Commit 77a79119 authored by GuanHua's avatar GuanHua


parent e887324a
......@@ -28,8 +28,17 @@ const router = [
path: '/',
component: '@/wrappers/getSiteConfig',
routes: [
component: '@/pages/404',
path: '/404',
component: '@/pages/404',
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ const memberCenterRoute = {
redirect: '/memberCenter/home'
path: '/shopAbility',
redirect: '/shopAbility/infoManage'
path: '/memberCenter/shopAbility',
redirect: '/memberCenter/shopAbility/infoManage'
// 首页
const routes = []
const shopRoute = {
path: '/',
......@@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ const shopRoute = {
// 首页
path: `/`,
name: 'home',
icon: 'smile',
key: 'home',
component: '@/pages/index',
component: '@/pages/404',
// 资讯
path: `/information`,
name: 'home',
key: 'home',
component: '@/pages/index',
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Spin } from 'antd'
class Loading extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Spin />
import UserStore from './user'
import ThemeStore from './theme'
import React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'mobx-react'
import { IUserModule } from '@/module/userModule';
......@@ -23,10 +24,11 @@ export interface IStore {
const store = {
userStore: new UserStore
userStore: new UserStore,
ThemeStore: new ThemeStore,
const MobxProvider:React.FC = (props) => {
const MobxProvider: React.FC = (props) => {
return <Provider {}>{props.children}</Provider>
import { observable } from 'mobx'
import { IThemeModule } from '@/types/ThemeStoreType'
class ThemeStore implements IThemeModule {
@observable public themeName: string = 'default';
export default ThemeStore
@default_btn_color: green;
@default_text_color: green;
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@import './colors.less';
.welcome_text {
color: @default_text_color;
// .login_theme(@default_color: red) {}
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.theme-default {
@import './default/styles/login.less';
.theme-template2 {
@import './template2/styles/login.less';
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@default_btn_color: red;
@default_text_color: red;
\ No newline at end of file
@import './colors.less';
.welcome_text {
color: @default_text_color;
// .login_theme(@default_color: red) {}
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* 定义组件的分类数据结构,目的是为了更改的在组件预览面板做,组件的展示搜索与约束
interface propType {
[propName: string]: any
export interface ComponentCategoryType {
// 组件预览面板为grid布局通过设置span值来分配各个组件中展示组件所占位置大小,数值0-24
span?: number,
// 默认属性配置,组件预览面板会将默认属性分别展示出来,在拖拽组件时会携默认属性到页面中
props?: propType[],
export interface ComponentInfoType {
// 如果组件没有次级组件(次级组件定义类似Layout.Footer)
span?: number,
props?: propType[],
components?: {
[componentName: string]: ComponentCategoryType | null
export interface CategoryType {
[category: string]: ComponentInfoType | null
import { PROPS_TYPES } from '@/types/ConfigTypes';
* 组件配置信息数据结构定义,组件配置信息用于组件属性可视化展示,组件约束
* 组件属性的配置信息
export interface PropsConfigType {
[propName: string]: PropInfoType
* 单个属性的具体配置
export interface PropInfoType {
label: string,
tip?: string,
childPropsConfig?: PropsConfigType | PropsConfigType[],
// 只有属性面板中动态添加的属性才会有这个字段,组件原始配置信息,不需要配置此字段
isAdd?: boolean,
// 规则,其实就是antd 的form规则,属性配置面板本身就是一个纯表单,组件的属性有时会需要必填,或者做值校验等,其值完全与antd的form一样
rules?: any[],
// 当类型为function时用于做方法的展示和代码生成时方法的生成,同时设计面板与预览面板也会使用eval来执行默认方法,以防部分组件报错,
placeholder?: string,
// 当类型为enum 时用于填写可选的值
enumData?: string[],
// 属性的默认值
defaultValue?: any,
// 类型为number并且属性值为number+单位比如 12px,12%等可以设置此属性为true
hasUnit?: boolean,
// 类型为string时有时会是颜色这时设置此值为true就可以使用颜色面板
isShowColor?: boolean,
inputColProps?: any,
maxTagCount?: number,
//类型为number时设置number 的最小值
min?: number,
//类型为number时设置number 的最大值
max?: number,
stringCount?: number,
// 所以你可以设置当前属性在属性设置面板中formItem的一些特性,可参考antd form.Item设置
formItemProps?: any
* 节点属性配置信息,节点属性是这样定义的,一个属性的值可为html标签或者react组件的属性就是节点属性
* react的子节点嵌套实际是将子节点作为属性children的值,所以children也可以作为属性节点配置
export interface NodePropsConfigType {
[propName: string]: {
// 节点属性的类型,只可以填写reactNode和functionReactNode
type: PROPS_TYPES.reactNode | PROPS_TYPES.functionReactNode,
// 节点属性的功能描述,在都dom树面板hover单属性上会显示
tip?: string,
label?: string,
childNodesRule?: string[],
isRequired?: boolean,
isOnlyNode?: boolean,
params?: string[]
* 弹窗类组件配置显示映射,目的是为了将弹窗类的组件展示约束到设计面板中去
export interface MirrorModalFieldType {
// 控制显示的属性字段(比如:Modal的visible)
displayPropName: string,
// 挂载组件的配置信息
mounted: {
//挂载组件的属性的名 (比如Modal的getContainer)
propName: string,
type: PROPS_TYPES.function | PROPS_TYPES.string
// 需要修改样式才能挂载的情况(比如antd 的Drawer组件其默认样式为 position: 'fixed',无法挂载到设计面板上,需要改成 position: 'absolute')
style?: any
* 组件配置的数据结构
export interface ComponentConfigType {
parentNodesRule?: string[],
nodePropsConfig?: NodePropsConfigType,
mirrorModalField?: MirrorModalFieldType,
