Commit 78cc2f5d authored by 赵振东's avatar 赵振东


parents 631428b1 57e50d8a
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export interface SelectOptionsPopupProps {
* 选择值改变触发事件
onChange?: (value: SelectValueType) => void;
onChange?: (value: SelectValueType,data:any) => void;
* 选项
......@@ -140,15 +140,25 @@ const Select = React.forwardRef<SelectRef, SelectProps>((props, ref) => {
const triggerChange = (next: SelectValueType) => {
const triggerChange = (next: SelectValueType,data?:any) => {
const handleSelectItem = (next: SelectValueType) => {
if (!value) {
// 生成合同接口返回的数据,需回显到上传电子合同栏
url:' (7)95867d054fc04c078c12a5134893ff5a.xls',
const handlePress = () => {
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Spin from '../Loading/Spin';
// import IMG_FILE_OTHERS from '../../../assets/images/files/file-others.png';
import { UploadFileStateType, UploadFileType } from './typings';
import styles from './styles';
import Icons from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign';
const _appendFilesStatus = (
files: DocumentPickerResponse[],
......@@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ interface FilesUploadProps {
onChange?: (value: UploadFileType[]) => void;
* 传入的文件列表
propValue?: UploadFileType[];
* 最大上传数量,默认 -1 不限制
max?: number;
......@@ -68,10 +73,13 @@ const FilesUpload: React.FC<FilesUploadProps> = props => {
max = -1,
} = props;
const [internalValue, setInternalValue] = useState<UploadFileType[]>([]);
// 手动操作标识
const inputRef = useRef(false);
......@@ -86,6 +94,11 @@ const FilesUpload: React.FC<FilesUploadProps> = props => {
}, [value]);
useEffect(() => {
if ('propValue' in props) {
}, [propValue]);
* 这里只回传上传状态为 'done' 的数据
......@@ -162,8 +175,8 @@ const FilesUpload: React.FC<FilesUploadProps> = props => {
const pickerResult = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle({
type: [
// types.xls,
// types.xlsx,
......@@ -201,6 +214,7 @@ const FilesUpload: React.FC<FilesUploadProps> = props => {
) : null}
// source={IMG_FILE_OTHERS}
......@@ -219,8 +233,9 @@ const FilesUpload: React.FC<FilesUploadProps> = props => {
onPress={() => handleRemoveItem(item.url)}
disabled={item.status === 'uploading'}
<Icons name="minuscircle" color={'#93959B'} size={16} />
) : null}
......@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'flex-start',
paddingVertical: themeLayout['padding-xxs'] - 1,
paddingHorizontal: themeLayout['padding-xs'],
paddingVertical: themeLayout['padding-xxs'] - 2,
paddingHorizontal: themeLayout['padding-xxs'] - 2,
backgroundColor: theme.background.base,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: theme.colors['grey-3'],
......@@ -131,8 +131,12 @@ export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
'upload-files-list': {},
'upload-files-list-item': {
flexDirection: 'row',
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'center',
marginBottom: themeLayout['margin-xs'],
'upload-files-list-item-loading': {
......@@ -146,13 +150,13 @@ export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
color: theme.colors.notification,
'upload-files-list-item-icon': {
width: 18,
height: 18,
flex: 0,
width: 70,
height: 70,
// flex: 0,
marginRight: themeLayout['margin-xs'],
'upload-files-list-item-fileName': {
flex: 1,
// flex: 1,
color: theme.colors['grey-0'],
......@@ -160,9 +164,15 @@ export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
color: theme.colors.notification,
'upload-files-list-item-remove': {
flex: 0,
// flex: 0,
marginLeft: themeLayout['margin-xs'],
padding: themeLayout['padding-xxs'],
// padding: themeLayout['padding-xxs'],
color: theme.colors.notification,
......@@ -7,9 +7,31 @@ declare global {
* 必须要传递RouteName
* 当该组件是路由组件时, 使用该类型声明
export type FcWithRoute<RouteName extends string, ComponentProps extends {[key: string]: any} = {}, Params extends object = {}> = FC<
export type FcWithRoute<
RouteName extends string,
ComponentProps extends { [key: string]: any } = {},
Params extends object = {},
> = FC<
ComponentProps & {
navigation: NavigationProp<{[key: string]: any}, RouteName>;
navigation: NavigationProp<{ [key: string]: any }, RouteName>;
route: Route<RouteName, Params>;
* @description 必须要传递RouteName
* 当该组件是路由组件时, 使用该类型声明
* 换个顺序,因为路由组件,ComponentProps大部分时间都是没有的,但Params常常有值
* @param RouteName 路由名字
* @param Params 跳转路由时,传递的参数类型
export type FcRoute<
RouteName extends string,
Params extends object = {},
ComponentProps extends { [key: string]: any } = {},
> = FC<
ComponentProps & {
navigation: NavigationProp<{ [key: string]: any }, RouteName>;
route: Route<RouteName, Params>;
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export default {
'order.modal.reasonNeed': '修改原因必填',
'': '查看订单',
'order.tip.taxWarn': '所有批次的支付比例总和需等于100%',
'order.tip.previewTip': '文件已下载,请打开预览',
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import RequireOrder from '../views/RequireOrder';
import MsgDetail from '../views/messageCenter/MsgDetail';
import RequireOrderDetail from '../views/RequireOrder/pages/RequireOrderDetail';
import RequirePriceOrder from '../views/RequireOrder/pages/RequirePriceOrder';
import RequirePriceOrderDetail from '../views/RequireOrder/pages/RequirePriceOrderDetail';
import CheckRequireOrder from '../views/CheckRequireOrder';
export const ROUTERS = {
Login: {
......@@ -100,6 +101,11 @@ export const ROUTERS = {
component: RequirePriceOrder,
headerShown: false,
RequirePriceOrderDetail: {
title: '求购报价单详情',
component: RequirePriceOrderDetail,
headerShown: false,
CheckRequireOrder: {
title: '审核求购报价单',
/* prettier-ignore-start */
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
/* 该文件由 yapi-to-typescript 自动生成,请勿直接修改!!! */
/* 修改该插件模板内容!!! */
/* @version v1 */
/* @auth xujiamin */
// @ts-ignore
// prettier-ignore
import request, { IApiRequest } from '../basic/requestService'
// @ts-ignore
* 接口 [一级审核↗]( 的 **请求类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/auditLevel1`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* AskPurchaseStatusUpdateRequest :AskPurchaseStatusUpdateRequest
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel1Request {
* Long
ids: number[]
* 报价单一级审核,二级审核时必填。,报价单审核状态:1.通过0.不通过
agree: number
* 一级审核,二级审核失败时必填
remark?: string
