oldProps)
const updateSelectInfo = { ...selectedInfo }
updateSelectInfo.props = newProps
......@@ -41,9 +44,13 @@ const MobileSettingPanel: React.FC = ()=> {
<TabPane tab="编辑" key="props">
<PropsSettings selectedInfo={newSelectInfo} />
(propsConfig && propsConfig.componentType) && (
<TabPane tab="编辑" key="props">
<PropsSettings selectedInfo={newSelectInfo} {...props} />
(propsConfig && propsConfig.styleType) && (
<TabPane tab="样式" key="style">
import React from 'react'
import { numFormat, priceFormat } from '@/utils/numberFomat'
import ImageBox from '@/components/ImageBox'
const showMainPic = (mainPic: string) => <ImageBox width={32} height={32} imgUrl={mainPic} />
export const promptCommodityColumn = [
title: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'id',
key: 'id',
width: 80,
title: "商品图片",
dataIndex: "mainPic",
render: (mainPic: string) => showMainPic(mainPic)
title: "商品名称",
dataIndex: "name",
width: 300,
ellipsis: true,
title: "品类",
// render: (_, record) =>
title: "品牌",
// render: (_, record) =>
title: "价格",
dataIndex: "min",
render: (_, record) => ${priceFormat(record.min)}`
export const integralCommodityColumn = [
title: "商品图片",
dataIndex: "mainPic",
render: (mainPic: string) => showMainPic(mainPic)
title: "商品名称",
dataIndex: "name",
width: 300,
ellipsis: true,
title: "需要积分",
dataIndex: "min",
render: (_, record) => `${numFormat(record.min)}`
export const shopColumn = [
title: "店铺图片",
dataIndex: "logo",
render: (logo: string) => showMainPic(logo)
title: "店铺名称",
dataIndex: "memberName",
width: 300,
ellipsis: true,
export const informationColumn = [
title: "资讯图片",
dataIndex: "imageUrl",
render: (imageUrl: string) => showMainPic(imageUrl)
title: "资讯标题",
dataIndex: "title",
width: 360,
ellipsis: true,
const tableColumn = {
1: promptCommodityColumn,
2: integralCommodityColumn,
3: shopColumn,
4: informationColumn
export default tableColumn
import { ISchema } from '@formily/antd'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const'
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api'
export const formProduct: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'ModalSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
align: 'flex-left',
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'flex-layout',
'x-component-props': {
rowStyle: {
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
style: {
marginRight: 0
colStyle: {
marginTop: 20,
properties: {
customerCategoryId: {
type: 'string',
"x-component": 'SearchSelect',
"x-component-props": {
placeholder: '请选择品类',
className: 'fixed-ant-selected-down', // 该类强制将显示的下拉框出现在select下, 只有这里出现问题, ??
fetchSearch: PublicApi.getProductSelectGetSelectCategory,
style: {
width: 160
brandId: {
type: 'string',
"x-component": 'SearchSelect',
"x-component-props": {
placeholder: '请选择品牌',
fetchSearch: PublicApi.getProductSelectGetSelectPlatformBrand,
style: {
width: 160
submit: {
"x-component": 'Submit',
"x-mega-props": {
span: 1
"x-component-props": {
children: '查询'
export const basicSchema: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
align: 'flex-left',
@import "../../../../../../global//styles/utils.less";
@import "../../common.less";
.selectBtn {
display: block;
width: 100%;
background-color: #FAFBFC;
border: 1px dashed #D8DDE6;
.banner {
&-box {
margin-bottom: 16px;
:global {
.ant-upload {
width: 100%;
&-label {
font-size: 12px;
color: #91959B;
margin-bottom: 8px;
&-icon {
height: 96px;
background-color: #FAFBFC;
border-radius: 4px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
&>img {
width: 100%;
&-add {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
&:hover {
.banner-box-icon-cover {
display: block;
&-cover {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
display: none;
z-index: 1;
&-delete {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 10px;
font-size: 20px;
color: #fff;
&-bottom {
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
height: 24px;
line-height: 24px;
text-align: center;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);
font-size: 12px;
color: #fff;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
&-record {
&-shop {
height: 56px;
border: 1px solid #EDEEEF;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 8px;
img {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin-right: 8px;
span {
flex: 1;
color: #303133;
font-size: 12px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
&-integral {
height: 56px;
border: 1px solid #EDEEEF;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 8px;
img {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin-right: 8px;
&-right {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: calc(100% - 80px);
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flex: 1;