propsConfig: PropsConfigType,
import { CategoryType } from '@/types/CategoryType';
import { ComponentConfigType } from '@/types/ComponentConfigType';
* 属性类型定义
export enum PROPS_TYPES {
object = 'object',
objectArray = 'objectArray',
function = 'function',
number = 'number',
numberArray = 'numberArray',
string = 'string',
stringArray = 'stringArray',
enum = 'enum',
json = 'json',
boolean = 'boolean',
reactNode = 'reactNode',
functionReactNode = 'functionReactNode',
animate = 'animate',
* 样式类型定义
export enum CSS_TYPE {
string = 'string',
enum = 'enum',
number = 'number',
* 全局配置类型定义
export interface ConfigType {
OriginalComponents: any, //所有的React原始组件
CONTAINER_CATEGORY: CategoryType, //容器组件分类
NON_CONTAINER_CATEGORY: CategoryType, //非容器组件分类
AllComponentConfigs: { [componentName: string]: ComponentConfigType },
iframeSrcDoc: string
import {
} from '@/types/ModelType';
export interface DesignStoreType {
componentConfigs: VirtualDOMType[];
selectedComponentInfo: SelectedComponentInfoType | {};
hoverKey: null | string
import { PropsConfigType } from './ComponentConfigType';
import { EffectsCommandMap } from 'dva';
import { AnyAction } from 'redux';
export interface PropsNodeType {
[propName: string]: {
childNodes: VirtualDOMType[]
export interface VirtualDOMType {
key: string,
componentName: string,
props: any,
addPropsConfig?: PropsConfigType,
childNodes?: VirtualDOMType[] | PropsNodeType
export interface SelectedComponentInfoType {
selectedKey: string,
style: any,
parentPath: string,
componentName: string,
propName?: string,
propPath?: string,
path: string,
isContainer?: boolean,
isOnlyNode?: boolean,
childNodesRule?: string[],
domTreeKeys?: string[],
isRequiredHasChild?: boolean
export interface PropsSettingType {
props: any,
propsConfig: PropsConfigType,
mergePropsConfig: PropsConfigType,
addPropsConfig: PropsConfigType,
interface DragDataType {
defaultProps?: any,
componentName?: string,
templateData?: VirtualDOMType,
dragPath?: string,
dragParentPath?: string
export interface TemplateInfoType {
img: string,
id: string,
name: string,
config: string
export interface DropTargetInfoType {
isContainer: boolean,
propPath: string,
path: string,
isOnlyNode?: boolean,
childNodesRule?: string[],
componentName: string,
propName: string
export type PlatformStyleType = number[] | string[]
export interface PlatformInfoType {
isMobile: boolean,
size: PlatformStyleType,
export interface StateType {
componentConfigs: VirtualDOMType[],
selectedComponentInfo: SelectedComponentInfoType | {},
propsSetting: PropsSettingType | {},
styleSetting: any,
undo: any[],
redo: any[],
templateInfos: TemplateInfoType[],
hoverKey: null | string,
dragData: DragDataType | null,
dropTargetInfo: null | DropTargetInfoType,
platformInfo: PlatformInfoType
export type Effect = (
action: AnyAction,
effects: EffectsCommandMap & { select: <T>(func: (state: StateType) => T) => T },
) => void;
export type Reducer = (state: StateType, action: AnyAction) => StateType
export interface ModelType {
namespace: string,
state: StateType,
effects: {
submitConfigs: Effect,
searchTemplate: Effect,
getTemplateList: Effect,
addTemplateInfo: Effect,
deleteTemplate: Effect
reducers: {
saveTemplateInfos: Reducer;
addComponent: Reducer,
copyComponent: Reducer,
onLayoutSortChange: Reducer,
clearSelectedStatus: Reducer,
selectComponent: Reducer,
clearChildNodes: Reducer,
deleteComponent: Reducer,
addPropsConfig: Reducer,
deletePropsConfig: Reducer,
changeStyles: Reducer,
submitProps: Reducer,
overTarget: Reducer,
clearHovered: Reducer,
getDragData: Reducer,
getDropTargetInfo: Reducer,
changePlatform: Reducer,
undo: Reducer,
redo: Reducer,
export interface IThemeModule {
themeName: string;
\ No newline at end of file
export interface IUserModule {
name: string;
age: number;
printNameAndAge: string;
setName(name: string):void;
getAsyncAge(): Promise<number>;
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import React, { useMemo, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'
import { IThemeModule } from '@/types/ThemeStoreType'
interface AuthComponentPropsType {
children: any;
ThemeStore: IThemeModule
const GetSiteConfig: React.FC<AuthComponentPropsType> = (props) => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(true)
const { themeName } = props.ThemeStore
// useMemo(() => {
// console.log('当前使用模板', themeName)
// document.body.className = `theme-${themeName}`;
// }, [themeName])
useEffect(() => {
// 根据当前网站域名加载站点配置和商城配置
const domainName = location.href
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('当前使用模板', themeName)
document.body.className = `theme-${themeName}`;
}, 100);
}, [])
return !loading ? (
) : null
export default inject('ThemeStore')(observer(GetSiteConfig))
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