* 接口 [一级审核↗]( 的 **返回类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/auditLevel1`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* 响应数据 ,Void
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel1Response {}
* 接口 [一级审核↗]( 的 **请求函数**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/auditLevel1`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export const postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel1 = async (
params?: PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel1Request,
config?: IApiRequest,
) => {
return request<PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel1Response>(
data: params,
method: 'POST',
ctlType: 'message',
* 接口 [二级审核↗]( 的 **请求类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/auditLevel2`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* AskPurchaseStatusUpdateRequest :AskPurchaseStatusUpdateRequest
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel2Request {
* Long
ids: number[]
* 报价单一级审核,二级审核时必填。,报价单审核状态:1.通过0.不通过
agree: number
* 一级审核,二级审核失败时必填
remark?: string
* 接口 [二级审核↗]( 的 **返回类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/auditLevel2`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* 响应数据 ,Void
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel2Response {}
* 接口 [二级审核↗]( 的 **请求函数**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/auditLevel2`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export const postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel2 = async (
params?: PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel2Request,
config?: IApiRequest,
) => {
return request<PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAuditLevel2Response>(
data: params,
method: 'POST',
ctlType: 'message',
* 接口 [分页查询↗]( 的 **请求类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/page`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* MobileAskPurchaseQuotePageRequest :MobileAskPurchaseQuotePageRequest
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePageRequest {
* 采购单id
askPurchaseId?: number
* 搜索关键字(求购需求列表搜索关键字)
askPurchaseKeywords?: string
* 搜索关键字(求购报价单列表搜索关键字)
keywords?: string
* 单据开始时间
billStartTime?: string
* 单据结束时间
billEndTime?: string
* 外部状态,1,"待发布",2,"待报价",3,"已结束",4,"已终止",5,"已作废"
outerStatus?: number
* 外部状态集合,1,"待发布",2,"待报价",3,"已结束",4,"已终止",5,"已作废" ,Integer
outerStatusList?: number[]
* 内部状态,1,"待提交审核",2,"待审核(一级)",3,"待审核(二级)",4,"待提交报价单)",5,"已提交",6,"审核不通过(一级)",7,"审核不通过(二级)"
innerStatus?: number
* 内部状态集合 ,Integer
innerStatusList?: number[]
* 排序1:单据时间倒序,2:交付时间正序,3:交付时间倒序排序,4:报价截止时间正序5:报价截止时间倒序排序
sort?: number
* 当前页
current?: number
* 每页行数
pageSize?: number
* 接口 [分页查询↗]( 的 **返回类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/page`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* 响应数据 ,PageData
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePageResponse {
* 记录总条数
totalCount: number
* 数据体 ,T
data: PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePageResponseDetail[]
* 数据体 ,T
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePageResponseDetail {
* 采购单id
askPurchaseId: number
* 采购单编号
askPurchaseNo: string
* 需求单摘要
name: string
* 采购商名称
purchaseMemberName: string
* 报价截止时间
quoteEndTime: string
* 报价单id
quoteId: number
* 报价单编号
quoteNo: string
* 报价时间
quoteTime: string
* 外部状态
outerStatus: number
* 内部状态
innerStatus: number
* 反馈时限
feedbackTime: string
* 反馈
feedback: string
* 是否反馈
hasFeedback: boolean
* 接口 [分页查询↗]( 的 **请求函数**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/page`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export const postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePage = async (
params?: PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePageRequest,
config?: IApiRequest,
) => {
return request<PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePageResponse>('/transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/page', {
data: params,
method: 'POST',
ctlType: 'message',
* 接口 [提交审核↗]( 的 **请求类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/submitAudit`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* AskPurchaseQuoteReviewRequest :AskPurchaseQuoteReviewRequest
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitAuditRequest {
* Long
ids: number[]
* 接口 [提交审核↗]( 的 **返回类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/submitAudit`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* 响应数据 ,Void
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitAuditResponse {}
* 接口 [提交审核↗]( 的 **请求函数**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/submitAudit`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export const postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitAudit = async (
params?: PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitAuditRequest,
config?: IApiRequest,
) => {
return request<PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitAuditResponse>(
data: params,
method: 'POST',
ctlType: 'message',
* 接口 [提交报价↗]( 的 **请求类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/submitQuote`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* AskPurchaseQuoteReviewRequest :AskPurchaseQuoteReviewRequest
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitQuoteRequest {
* Long
ids: number[]
* 接口 [提交报价↗]( 的 **返回类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/submitQuote`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* 响应数据 ,Void
export interface PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitQuoteResponse {}
* 接口 [提交报价↗]( 的 **请求函数**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `POST /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/submitQuote`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export const postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitQuote = async (
params?: PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitQuoteRequest,
config?: IApiRequest,
) => {
return request<PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteSubmitQuoteResponse>(
data: params,
method: 'POST',
ctlType: 'message',
* 接口 [求购报价单详情↗]( 的 **请求类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `GET /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/information`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export interface GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteInformationRequest {
* (Long)
id: string
* 接口 [求购报价单详情↗]( 的 **返回类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `GET /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/information`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* 响应数据 ,AskPurchaseQuoteResponse
export interface GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteInformationResponse {
id: number
* 工作流程 ,SimpleProcessDefVO
simpleProcessDefVO: {
* 流程名称
processName: string
* 当前步骤
currentStep: number
* 任务列表 ,SimpleTaskVO
tasks: {
* 任务步骤
taskStep: number
* 任务名称
taskName: string
* 可执行此步骤任务的角色名称,<p>当查询的是外部流程,此字段表示会员角色名称<p>,<p>当查询的是内部流程,此字段表示用户角色名称<p>
roleName: string
* 任务自定义属性(该参数为map)
properties: {
* String
mapKey?: {}
* String
mapValue?: {
hash?: number
* 求购报价单单号
quoteNo: string
* 摘要
name: string
* 询价报价--内部状态:1.待提交审核2.审核报价单3.审核报价单2级4.提交询价单5.审核通过6.审核不通过,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status: number
* 对应的求购单id
askPurchaseId: number
* 对应的求购单编号
askPurchaseNo: string
* 供应商memberId
memberId: number
* 供应商memberRoleId
memberRoleId: number
* 供应商名称
memberName: string
* 联系人国家代码,
contactCountryCode: string
* 联系人号码
contactMobile: string
* 联系人名字
contactName: string
* 币种id
currencyId: number
* 币种名称
currencyName: string
* 单据时间
billTime: string
* 报价截止时间
quoteEndTime: string
* 附件链接集合 ,EnclosureUrlsRequest
enclosureUrls: {
* 附件名字
name: string
* 附件链接
url: string
* 交付说明
deliverRemark: string
* 付款说明
paymentRemark: string
* 税费说明
taxesRemark: string
* 物流说明
logisticsRemark: string
* 物流说明
packageRemark: string
* 其他说明
otherRemark: string
* 物料 ,AskPurchaseQuoteGoodsResponse
askPurchaseQuoteGoodsResponses: {
id: number
* 物料id
goodsId: number
* 物料编号
goodsNo: string
* 物料名称
goodsName: string
* 规格
specification: string
* 品类id
categoryId: number
* 品类名称
categoryName: string
* 品牌id
brandId: number
* 品牌名称
brandName: string
* 单位
unit: string
* 求购数量
num: number
* 关联商品id
commodityId: number
* 关联商品名称
commodityName: string
* 是否含税,0:不含税,1:含税
includeTax: number
* 税率,eg.10,标识含10%的税率
taxRate: number
* 含税单价
unitPriceWithTax: number
* 不含税单价
unitPriceWithoutTax: number
* 含税金额
totalPriceWithTax: number
* 不含税金额
totalPriceWithoutTax: number
* 报价有效开始时间
quoteStartTime: string
* 报价有效结束时间
quoteEndTime: string
* HS编码
hsCode: string
* 退税率
refundRate: number
* 危险级别
hazardLevel: string
* 附件链接集合 ,EnclosureUrlsRequest
enclosureUrls: {
* 附件名字
name?: string
* 附件链接
url?: string
* CAS号
casNo: string
* 产品用途
productUse: string
* 期望单价
expectedUnitPrice: number
* 竞争对手
competitor: string
* 币种Id
currencyId: number
* 币种名称
currencyName: string
* 报价明细 ,AskPurchaseQuoteGoodsDetailResponse
quoteDetails: {
id?: number
* 工厂名
factoryName?: string
* 工厂网页
factoryUrl?: string
* 产品规格
spec?: string
* 库存
inventory?: number
* 包装
wrap?: string
* 年生产量
annualProduction?: number
* 出口现状
ExportStatus?: string
* 供应商报价
supplierQuote?: number
* 币种id
currencyId?: number
* 币种名称
currencyName?: string
* 厂家价格
manufacturerPrice?: string
* 报价有效开始时间
quoteStartTime?: string
* 报价有效结束时间
quoteEndTime?: string
* 重点推荐
featured?: string
* 其他
miscellaneous?: string
* 内部流转记录 ,AskPurchaseRecordResponse
innerRecords: {
* 供应商名称
supplierMemberName: string
* 操作角色名称
roleName: string
* 状态,求购单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseStatusEnum,报价单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status: number
* 状态描述
statusDesc: string
* 操作,@seeAskPurchaseOperateEnum,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteOperateEnum
operateCode: number
* 操作描述
operateCodeDesc: string
* 备注
remark: string
* 操作人用户id
operateUserId: number
* 操作人名字
operateUserName: string
* 操作人部门id
departmentId: number
* 操作人部门名称
departmentName: string
* 操作人职位id
positionId: number
* 操作人职位名称
positionName: string
* 创建时间
createTime: string
* 外部流转记录 ,AskPurchaseRecordResponse
outerRecords: {
* 供应商名称
supplierMemberName: string
* 操作角色名称
roleName: string
* 状态,求购单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseStatusEnum,报价单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status: number
* 状态描述
statusDesc: string
* 操作,@seeAskPurchaseOperateEnum,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteOperateEnum
operateCode: number
* 操作描述
operateCodeDesc: string
* 备注
remark: string
* 操作人用户id
operateUserId: number
* 操作人名字
operateUserName: string
* 操作人部门id
departmentId: number
* 操作人部门名称
departmentName: string
* 操作人职位id
positionId: number
* 操作人职位名称
positionName: string
* 创建时间
createTime: string
* 含税总额
totalPriceWithTax: number
* 不含税总额
totalPriceWithoutTax: number
* 反馈时限
feedbackTime: string
* 是否允许反馈
isAllowFeedback: boolean
* 反馈内容
feedback: string
* 最小供应商总价
supplierTotalPrice: number
* 营业担当用户ID
salesDirectorId: number
* 营业担当用户名称
salesDirectorName: string
* 接口 [求购报价单详情↗]( 的 **请求函数**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `GET /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/information`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export const getTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteInformation = async (
params?: GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteInformationRequest,
config?: IApiRequest,
) => {
return request<GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteInformationResponse>(
method: 'GET',
ctlType: 'none',
* 接口 [求购需求单详情↗]( 的 **请求类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `GET /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/askPurchaseDetail`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export interface GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAskPurchaseDetailRequest {
* (Long)
askPurchaseId: string
* 接口 [求购需求单详情↗]( 的 **返回类型**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `GET /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/askPurchaseDetail`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
* 响应数据 ,AskPurchaseResponse
export interface GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAskPurchaseDetailResponse {
id: number
* 编号
askPurchaseNo: string
* 需求单摘要
name: string
* 单据时间
billTime: string
* 收到的报价单数量
quoteCount: number
* 求购物料 ,AskPurchaseGoodsResponse
askPurchaseGoodsResponses: {
id: number
* 物料id
goodsId: number
* 物料编号
goodsNo: string
* 物料名称
goodsName: string
* 规格
specification: string
* 品类id
categoryId: number
* 品类名称
categoryName: string
* 品牌id
brandId: number
* 品牌名称