color: #303133;
font-size: 12px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
&-bottom {
flex: 1;
color: #EA8000;
font-size: 12px;
&-activity {
height: 56px;
border: 1px solid #EDEEEF;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 8px;
position: relative;
img {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
border-radius: 4px;
margin-right: 8px;
&-right {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-size: 12px;
width: calc(100% - 80px);
&-top {
flex: 1;
color: #303133;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
&-bottom {
flex: 1;
color: #91959B;
&-tag {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: -3px;
&-commodity {
&-box {
margin-bottom: 16px;
&-label {
font-size: 12px;
color: #91959B;
margin-bottom: 8px;
&-detail {
height: 80px;
border: 1px solid #F7F8FA;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 6px 8px;
margin-bottom: 16px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
img {
height: 60px;
width: 60px;
margin-right: 10px;
&-right {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 100%;
&-title {
color: #303133;
font-size: 12px;
word-break: break-all;
overflow: hidden; // 超出的文本隐藏
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: -webkit-box; // 将对象作为弹性伸缩盒子模型显示。
-webkit-box-orient: vertical; //从上到下垂直排列子元素(设置伸缩盒子的子元素排列方式)
-webkit-line-clamp: 2; // 结合上面两个属性,表示显示的行数。
&-price {
color: #D32F2F;
font-size: 14px;
&-activityList {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-bottom: 8px;
img {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
.uploadPreview {
border: 1px solid #EBECF0;
&-name {
flex: 1;
font-size: 12px;
color: #303133;
margin: 0 8px;
word-break: break-all;
overflow: hidden; // 超出的文本隐藏
text-overflow: ellipsis;
@import "../../common.less";
.banner {
&-box {
margin-bottom: 16px;
:global {
.ant-upload {
width: 100%;
&-label {
font-size: 12px;
color: #91959B;
margin-bottom: 8px;
&-icon {
height: 96px;
background-color: #FAFBFC;
border-radius: 4px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
&>img {
width: 100%;
&-add {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
&:hover {
.banner-box-icon-cover {
display: block;
&-cover {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
display: none;
z-index: 1;
&-delete {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 10px;
font-size: 20px;
color: #fff;
&-bottom {
position: absolute;
height: 24px;
line-height: 24px;
text-align: center;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);
font-size: 12px;
color: #fff;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
&-record {
&-shop {
height: 56px;
border: 1px solid #EDEEEF;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 8px;
img {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin-right: 8px;
span {
flex: 1;
color: #303133;
font-size: 12px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
&-integral {
height: 56px;
border: 1px solid #EDEEEF;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 8px;
img {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin-right: 8px;
&-right {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
&-top {
flex: 1;
color: #303133;
font-size: 12px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
&-bottom {
flex: 1;
color: #EA8000;
font-size: 12px;
&-activity {
height: 56px;
border: 1px solid #EDEEEF;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 8px;
position: relative;
img {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
border-radius: 4px;
margin-right: 8px;
&-right {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-size: 12px;
&-top {
flex: 1;
color: #303133;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
&-bottom {
flex: 1;
color: #91959B;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: -3px;
@import "../../../../../../global//styles/utils.less";
@import "../../common.less";
.selectBtn {
display: block;
width: 100%;
background-color: #FAFBFC;
border: 1px dashed #D8DDE6;
.banner {
&-box {
margin-bottom: 16px;
:global {
.ant-upload {
width: 100%;
&-label {
font-size: 12px;
color: #91959B;
margin-bottom: 8px;
&-icon {
height: 96px;
background-color: #FAFBFC;
border-radius: 4px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
&>img {
width: 100%;
&-add {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
&:hover {
.banner-box-icon-cover {
display: block;
&-cover {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
display: none;
z-index: 1;
&-delete {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 10px;
font-size: 20px;
color: #fff;
&-bottom {
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
height: 24px;
line-height: 24px;
text-align: center;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);
