Commit 6b577263 authored by wzy's avatar wzy

fix: 查看上游弹窗序号

parent 2a684f5f
......@@ -130,8 +130,9 @@ export const ProductView = props => {
const columns = [
title: getIntl().formatMessage({ id: 'commodity.products.xuhao' }),
dataIndex: 'num',
key: 'num',
// dataIndex: 'num',
// key: 'num',
render:(_text,_record,index)=> `${index+1}`,
title: getIntl().formatMessage({
......@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ export const ProductView = props => {
fetchTableData={(params: any) => fetchData(params)}
/> */}
<Table dataSource={dataSource} columns={columns} />
<Table dataSource={dataSource} columns={columns} rowKey="id"/>
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