brandName: string
* 单位
unit: string
* 求购数量
num: number
* 附件链接集合 ,EnclosureUrlsRequest
enclosureUrls: {
* 附件名字
name?: string
* 附件链接
url?: string
* CAS号
casNo: string
* 产品用途
productUse: string
* 期望单价
expectedUnitPrice: number
* 竞争对手
competitor: string
* 币种Id
currencyId: number
* 币种名称
currencyName: string
* 发布类型,@seeAskPurchasePublishTypeEnum
publishType: number
* 指定的会员 ,AskPurchaseMemberResponse
askPurchaseMemberResponses: {
id: number
memberId: number
memberRoleId: number
* 会员名称
memberName: string
* 会员类型
memberType: string
* 会员角色名称
memberRoleName: string
* 会员等级
memberGrade: string
* 营业担当用户ID
salesDirectorId: number
* 营业担当用户名称
salesDirectorName: string
* 发布的商城 ,AskPurchaseShopResponse
askPurchaseShopResponses: {
* 商城id
shopId: number
* 商城名称
shopName: string
* 交付时间
deliverTime: string
* 交付地址id
deliverAddressId: number
* 交付地址
deliverAddress: string
* 报价截止时间
quoteEndTime: string
* 联系人Id
contactUserId: number
* 联系人名称
contactName: string
* 联系人国家代码,,@seecom.ssy.lingxi.member.merchant.api.constant.CountryCodeEnum
contactCountryCode: string
* 联系人手机号码
contactMobile: string
* 报价要求
quoteRequire: string
* 付款方式
paymentWay: string
* 税费要求
taxesRequire: string
* 物流要求
logisticsRequire: string
* 包装要求
packageRequire: string
* 其他要求
otherRequire: string
* 样品需求
sampleRequire: string
* 调查要求
surveyRequire: string
* 附件链接集合 ,EnclosureUrlsRequest
enclosureUrls: {
* 附件名字
name: string
* 附件链接
url: string
* 状态,,@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseStatusEnum,1,"待发布",2,"待报价",3,"已结束",4,"已终止",5,"已作废"
status: number
* 采购商名称
memberName: string
* 求购单-内部流转记录 ,AskPurchaseRecordResponse
innerRecords: {
* 供应商名称
supplierMemberName: string
* 操作角色名称
roleName: string
* 状态,求购单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseStatusEnum,报价单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status: number
* 状态描述
statusDesc: string
* 操作,@seeAskPurchaseOperateEnum,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteOperateEnum
operateCode: number
* 操作描述
operateCodeDesc: string
* 备注
remark: string
* 操作人用户id
operateUserId: number
* 操作人名字
operateUserName: string
* 操作人部门id
departmentId: number
* 操作人部门名称
departmentName: string
* 操作人职位id
positionId: number
* 操作人职位名称
positionName: string
* 创建时间
createTime: string
* 求购单-外部流转记录 ,AskPurchaseRecordResponse
outerRecords: {
* 供应商名称
supplierMemberName: string
* 操作角色名称
roleName: string
* 状态,求购单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseStatusEnum,报价单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status: number
* 状态描述
statusDesc: string
* 操作,@seeAskPurchaseOperateEnum,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteOperateEnum
operateCode: number
* 操作描述
operateCodeDesc: string
* 备注
remark: string
* 操作人用户id
operateUserId: number
* 操作人名字
operateUserName: string
* 操作人部门id
departmentId: number
* 操作人部门名称
departmentName: string
* 操作人职位id
positionId: number
* 操作人职位名称
positionName: string
* 创建时间
createTime: string
* 报价单 ,AskPurchaseQuoteResponse
quoteResponses: {
id: number
* 工作流程 ,SimpleProcessDefVO
simpleProcessDefVO: {
* 流程名称
processName?: string
* 当前步骤
currentStep?: number
* 任务列表 ,SimpleTaskVO
tasks?: {
* 任务步骤
taskStep?: number
* 任务名称
taskName?: string
* 可执行此步骤任务的角色名称,<p>当查询的是外部流程,此字段表示会员角色名称<p>,<p>当查询的是内部流程,此字段表示用户角色名称<p>
roleName?: string
* 任务自定义属性(该参数为map)
properties?: {
* String
mapKey?: {}
* String
mapValue?: {
hash?: number
* 求购报价单单号
quoteNo: string
* 摘要
name: string
* 询价报价--内部状态:1.待提交审核2.审核报价单3.审核报价单2级4.提交询价单5.审核通过6.审核不通过,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status: number
* 对应的求购单id
askPurchaseId: number
* 对应的求购单编号
askPurchaseNo: string
* 供应商memberId
memberId: number
* 供应商memberRoleId
memberRoleId: number
* 供应商名称
memberName: string
* 联系人国家代码,
contactCountryCode: string
* 联系人号码
contactMobile: string
* 联系人名字
contactName: string
* 币种id
currencyId: number
* 币种名称
currencyName: string
* 单据时间
billTime: string
* 报价截止时间
quoteEndTime: string
* 附件链接集合 ,EnclosureUrlsRequest
enclosureUrls: {
* 附件名字
name?: string
* 附件链接
url?: string
* 交付说明
deliverRemark: string
* 付款说明
paymentRemark: string
* 税费说明
taxesRemark: string
* 物流说明
logisticsRemark: string
* 物流说明
packageRemark: string
* 其他说明
otherRemark: string
* 物料 ,AskPurchaseQuoteGoodsResponse
askPurchaseQuoteGoodsResponses: {
id?: number
* 物料id
goodsId?: number
* 物料编号
goodsNo?: string
* 物料名称
goodsName?: string
* 规格
specification?: string
* 品类id
categoryId?: number
* 品类名称
categoryName?: string
* 品牌id
brandId?: number
* 品牌名称
brandName?: string
* 单位
unit?: string
* 求购数量
num?: number
* 关联商品id
commodityId?: number
* 关联商品名称
commodityName?: string
* 是否含税,0:不含税,1:含税
includeTax?: number
* 税率,eg.10,标识含10%的税率
taxRate?: number
* 含税单价
unitPriceWithTax?: number
* 不含税单价
unitPriceWithoutTax?: number
* 含税金额
totalPriceWithTax?: number
* 不含税金额
totalPriceWithoutTax?: number
* 报价有效开始时间
quoteStartTime?: string
* 报价有效结束时间
quoteEndTime?: string
* HS编码
hsCode?: string
* 退税率
refundRate?: number
* 危险级别
hazardLevel?: string
* 附件链接集合 ,EnclosureUrlsRequest
enclosureUrls?: {
* 附件名字
name?: string
* 附件链接
url?: string
* CAS号
casNo?: string
* 产品用途
productUse?: string
* 期望单价
expectedUnitPrice?: number
* 竞争对手
competitor?: string
* 币种Id
currencyId?: number
* 币种名称
currencyName?: string
* 报价明细 ,AskPurchaseQuoteGoodsDetailResponse
quoteDetails?: {
id?: number
* 工厂名
factoryName?: string
* 工厂网页
factoryUrl?: string
* 产品规格
spec?: string
* 库存
inventory?: number
* 包装
wrap?: string
* 年生产量
annualProduction?: number
* 出口现状
ExportStatus?: string
* 供应商报价
supplierQuote?: number
* 币种id
currencyId?: number
* 币种名称
currencyName?: string
* 厂家价格
manufacturerPrice?: string
* 报价有效开始时间
quoteStartTime?: string
* 报价有效结束时间
quoteEndTime?: string
* 重点推荐
featured?: string
* 其他
miscellaneous?: string
* 内部流转记录 ,AskPurchaseRecordResponse
innerRecords: {
* 供应商名称
supplierMemberName?: string
* 操作角色名称
roleName?: string
* 状态,求购单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseStatusEnum,报价单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status?: number
* 状态描述
statusDesc?: string
* 操作,@seeAskPurchaseOperateEnum,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteOperateEnum
operateCode?: number
* 操作描述
operateCodeDesc?: string
* 备注
remark?: string
* 操作人用户id
operateUserId?: number
* 操作人名字
operateUserName?: string
* 操作人部门id
departmentId?: number
* 操作人部门名称
departmentName?: string