font-size: 12px;
color: #fff;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
.uploadPreview {
border: 1px solid #EBECF0;
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import ImageBox from '@/components/ImageBox'
import { DeleteOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { changeProps } from '@lingxi-disign/core'
import UploadImage from '@/components/UploadImage'
import arrowRightIcon from '@/assets/icons/arrow_right.png'
import arrowLeftIcon from '@/assets/icons/arrow_left.png'
import uploadImgIcon from '@/assets/icons/upload_img_icon.svg'
import styles from './index.less'
interface BannerPropsType {
......@@ -12,64 +10,48 @@ interface BannerPropsType {
const HeadBackground: React.FC<BannerPropsType> = (props) => {
const { backdrop } = props
const [expandState, setExpandState] = useState<boolean>(true)
const handleBackdropChange = (url: string) => {
const _onChangeImg = (url: any) => {
props:Object.assign({ ...props }, { backdrop: url })
props: Object.assign({ ...props }, { backdrop: url })
return (
<div className={styles.setting}>
{/* <div className={styles.hideModule}>
<Checkbox checked={!visible} onChange={handleHideChange}>隐藏整个模块</Checkbox>
</div> */}
<div className={styles.setting_line}>
<div className={styles.setting_line_main}>
<div className={styles.setting_line_name} >
<div style={{ flex: 1 }} onClick={() => setExpandState(!expandState)}>
expandState ? <img className={styles.icon} src={arrowLeftIcon} /> : <img className={styles.icon} src={arrowRightIcon} />
<div className={styles['banner']}>
<div className={styles['banner-box']}>
<div className={styles['banner-box-label']}>背景图</div>
{backdrop ? (
<div className={styles['banner-box-icon']}>
<img src={backdrop} />
<div className={styles['banner-box-icon-cover']}>
onChange={(url) => { _onChangeImg(url) }}
<div className={styles['banner-box-icon-cover-bottom']}>
<DeleteOutlined className={styles['banner-box-icon-cover-delete']} onClick={() => { _onChangeImg('') }} />
expandState && (
<div className={styles.setting_line_addItem}>
<div className={styles.setting_line_addItem_line}>
<div className={styles.setting_line_addItem_line_label}>名称:</div>
<div className={styles.setting_line_addItem_line_brief}>
<div className={styles.setting_line_addItem_line}>
<div className={styles.setting_line_addItem_line_label}>图片:</div>
<div className={styles.setting_line_addItem_line_brief}>
<div className={styles.uploadIconWrap}>
<ImageBox className={styles.uploadPreview} width={90} height={90} imgUrl={backdrop} />
onChange={(url) => handleBackdropChange(url)}
<div className={styles.uploadIconBtn}>
<PlusOutlined className={styles.uploadIconBtnIcon} />
<label className={styles.uploadIconTip}>图片建议尺寸:1920*750</label>
<label className={styles.uploadIconTip}>大小:不超过200k</label>
) : (
onChange={(url) => { _onChangeImg(url) }}
<div className={styles['banner-box-icon']}>
<img src={uploadImgIcon} className={styles['banner-box-icon-add']} />
<div className={styles['banner-box-icon-cover']}>
<div className={styles['banner-box-icon-cover-bottom']}>
import React from 'react'
import { numFormat, priceFormat } from '@/utils/numberFomat'
import ImageBox from '@/components/ImageBox'
const showMainPic = (mainPic: string) => <ImageBox width={32} height={32} imgUrl={mainPic} />
export const promptCommodityColumn = [
title: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'id',
key: 'id',
width: 80,
title: "商品图片",
dataIndex: "mainPic",
render: (mainPic: string) => showMainPic(mainPic)
title: "商品名称",
dataIndex: "name",
width: 280,
ellipsis: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
render: (name: any) => <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: name }}></div>
title: "品类",
render: (_, record) => record.customerCategory ? : "",
ellipsis: true,
title: "品牌",
render: (_, record) => record.brand ? : "",
ellipsis: true,
title: "价格",
dataIndex: "min",
render: (_, record) => ${priceFormat(record.min)}`
export default promptCommodityColumn
import { ISchema } from '@formily/antd'
import { FORM_FILTER_PATH } from '@/formSchema/const'
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api'
export const formProduct: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'ModalSearch',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
align: 'flex-left',
type: 'object',
'x-component': 'flex-layout',
'x-component-props': {
rowStyle: {
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
style: {
marginRight: 0
colStyle: {
marginTop: 20,
properties: {
customerCategoryId: {
type: 'string',
"x-component": 'SearchSelect',
"x-component-props": {
placeholder: '请选择品类',
className: 'fixed-ant-selected-down', // 该类强制将显示的下拉框出现在select下, 只有这里出现问题, ??
