Commit 22456237 authored by 马旭烽's avatar 马旭烽

🐞 fix: 修复 commander 子命令错误

原逻辑一个 program 只能具备一个 action 导致逻辑被覆盖
parent 058def7e
......@@ -6,5 +6,9 @@ export interface useProgramType<CTX> {
/** 注册程序执行函数 */
export const registerUseProgram =<CTX>(program: Command, usePrograms: useProgramType<CTX>[], ctx: CTX ): Command => {
return usePrograms.reduce((program, useProgram) => useProgram(program, ctx), program);
return usePrograms.reduce((program, useProgram, id) => {
const command = new Command('server' + id);
program.addCommand(useProgram(command, ctx));
return program;
}, program);
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