* 操作人职位id
positionId?: number
* 操作人职位名称
positionName?: string
* 创建时间
createTime?: string
* 外部流转记录 ,AskPurchaseRecordResponse
outerRecords: {
* 供应商名称
supplierMemberName?: string
* 操作角色名称
roleName?: string
* 状态,求购单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseStatusEnum,报价单状态@seecom.ssy.lingxi.transaction.api.enums.AskPurchaseQuoteStatusEnum
status?: number
* 状态描述
statusDesc?: string
* 操作,@seeAskPurchaseOperateEnum,@seeAskPurchaseQuoteOperateEnum
operateCode?: number
* 操作描述
operateCodeDesc?: string
* 备注
remark?: string
* 操作人用户id
operateUserId?: number
* 操作人名字
operateUserName?: string
* 操作人部门id
departmentId?: number
* 操作人部门名称
departmentName?: string
* 操作人职位id
positionId?: number
* 操作人职位名称
positionName?: string
* 创建时间
createTime?: string
* 含税总额
totalPriceWithTax: number
* 不含税总额
totalPriceWithoutTax: number
* 反馈时限
feedbackTime: string
* 是否允许反馈
isAllowFeedback: boolean
* 反馈内容
feedback: string
* 最小供应商总价
supplierTotalPrice: number
* 营业担当用户ID
salesDirectorId: number
* 营业担当用户名称
salesDirectorName: string
* 是否已经报价
whetherQuoted: boolean
* 项目背景
projectBackground: string
* 营业担当用户ID(供应商报价单显示)
salesDirectorId: number
* 营业担当用户名称(供应商报价单显示)
salesDirectorName: string
* 接口 [求购需求单详情↗]( 的 **请求函数**
* @分类 [求购报价-APP↗](
* @请求头 `GET /transaction/mobile/askPurchaseQuote/askPurchaseDetail`
* @更新时间 `2023-02-17 20:06:50`
export const getTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAskPurchaseDetail = async (
params?: GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAskPurchaseDetailRequest,
config?: IApiRequest,
) => {
return request<GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteAskPurchaseDetailResponse>(
method: 'GET',
ctlType: 'none',
/* prettier-ignore-end */
/* prettier-ignore-start */
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
/* 该文件由 yapi-to-typescript 自动生成,请勿直接修改!!! */
*@describe 用于格式化数字,有小数格式化,无则不格式化
*@param num 值
*@param point 格式化的位数
*@returns 格式化后发值
export const formatNum = (num: number | undefined, point: number) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line curly
if (!num) return;
var result = num.toString().indexOf('.');
if (result === -1) {
return num;
} else {
return Number(num).toFixed(point);
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
export function getEnumManager(enums: any[], name?: any) {
const labels = any) => item.label);
const values = any) => item.value);
return {
import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { View, Text, Image, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import WebView from 'react-native-webview';
import NavBar from '../../../components/NavBar';
import { RootStackScreenProps } from '../../../routers/types';
import useLocale from '../../../hooks/useLocale'
// import OpenFile from 'react-native-doc-viewer';
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
type ContractDetailsProps = RootStackScreenProps<'ContractDetails'>;
......@@ -12,11 +15,16 @@ const ContractDetails: React.FC<ContractDetailsProps> = ({ route }) => {
params: { fileUrl,type='' },
} = route;
const { t } = useLocale('order')
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<NavBar title={type=='contract'?t("order.detailInfo.contractFileName"):t('order.detailInfo.fujian')} />
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<WebView source={{ uri: fileUrl ||'' }} />
Platform.OS !== 'ios' &&
<Text style={{textAlign:'center',marginTop:30}}>{t('order.tip.previewTip')}</Text>
<WebView source={{ uri:fileUrl }} />
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ const ContractDetails: React.FC<ContractDetailsProps> = ({ route }) => {
const handleFinish = async (values: FormSubmitValuesType) => { }
const handleContractTypeChange = async () => { }
const [contractualValue, setContractualValue] = useState(false);
const [propValue, setPropValue] = useState([]);
const [contractUploadTypeValue, setContractUploadTypeValue] = useState<number>();
const handleContractualChange = (next: boolean) => {
......@@ -36,8 +37,11 @@ const ContractDetails: React.FC<ContractDetailsProps> = ({ route }) => {
const handleContractUploadTypeChange = (next: number) => {
const handleContractUploadTypeChange = (next: number,data?:any) => {
const handleCommit = () => {
......@@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ const ContractDetails: React.FC<ContractDetailsProps> = ({ route }) => {
contractUploadTypeValue === 2 ? ( */}
{contractualValue &&
<Form.Item customContentStyle={{display:'flex',flexDirection:'column',minHeight:200}} label={t('order.detailInfo.upLoadContract')} name="contractFiles" labelWidth={130} customItemStyle={{ margin: 8, backgroundColor: '#fff', borderRadius: 6,paddingLeft:8 }}>
<Upload.FilesUpload max={1} />
<Upload.FilesUpload max={1} propValue={propValue}/>
......@@ -728,6 +728,9 @@ const StaySubmit = (props: Iprops) => {
{/* 电子合同 */}
{/* {
} */}
orderOperation == 1 &&
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
......@@ -28,3 +28,28 @@ export enum RequireOrderSort {
// 1.待提交审核2.审核报价单 3.审核报价单2级 4.提交询价单 5.审核通过 6.审核不通过,
export enum RequirePriceOrderStatus {
// 'All' = '',
'WaitCheck' = 1, // 待提交审核
'CheckOrder', //审核报价单
export const RequirePriceOrderStatusOptions = [
{ label: '全部', value: RequireOrderStatus.All },
{ label: '待提交审核', value: RequirePriceOrderStatus.WaitCheck },
{ label: '审核报价单', value: RequirePriceOrderStatus.CheckOrder },
{ label: '审核报价单2级', value: RequirePriceOrderStatus.CheckOrder2 },
{ label: '提交询价单', value: RequirePriceOrderStatus.SubmitOrder },
{ label: '审核通过', value: RequirePriceOrderStatus.CheckPass },
{ label: '审核不通过', value: RequirePriceOrderStatus.CheckNoPass },
export const RequirePriceOrderStatusEnum = getEnumManager(
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import {
import { RequireOrderStatusEnum } from '../../constants';
import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
import { formatNum } from '../../../../utils/formatNum';
interface IProp {
route: any;
navigation: any;
......@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ const RequireOrderDetail = ({ route, navigation }: IProp) => {
// '';
const handlePress = () => {
// let PictureDir = fs.dirs.PictureDir; // this is the pictures directory. You can check the available directories in the wiki.