queryParams: {
storeId: 2,
fetchSearch: PublicApi.getProductSelectGetSelectCategory,
style: {
width: 160
brandId: {
type: 'string',
"x-component": 'SearchSelect',
"x-component-props": {
placeholder: '请选择品牌',
queryParams: {
storeId: 2,
fetchSearch: PublicApi.getSearchMobileShopStoreGetBrand,
style: {
width: 160
submit: {
"x-component": 'Submit',
"x-mega-props": {
span: 1
"x-component-props": {
children: '查询'
export const basicSchema: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Search',
'x-component-props': {
placeholder: '搜索',
align: 'flex-left',
@import "../../../../../../global/styles/utils.less";
@import "../../common.less";
.selectBtn {
display: block;
width: 100%;
background-color: #FAFBFC;
border: 1px dashed #D8DDE6;
.RecommendCommodity {
&-box {
margin-bottom: 16px;
&-label {
font-size: 12px;
color: #91959B;
margin-bottom: 8px;
.uploadPreview {
border: 1px solid #EBECF0;
.banner {
&-record {
&-commodity {
&-box {
margin-bottom: 16px;
&-label {
font-size: 12px;
color: #91959B;
margin-bottom: 8px;
&-detail {
height: 80px;
border: 1px solid #F7F8FA;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 6px 8px;
margin-bottom: 16px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
&:hover {
.banner-record-commodity-detail-mask {
display: block;
&-mask {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: none;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);
transition: 0.5s all;
z-index: 6;
&-delete {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 10px;
font-size: 20px;
color: #fff;
cursor: pointer;
img {
height: 60px;
width: 60px;
margin-right: 10px;
&-right {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 100%;
&-title {
color: #303133;
font-size: 12px;
word-break: break-all;
overflow: hidden; // 超出的文本隐藏
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: -webkit-box; // 将对象作为弹性伸缩盒子模型显示。
-webkit-box-orient: vertical; //从上到下垂直排列子元素(设置伸缩盒子的子元素排列方式)
-webkit-line-clamp: 2; // 结合上面两个属性,表示显示的行数。
&-price {
color: #D32F2F;
font-size: 14px;
&-activityList {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-bottom: 8px;
img {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
&-name {
flex: 1;
font-size: 12px;
color: #303133;
margin: 0 8px;
word-break: break-all;
overflow: hidden; // 超出的文本隐藏
text-overflow: ellipsis;
......@@ -8,39 +8,44 @@ import RecommendCommodity from './components/recommendCommodity'
import BottomNavigation from './components/bottomNavigation'
import MobileChannelGoods from './components/channelGoods'
import MobileChannelInformation from './components/channelInformation'
import CardNavItem from './components/cardNavItem'
import styles from './index.less'
interface PropsSettingsPropsType {
selectedInfo: SelectedInfoType | undefined,
shopId: number,
const PropsSettings: React.FC<PropsSettingsPropsType> = (props) => {
const { selectedInfo } = props
const { selectedInfo, } = props
const renderSettingItem = () => {
const { props: initProps, propsConfig } = selectedInfo || {};
const _props = { ...initProps, ...props, selectedKey: selectedInfo?.selectedKey }
const componentType = propsConfig?.componentType
if (componentType) {
switch (componentType.type) {
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileShopHeaderNav:
return <HeadBackground {...initProps} />
return <HeadBackground {..._props} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileShopCommodity:
return <RecommendCommodity {...initProps} />
return <RecommendCommodity {..._props} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileHeaderNav:
return <HeaderNav {...initProps} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileBanner:
return <Banner {...initProps} />
return <HeaderNav {..._props} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.bannerItems:
return <Banner {..._props} />
case "mobileChannelBanner":