// let options = {
// fileCache: true,
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ const RequireOrderDetail = ({ route, navigation }: IProp) => {
// setheadText(false);
const handleCopy = (text: string) => {
const handleCopy = (text?: string) => {
if (!text) {'order.tip.noCopy'));
......@@ -121,40 +121,31 @@ const RequireOrderDetail = ({ route, navigation }: IProp) => {
const materialList = [
title: 'CAS号:',
// value: orderData?.askPurchaseGoodsResponses[index].casNo,
value: 'casNo',
title: '采购数量:',
// value: orderData?.askPurchaseGoodsResponses[index].num,
value: 'num',
formatNum: true,
title: '品类:',
// value: orderData?.askPurchaseGoodsResponses[index].categoryName,
value: 'categoryName',
title: '品牌:',
// value: orderData?.askPurchaseGoodsResponses[index].brandName,
value: 'brandName',
title: '单位:',
// value: orderData?.askPurchaseGoodsResponses[index].unit,
value: 'unit',
title: '币种:',
// value: orderData?.askPurchaseGoodsResponses[index].currencyName,
value: 'currencyName',
const requirementDockList = [
{ title: '中山龙华皮料有限公司', value: '张三三' },
const renderCommonList = (item, index) => (
......@@ -165,13 +156,11 @@ const RequireOrderDetail = ({ route, navigation }: IProp) => {
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<Text style={myStyle.CellText} numberOfLines={1}>
{/* {item.copyfn && <Icons name="right" size={12} />} */}
{item.hasCopy && (
style={[myStyle.addressName, { marginLeft: 10 }]}
onPress={() => handleCopy('zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz')}
onPress={() => handleCopy(item.value)}
......@@ -195,7 +184,11 @@ const RequireOrderDetail = ({ route, navigation }: IProp) => {
return (
<View style={myStyle['Mcell-content']}>
<Text style={myStyle['Mcell-text']}>{title}</Text>
<Text style={{ color: '#252D37' }}>{Goods?.[value]}</Text>
<Text style={{ color: '#252D37' }}>
? formatNum(Goods?.[value], 6)
: Goods?.[value]}
......@@ -208,7 +201,7 @@ const RequireOrderDetail = ({ route, navigation }: IProp) => {
<Text>期望单价: </Text>
<Text> {formatNum(Goods?.expectedUnitPrice, 6)}</Text>
......@@ -250,7 +243,7 @@ const RequireOrderDetail = ({ route, navigation }: IProp) => {
onPress={() => handleCopy('zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz')}
onPress={() => handleCopy(orderData?.askPurchaseNo)}
import { color } from 'react-native-reanimated';
import { StyleSheet, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { ThemeStyle } from '../../../../constants/theme';
import themeLayout from '../../../../constants/theme/layout';
......@@ -57,13 +56,11 @@ export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
block: {
width: 4,
height: 16,
height: 20,
backgroundColor: '#00A98F',
borderRadius: 2,
position: 'absolute',
// left: '-10',
// flex: 1,
left: -8,
left: -10,
top: 2,
'addressFlex-title-text': {
......@@ -118,7 +115,7 @@ export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
HeadCellText: {
fontSize: 14,
color: '#252D37',
fontWeight: '400',
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
CellIem: {
display: 'flex',
......@@ -150,6 +147,7 @@ export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
Mcell: {
display: 'flex',
marginTop: 10,
justifyContent: 'space-between',
'Mcell-title': {
import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import { RequireOrderStatusEnum } from '../../../../constants';
import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';
import useAppStyle from '../../../../../../hooks/useAppStyle';
import styles from './styles';
const OrderList = props => {
const { data: item, askPurchaseId } = props;
const myStyle = useAppStyle(styles);
const navigation = useNavigation();
console.log(item, 'itemitemitemitem');
return (
onPress={() => {
navigation.navigate('RequirePriceOrderDetail', {
askPurchaseId: askPurchaseId,
<View style={myStyle['box-top']}>
<Text style={myStyle['box-top-text']}>{item.memberName}</Text>
{item?.status ? (
<Text style={myStyle['box-top-text']}>
{/* {RequireOrderStatusEnum.getLabelByValue(item?.status)} */}
) : null}
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome']}>
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-container']}>
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-title']}>
<Text style={myStyle['box-bottome-title-text']}>{item?.name}</Text>
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-content']}>
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-left']}>
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-left-text']}>
<View style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>
<Text style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-left-text-label']}>
<Text style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-left-text-value']}>
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-left-text']}>
<View style={{ marginRight: 4 }}>
<Text style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-left-text-label']}>
<Text style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-left-text-value']}>
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-right']}>
{/* source={{ uri: products.logo }} */}
{/* <Image
/> */}
{/* {haveFoot ? (
<View style={myStyle['box-bottome-foot']}>
onPress={() => {
navigation.navigate('RequireOrderDetail', { id: item?.id });
<Text style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-button-text']}>
onPress={() => {
navigation.navigate('RequirePriceOrder', { id: item?.id });
<Text style={myStyle['box-bottome-content-button-text']}>
) : null} */}
export default OrderList;
import { StyleSheet, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { ThemeStyle } from '../../../../../../constants/theme';
import themeLayout from '../../../../../../constants/theme/layout';
export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
container: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
header: {
width: '100%',
flexDirection: 'row',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
alignItems: 'center',
input: {
width: '100%',
flexDirection: 'row',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
alignItems: 'center',
position: 'relative',
IconView: {
position: 'relative',
width: '100%',
searchImg: {
width: 18,
height: 18,
backgroundColor: '#F6F8FA',
position: 'absolute',
left: 25,
top: 12,
zIndex: 10,
search: {
display: 'flex',
width: '60%',
// flexDirection:'row'
categoryContainer: {
paddingHorizontal: themeLayout['padding-l'],
alignItems: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
categoryWrap: {
flex: 1,
overflow: 'hidden',
height: 36,
// justifyContent: 'center',
categoryBox: {
// width: '25%',
marginRight: 5,
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
categoryItem: {
flexDirection: 'row',
paddingRight: 40,
height: '100%',
alignItems: 'center',
categoryText: {
// fontSize: 12,
textAlign: 'center',
color: theme.fonts.black2,
fontWeight: '400',
categoryText__active: {
color: '#00A98F',
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
categoryIcon__active: {
color: '#00A98F',
// fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
commodityList: {
backgroundColor: '#F4F5F7',
paddingHorizontal: 8,
paddingVertical: 8,
flex: 1,
searchBox: {
// flex: 0.9,
width: '90%',
height: 40,
borderRadius: 18,
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: '#F7F8FA',
paddingLeft: themeLayout['padding-xs'],
overflow: 'hidden',
box: {
flex: 1,
height: 132,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