return <Banner {...initProps} type="channel" />
return <Banner {..._props} type="channel" />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileQuickNav:
return <QuickNav {...initProps} />
return <QuickNav {..._props} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileChannelGoodsCard:
return <MobileChannelGoods {...initProps} />
return <MobileChannelGoods {..._props} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.moibileChannelInformation:
return <MobileChannelInformation {...initProps} />
return <MobileChannelInformation {..._props} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileBottomNavigation:
return <BottomNavigation {...initProps} />
return <BottomNavigation {..._props} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileNavCardNavItem:
return <CardNavItem {..._props} />
return null
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 184px;
height: 138px;
flex: 1;
// width: 184px;
// height: 138px;
border: 1px solid #E4E6EB;
margin: 0 12px;
margin-bottom: 24px;
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import cx from 'classnames'
import { SelectedInfoType, changeProps, PROPS_SETTING_TYPES } from '@lingxi-disign/core'
import GoodsCardTitleStyle from './components/GoodsCardTitleStyle'
import styles from './index.less'
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import cx from 'classnames';
import { SelectedInfoType, changeProps } from '@lingxi-disign/core';
import styles from './index.less';
interface StyleSettingsPropsType {
selectedInfo: SelectedInfoType | undefined,
const StyleSettings: React.FC<StyleSettingsPropsType> = ({ selectedInfo }) => {
const { props: selectProps } = selectedInfo || {}
const [ selectKey, setSelectKey ] = useState<number>(selectProps.styleTheme)
const { props: selectProps } = selectedInfo || {};
const [ selectKey, setSelectKey ] = useState<number>(selectProps.styleTheme);
* 更换样式模板
......@@ -18,40 +17,36 @@ const StyleSettings: React.FC<StyleSettingsPropsType> = ({ selectedInfo }) => {
const handleChangeStyleTheme = (key: number) => {
if(selectKey !== key) {
props: Object.assign({ ...selectProps }, { styleTheme: key })
const renderSettingItem = () => {
const { props: initProps, propsConfig } = selectedInfo || {};
const componentType = propsConfig?.componentType
if (componentType) {
switch (componentType.type) {
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileHeaderNav:
return (selectProps && selectProps.stylesThemeList) && => (
<div className={cx(styles.styleItem, selectKey === item.key ? : {})} key={item.key} onClick={() => handleChangeStyleTheme(item.key)}>
<img className={styles.themeImg} src={item.img} title={item.key} />
case PROPS_SETTING_TYPES.mobileChannelGoodsCard:
return <GoodsCardTitleStyle {...initProps} />
return null
return (
<div className={styles.styleSettings}>
<div className={styles.styleList}>
(selectProps && selectProps.stylesthemelist) && => (
className={cx(styles.styleItem, selectKey === item.key ? : {})}
// style={{ width: item.width || 184, height: item.height || 138 }}
onClick={() => handleChangeStyleTheme(item.key)}
style={{ width: item.width || 152, height: item.height || 105 }}
export default StyleSettings
export default StyleSettings;
import { PROPS_SETTING_TYPES } from '@lingxi-disign/core'
import { PROPS_SETTING_TYPES, PageConfigType } from '@lingxi-disign/core'
import categoryNavTemplateDefault from './img/category_template_default.png'
export const defaultConfig: PageConfigType = {
'0': {
componentName: 'MallLayout',
props: {
style: {
"width": "100%",
"minHeight": "100%",
"background": "#F7F8FA",
"overflowX": "hidden",
"paddingBottom": "50px",
childNodes: ['1', '2', '4', '6']
'1': {
componentName: 'MobileShopHeader',
props: {
shopInfo: '${shopInfo}',
backdrop: '${backdrop}',
title: '背景图'
'2': {
title: '分类导航',
componentName: 'MobileNavCard',
props: {
style: {