borderRadius: themeLayout['padding-xs'],
marginBottom: themeLayout['padding-xs'],
paddingHorizontal: themeLayout['padding-s'],
'box-top': {
height: 40,
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row',
'box-top-text': {
color: '#252D37',
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
'box-bottome': {
height: 131,
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center',
'box-bottome-container': {
width: '100%',
height: 83,
justifyContent: 'center',
// alignItems: 'center',
'box-bottome-title': {
width: '100%',
height: 20,
// justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
marginTop: 5,
marginBottom: 2,
'box-bottome-title-text': {
color: '#252D37',
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
'box-bottome-content': {
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row',
'box-bottome-content-left': {
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
marginTop: 14,
'box-bottome-content-left-text': {
width: '100%',
alignItems: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row',
// marginTop: 16,
'box-bottome-content-left-text-label': {
color: '#91959B',
// marginRight: 6,
'box-bottome-content-left-text-value': {
color: '#252D37',
marginLight: 4,
'box-bottome-content-right': {
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
'box-bottome-content-right-img': {
height: 48,
width: 48,
'box-bottome-foot': {
height: 48,
width: '100%',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'flex-end',
flexDirection: 'row',
'box-bottome-content-button': {
backgroundColor: '#EBF9F6',
borderRadius: 4,
height: 24,
width: 72,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
marginRight: 8,
'box-bottome-content-button-text': {
color: '#00A98F',
......@@ -8,22 +8,43 @@ import {
} from 'react-native';
import useAppStyle from '../../../../hooks/useAppStyle';
import styles from './styles';
import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { useNavigation, Route, NavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';
import Icons from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign';
import FeatherIcons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Feather';
import { postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePage } from '../../../../services/TransactionV2Api';
import CommodityItem from '../../components/CommodityItem';
import {
PostTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePageRequest as ParamsType,
} from '../../../../services/TransactionV2Api';
import OrderList from './components/OrderList';
import OrderNavBar from '../../../../components/OrderNavBar';
import { FcRoute } from '../../../../global';
type Parmas = {
id?: number;
const RequirePriceOrder = props => {
const { id: askPurchaseId } = props;
const RequirePriceOrder: FcRoute<'RequirePriceOrder', Parmas> = props => {
const {
route: {
params: { id: askPurchaseId },
} = props;
const myStyle = useAppStyle(styles);
const safeInset = useSafeAreaInsets();
const navigation = useNavigation();
const [productList, setProductList] = useState<any[]>([]);
const [innerValue, setInnerValue] = useState('');
const [searchcriteria, setSearchcriteria] = useState<ParamsType>({
pageSize: 8,
const getProductList = (): Promise<any[]> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePage({ askPurchaseId }).then(res => {
postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePage(searchcriteria).then(res => {
// postTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuotePage({ askPurchaseId: 12 }).then(
// res => {
if (res.code === 1000) {
} else {
......@@ -39,61 +60,31 @@ const RequirePriceOrder = props => {
.catch(() => {});
}, []);
}, [searchcriteria]);
const renderCommodityItem = ({
}: {
item: any;
index: number;
}) => {
return <CommodityItem data={item} />;
const handleChange = text => {
const handleSearchSubmit = () => {
askPurchaseMemberName: innerValue,
const renderCommodityItem = ({ item }: { item: any }) => {
return <OrderList data={item} askPurchaseId={askPurchaseId} />;
return (
<View style={myStyle.container}>
{/* 头区域 */}
<View style={{ paddingTop:, height: + 4 }} />
<View style={myStyle.header}>
style={{ marginLeft: 12, marginRight: 20 }}
onPress={() => {
<Icons name={'left'} size={24} color={'#252D37'} />
<View style={[myStyle.input]}>
style={[myStyle.searchImg, { backgroundColor: '#fff' }]}
<View style={[myStyle.searchBox, { width: '73%' }]}>
// onSubmitEditing={handleSearchSubmit}
fontSize: 14,
width: '90%',
backgroundColor: '#F6F8FA',
borderRadius: 4,
paddingLeft: 25,
// onChangeText={handleChange}
{/* 内容区域 */}
<View style={myStyle.commodityList}>
import React, { useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { View, Text, ScrollView } from 'react-native';
import NavBar from '../../../../components/NavBar';
import useLocale from '../../../../hooks/useLocale';
// import useLocale from '../../../../hooks/useLocale';
import styles from './styles';
import useAppStyle from '../../../../hooks/useAppStyle';
import {
GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseDetailResponse as AskPurchaseDataType,
GetTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteDetailResponse as DataType,
} from '../../../../services/TransactionV2Api';
import { FcRoute } from '../../../../global';
import { RequirePriceOrderStatusEnum } from '../../constants';
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
import Clipboard from 'expo-clipboard';
import Popup from '../../../../components/Popup';
import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';
import { formatNum } from '../../../../utils/formatNum';
// id =2
type Params = {
quoteNoId: number; //求购单Id
askPurchaseId: number; //需求单Id
const id = 2;
interface PopupInfo {
supplierQuote: number;
manufacturerPric: number;
const RequirePriceOrderDetail: FcRoute<
> = props => {
const {
route: {
params: { quoteNoId, askPurchaseId },
} = props;
const myStyle = useAppStyle(styles);
const { t } = useLocale('order');
const [orderData, setOrderData] = useState<DataType>();
const [askPurchaseData, setAskPurchaseData] = useState<AskPurchaseDataType>();
const [popupVisibal, setPopupVisibal] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [popupInfo, setPopupInfo] = useState<PopupInfo>();
const insets = useSafeAreaInsets();
const fetchData = async () => {
console.log(quoteNoId, 'paramsparams', askPurchaseId);
const { data, code } = await getTransactionMobileAskPurchaseQuoteDetail({
id: quoteNoId,
const { data: data2, code: code2 } =
await getTransactionMobileAskPurchaseDetail({
id: askPurchaseId,
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const handleCopy = (text?: string) => {
if (!text) {'order.tip.noCopy'));
const renderCommonList = (item, index) => (
// onPress={() => (item.fn ? item.fn() : {})}
<Text style={myStyle.CellName}>{t(item.title)}</Text>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<Text style={myStyle.CellText} numberOfLines={1}>
{item.hasCopy && (
style={[myStyle.addressName, { marginLeft: 10 }]}
onPress={() => handleCopy(item.value)}
const handleClose = () => {};
const renderMaterialList = (topItem, topIndex) => {
const Goods: any = orderData?.askPurchaseQuoteGoodsResponses[topIndex];
return (
<View style={myStyle.Mcell}>
<Text style={myStyle['Mcell-title']}>{Goods?.['goodsName']}</Text>
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
marginBottom: 10,
<Text>采购数量:{formatNum(Goods.num, 6)}</Text>
<Text>期望单价:{formatNum(Goods.expectedUnitPrice, 6)}</Text>
{, index) => {
return (
flexDirection: 'row',
paddingVertical: 10,
justifyContent: 'space-between',
onPress={() => {
supplierQuote: item.supplierQuote,
manufacturerPric: item.manufacturerPric,
style={{ color: '#00A98F' }}
const basicInfoList = [
{ title: '求购需求单号', value: orderData?.quoteNo, hasCopy: true },
{ title: '对应求购需求单', value: orderData?.askPurchaseNo },
{ title: '报价会员', value: orderData?.memberName },
{ title: '报价单摘要', value: orderData?.name },
{ title: '营业担当', value: orderData?.salesDirectorName },
title: '币种',
value: orderData?.currencyName,
{ title: '单据时间', value: orderData?.billTime },
{ title: '报价截止时间', value: orderData?.quoteEndTime },
const buyerTradeTermsList = [
{ title: '交易时间', value: askPurchaseData?.deliverTime },
{ title: '交付地址', value: askPurchaseData?.deliverAddress },
{ title: '报价截止时间', value: askPurchaseData?.quoteEndTime },
const buyerOtherTermsList = [
{ title: '报价要求', value: askPurchaseData?.quoteRequire },
{ title: '付款说明', value: askPurchaseData?.paymentWay },
{ title: '税费说明', value: askPurchaseData?.taxesRequire },
{ title: '物流说明', value: askPurchaseData?.logisticsRequire },
{ title: '包装说明', value: askPurchaseData?.packageRequire },
{ title: '其他要求', value: askPurchaseData?.otherRequire },
const supplierOtherTermsList = [
{ title: '报价联系人', value: orderData?.contactName },
{ title: '联系电话', value: orderData?.contactMobile },
{ title: '交付说明', value: orderData?.deliverRemark },
{ title: '付款说明', value: orderData?.paymentRemark },
{ title: '税费说明', value: orderData?.taxesRemark },
{ title: '物流说明', value: orderData?.logisticsRemark },
{ title: '包装说明', value: orderData?.packageRemark },
{ title: '其他要求', value: orderData?.otherRemark },
console.log(RequirePriceOrderStatusEnum.getLabelByValue(1), '///////////');
return (
<View style={myStyle.container}>
{/* 头部 */}
customStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#00A990' }}
<View style={myStyle.satus}>
<Text style={myStyle.satusTxet}>
{/* 内容 */}
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'column', paddingHorizontal: 8 }}>
{/* 单号 */}
<View style={myStyle.address}>
<View style={myStyle.addressFlex}>
<View style={myStyle['addressFlex-title']}>
<View style={myStyle.block} />
<Text style={myStyle['addressFlex-title-text']}>
<View style={myStyle.orderNo}>
{ fontSize: 12, marginRight: 10 },
onPress={() => handleCopy(orderData?.askPurchaseNo)}
{/* 基本信息 */}
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
<View style={myStyle.HeadCell}>
<Text style={myStyle.HeadCellText}>{'基本信息'}</Text>
{, index) => {
if (item.value) {
return renderCommonList(item, index);
return false;
{/* 商品报价 */}
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
<View style={myStyle.HeadCell}>
<Text style={myStyle.HeadCellText}>{'商品报价'}</Text>
{orderData?, index) => {
return <>{renderMaterialList(item, index)}</>;
{/* 求购方交易条件 */}
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
<View style={myStyle.HeadCell}>
<Text style={myStyle.HeadCellText}>{'求购方交易条件'}</Text>
{, index) => {
if (item.value) {
return renderCommonList(item, index);
return false;
{/* 求购方其他条件 */}
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
<View style={myStyle.HeadCell}>
<Text style={myStyle.HeadCellText}>{'求购方其他条件'}</Text>
{, index) => {
if (item.value) {
return renderCommonList(item, index);
return false;
{/* 附件 */}
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
<View style={myStyle.HeadCell}>
<Text style={myStyle.HeadCellText}>{'附件'}</Text>
{/* {, index) => {
if (item.value) {
return renderCommonList(item, index);
return false;
})} */}
{/* 报价方交易条件 */}
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
<View style={myStyle.HeadCell}>
<Text style={myStyle.HeadCellText}>{'报价方交易条件'}</Text>
{, index) => {
if (item.value) {
return renderCommonList(item, index);
return false;
{/* 附件 */}
<View style={myStyle.cell}>
<View style={myStyle.HeadCell}>
<Text style={myStyle.HeadCellText}>{'附件'}</Text>
{/* {, index) => {
if (item.value) {
return renderCommonList(item, index);
return false;
})} */}
{/* ---- */}
{/* ~~~~ */}
{/* ………… */}
onClose={() => {
contentStyle={{ paddingBottom: Math.max(insets.bottom, 0) }}
{/* <View style={{ height: '70%' }}> */}
<View style={myStyle['Popup-container']}>
<View style={myStyle['Popup-content']}>
<Text style={myStyle['Popup-text']}>
{formatNum(popupInfo?.supplierQuote, 6)}
<View style={myStyle['Popup-content']}>
<Text style={myStyle['Popup-text']}>
{formatNum(popupInfo?.manufacturerPric, 6)}
export default RequirePriceOrderDetail;
import { StyleSheet, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { ThemeStyle } from '../../../../constants/theme';
import themeLayout from '../../../../constants/theme/layout';
export default (theme: ThemeStyle) =>
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#F4F5F7',
flexDirection: 'column',
satus: {
height: 80,
paddingVertical: 15,
paddingHorizontal: 10,
backgroundColor: '#00A990',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
satusTxet: {
fontSize: 20,
color: '#fff',
fontWeight: '900',
address: {
width: '100%',
paddingHorizontal: 10,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
borderRadius: 8,
paddingVertical: 12,
alignItems: 'flex-start',
// marginTop: -30,
position: 'relative',
top: -30,
addressFlex: {
flexDirection: 'column',
marginLeft: 10,
width: '100%',
'addressFlex-title': {
flexDirection: 'row',
position: 'relative',
block: {
width: 4,
height: 20,
backgroundColor: '#00A98F',
borderRadius: 2,
position: 'absolute',
left: -10,
top: 2,
'addressFlex-title-text': {
color: '#303133',
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
marginBottom: 6,
orderNo: {
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'flex-end',
addressName: {
fontSize: 12,
color: '#252D37',
addressText: {
fontSize: 13,
lineHeight: 23,
customer: {
position: 'relative',
top: -30,
marginTop: 10,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
justifyContent: 'center',
paddingVertical: 10,
borderRadius: 8,
cell: {
position: 'relative',
top: -30,
marginTop: 10,
paddingVertical: 10,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
borderRadius: 8,
paddingHorizontal: 12,
flexDirection: 'column',
HeadCell: {
justifyContent: 'space-between',
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
width: '100%',
marginBottom: 10,
CellShow: {
fontSize: 12,
HeadCellText: {
fontSize: 14,
color: '#252D37',
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
CellIem: {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
paddingVertical: 10,
cellCard: {
backgroundColor: '#F5F6F7',
borderRadius: 6,
cellCardItem: {
width: '100%',
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
paddingHorizontal: 10,
paddingVertical: 5,
CellName: {
fontSize: 14,
color: '#5C626A',
CellText: {
maxWidth: 260,
fontSize: 14,
color: '#252D37',
Mcell: {
display: 'flex',
marginTop: 10,
'Mcell-title': {
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
marginBottom: 8,
fontSize: 14,
color: '#252D37',
'Mcell-content': {
flexDirection: 'row',
width: '48%',
'Mcell-text': {
marginRight: 5,
'Popup-title': {
fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '500' : '600',
'Popup-container': {
height: 450,
// flexDirection:'row',
'Popup-content': {
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
paddingHorizontal: 12,
height: 48,
alignItems: 'center',
'Popup-text': {
color: '#252D37',
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