margin: '8px',
stylesthemelist: [
key: 0,
width: 320,
height: 148,
img: categoryNavTemplateDefault,
childNodes: ['3'],
childComponentName: 'MobileNavCard.NavItem',
addBtnText: '添加导航',
'3': {
loop: '${navList}',
title: '${}',
componentName: 'MobileNavCard.NavItem',
props: {
id: '${}',
name: '${}',
type: '${item.type}',
url: '${item.url}',
icon: '${item.icon}',
empty: false,
'4': {
title: '广告图',
componentName: 'Banner',
props: {
style: {
margin: '8px',
childNodes: ['5'],
childComponentName: 'Banner.Items',
addBtnText: '添加广告',
'5': {
loop: '${advert}',
title: '${}',
componentName: 'Banner.Items',
props: {
id: '${}',
type: '${item.type}',
img: '${item.img}',
name: '${}',
isnull: false,
'6': {
componentName: 'MobileShopCommodity',
title: '推荐商品',
props: {},
childNodes: ['7'],
childComponentName: 'MobileShopCommodity.Item',
addBtnText: '添加商品区',
'7': {
loop: '${commodityList}',
componentName: 'MobileShopCommodity.Item',
title: '${item.title}',
props: {
title: '${item.title}',
categoryId: '${item.categoryId}',
idList: '${item.idList}',
manageWay: '${item.manageWay}',
dataList: '${item.dataList}',
num: '${item.num}',
export const mallLayoutConfig = {
key: "0",
......@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@
* @Description app店铺主页装修
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { BrickProvider } from '@lingxi-disign/react';
import { BrickProvider, resolveMappingPageConfig } from '@lingxi-disign/react';
import { Helmet } from 'umi'
import ToolBar from '../../editor/components/toolBar'
import MobileDesignPanel from '../../editor/components/MobileDesignPanel'
import MobileClientEditLeft from '../../editor/components/mobileClientEditLeft'
import AllComponents from '../../editor/components/ComponentsPreview'
import { message } from 'antd'
import config from '../../editor/configs'
import {
......@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ import {
import Loading from '../../editor/components/Loading'
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api'
import { LAYOUT_TYPE } from '@/constants'
import { GetTemplateAdornAppStoreFindResponse, GetTemplateWebMemberShopWebFindByMemberIdAndRoleIdResponse } from '@/services/TemplateApi'
import { GetTemplateAdornAppStoreFindResponse } from '@/services/TemplateV2Api'
// import { GlobalConfig } from '@/global/config'
import MobileSettingPanel from '../../editor/mobileSettingPanel'
import { getAuth } from '@/utils/auth'
......@@ -90,19 +93,19 @@ const mobileShopTempleteEdit: React.FC<ShopPreviewPropsType> = (props) => {
* 获取app店铺装修信息
const getAppShopConfig = (): Promise<GetTemplateAdornAppStoreFindResponse | null> => {
const getAppShopConfig = (): Promise<any> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const param: any = {
templateId: id
PublicApi.getTemplateAdornAppStoreFind(param, { headers }).then(res => {
if(res.code === 1000) {
if(res.code === 1000 && {
} else {
}).catch((eror) => {
......@@ -158,50 +161,77 @@ const mobileShopTempleteEdit: React.FC<ShopPreviewPropsType> = (props) => {
const _getListByIds = (ids: number[], list: any[]) => {
const result: any = []
list && list.forEach((item) => {
if (ids.includes( {
return result
const _getCommodityList = async (list: any[]) => {
let listRes: any = []
if (list && Array.isArray(list) && list.length > 0) {
let commodityIds: any = []
const commodityResList: any[] = []
list.forEach((detailsItem) => {
if (commodityIds.length === 0) {
commodityIds = [...detailsItem.idList]
} else {
commodityIds = [...commodityIds, ...detailsItem.idList]
if (commodityIds && commodityIds.length > 0) {
const param: any = {
idInList: commodityIds,
shopId: shopId,
current: 1,
pageSize: 80
const res = await PublicApi.getMarketingAdornGoodsListAdorn(param)
let allCommodityList: any[] = []
if (res.code === 1000) {
allCommodityList =
list.forEach((detailsItem) => {
dataList: _getListByIds(detailsItem.idList, allCommodityList)
listRes = commodityResList
return listRes
const getComponentsConfig = async () => {
try {
const appConfig = await getAppShopConfig()
const shopInfo = await fetchShopInfo(shopId)
mobileShopHeaderNav[mobileShopHeaderNav.key].props.shopInfo = shopInfo
if(appConfig?.backdropBO) {
mobileShopHeaderNav[mobileShopHeaderNav.key].props.backdrop = appConfig?.backdropBO.backdrop
const allState: any = {
shopInfo: shopInfo,
navList: appConfig?.navList ? appConfig?.navList.details : [],
advert: appConfig?.advert ? appConfig?.advert.details : [],
commodityList: []
mobileBanner[mobileBanner.key].props.storeId =
if(appConfig?.advertBO) {
mobileBanner[mobileBanner.key].props.dataList = appConfig?.advertBO.advertDetailsBOList
if (appConfig?.commodity) {
allState.commodityList = await _getCommodityList(appConfig.commodity?.details)
if(appConfig?.functionBO) {
mobileQuickNav[mobileQuickNav.key].props.dataList = appConfig?.functionBO.functionDetailsBO
if (appConfig?.header) {
allState.backdrop = appConfig?.header.details.backdrop
if(appConfig?.productBO) {
const dataList = await fetchCategoryByCommodityId(appConfig.productBO.productIdList)
mobileShopCommodityList[mobileShopCommodityList.key].props = {
title: appConfig.productBO.title,
productIdList: appConfig.productBO.productIdList || [],
} else {
mobileShopCommodityList[mobileShopCommodityList.key].props.storeId =
mobileShopCommodityList[mobileShopCommodityList.key].props.title = '热销商品'
mobileShopCommodityList[mobileShopCommodityList.key].props.productIdList = []
const config = {
const finalConfig = resolveMappingPageConfig(defaultConfig, allState)
} catch (error) {
......@@ -213,16 +243,19 @@ const mobileShopTempleteEdit: React.FC<ShopPreviewPropsType> = (props) => {
<div className={styles['wrapper']}>
<ToolBar type={1} title="店铺主页" showActions={true} layoutType={} templateId={id} />
<div className={styles['content']}>
<AllComponents />
<MobileClientEditLeft />
<div className={styles['app-wrapper']}>
<div className={styles['app-canvas-container']}>
<MobileDesignPanel onlyEidt theme={theme} pageConfig={componentConfigs} />
<MobileSettingPanel />
<MobileSettingPanel shopId={shopId} />
This diff is collapsed.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import cx from 'classnames'
import { Button, message, Modal } from 'antd'
import { Button, message, Modal, Pagination } from 'antd'
import { StarFilled } from '@ant-design/icons'
import { PageHeaderWrapper } from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
import credit_icon from '@/assets/imgs/credit_icon.png'
import ShopCredit from '@/components/ShopCredit'
import { PublicApi } from '@/services/api'
import { numFormat } from '@/utils/numberFomat'
......@@ -14,73 +13,34 @@ import styles from './index.less'
const Commodity: React.FC = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState([])
const [buyLoading, setBuyLoading] = useState<boolean>(false)
// const [current, setCurrent] = useState<number>(1)
// const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState<number>(10)
// const [totalCount, setTotalCount] = useState<number>(0)
const [current, setCurrent] = useState<number>(1)
const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState<number>(10)
const [totalCount, setTotalCount] = useState<number>(0)
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
* 获取收藏的商品列表
const fetchCollectCommodityList = async () => {
// const param: any = {
// current,
// pageSize
// }
const shopCommodityCollectList = await getShopCommodityCollectList()
const channelCommodityCollectList = await getChannelCommodityCollectList()
setList([...shopCommodityCollectList, ...channelCommodityCollectList])
// PublicApi.getSearchShopCommodityCollectGetCommodityCollectList(param).then(res => {
// if (res.code === 1000) {
// setList(
// setTotalCount(
// }
// })
const getShopCommodityCollectList = (): Promise<any> => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
PublicApi.getSearchShopCommodityCollectGetCommodityCollectList().then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
} else {
}).catch(() => {
const getChannelCommodityCollectList = (): Promise<any> => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
PublicApi.getSearchShopCommodityCollectChannelGetCommodityCollectList().then((res: any) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
if (! return
const result = => {
return {
isChannel: true
} else {
}).catch(() => {
const getShopCommodityCollectList = () => {
const params: any = {
PublicApi.getSearchShopCommodityCollectGetCommodityCollectList(params).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
const linkToDetail = (detail) => {
if (detail.isPublish) {
const el = document.createElement('a')
if (detail.isChannel) {
if (detail.channelMemberId) {
switch (detail.commodity.priceType) {
case 1:
case 2:
......@@ -145,9 +105,9 @@ const Commodity: React.FC = () => {
// const handleChange = (page) => {
// setCurrent(page)
// }
const handleChange = (page) => {
const handleCancelCollect = (detail) => {
......@@ -161,7 +121,7 @@ const Commodity: React.FC = () => {
let postFn
if (detail.isChannel) {
if (detail.channelMemberId) {
postFn = PublicApi.postSearchShopCommodityCollectChannelDeleteCommodityCollectById
} else {
postFn = PublicApi.postSearchShopCommodityCollectDeleteCommodityCollectById
......@@ -169,7 +129,7 @@ const Commodity: React.FC = () => {
postFn && postFn (param).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
} else {
......@@ -228,13 +188,9 @@ const Commodity: React.FC = () => {
{/* {
totalCount > pageSize && (
<div className={styles.pagination_wrap}>
<Pagination showSizeChanger={false} current={current} total={totalCount} pageSize={pageSize} onChange={handleChange} />
} */}
<div className={styles.pagination_wrap}>
<Pagination showSizeChanger={false} current={current} total={totalCount} pageSize={pageSize} onChange={handleChange} />
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
--category_content_title_text: #303133;
--category_content_title_text_hover: #00B37A;
--category_content_sub_title_text: #606266;
overflow-x: hidden;
// 渠道科技类模板
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
--category_content_title_text: #303133;
--category_content_title_text_hover: #00B37A;
--category_content_sub_title_text: #606266;
overflow-x: hidden;
// 店铺科技类模板颜色配置
......@@ -37,4 +38,5 @@
--category_content_title_text: #303133;
--category_content_title_text_hover: #00B37A;
--category_content_sub_title_text: #606266;
overflow-x: hidden;
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const tokenList = [
{ name: 'Template', token: '7ec923520215c7e2f771867cb4d29cafbf823daf0fb2d3d9fa70b57a523c8bfb', categoryIds: [0], }, // 店铺模板服务
{ name: 'Pay', token: '34608cd33222b1650795459d73b8eb0b260eb92cf5e8d1e646f85a4875e36f05', categoryIds: [0], }, // 支付服务
{ name: 'Search', token: 'ca19f532efba91f7773cbfbd526b798c6ac83df670071e97d72c50dca1d53a48', categoryIds: [0], }, // 搜索服务
{ name: 'SearchV2', token: 'f3e6ec26764f54d06ba33f487ff42d7debeaef397e51dc395040447737eb2e66', categoryIds: [9367, 9370], }, // 搜索服务V2
{ name: 'SearchV2', token: 'f3e6ec26764f54d06ba33f487ff42d7debeaef397e51dc395040447737eb2e66', categoryIds: [0], }, // 搜索服务V2
{ name: 'Order', token: 'fcebd7d4c6b6930790e844725f348280c2227b8044ae8a16bf56ead2720ec1b6', categoryIds: [0], }, //订单服务
{ name: 'Settle', token: 'fffbeeaaa198c285955997c606bc279fc6950fea118580c786f2c73eecccaa6a', categoryIds: [0], }, //结算服务
{ name: 'AfterService', token: '39db719680bf1b3db21bc1deda933cde16d17559e9676bf848ec96c1320e68df', categoryIds: [0], }, // '售后服务'
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