Commit 37d5b721 authored by XieZhiXiong's avatar XieZhiXiong


parent 79777e50
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ export default {
// Layout
'@layout-header-height': '48px',
// PageHeader
// '@page-header-padding': '8px 24px', // 这里替换会出现前边拼接了 '6px 8px 24px'这样,所以直接改成修改样式好了
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ const ViewDriectChannel: React.FC<{}> = () => {
<Card headStyle={{borderBottom:'none'}} title="商品信息">
<Avatar size={48} shape="square" src={channelDetails?.channelCommodity?.commodity?.mainPic} />
<span style={{color:'rgba(23,43,77,1)',fontSize:20,fontWeight:500,marginLeft:16}}>{channelDetails?.name}</span>
<span style={{color:'rgba(23,43,77,1)',fontSize:18,fontWeight:500,marginLeft:16}}>{channelDetails?.name}</span>
<span style={{color:'#E63F3B',padding:'2px 5px',background:'rgba(255,235,230,1)',borderRadius:'4px',marginLeft:16,marginRight:16}}>{channelDetails?.channelCommodity?.source === 1 ? "上级渠道" : "渠道自有"}</span>
{/* <a>去查看 &gt;</a> */}
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ const ImportDetail: React.FC<{}> = () => {
name: memberInfo?.name,
<span style={{ fontSize: 14, fontWeight: 'normal' }}>{memberInfo?.levelTag}</span>
<span style={{ fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 'normal' }}>{memberInfo?.levelTag}</span>
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ const OrderPayModal: React.FC<OrderPayModalProps> = (props) => {
{current === 0 &&
transformPayList && Object.entries(transformPayList).map(([key, value]) => <Row key={key} style={{ marginBottom: 24 }}>
<Col span={6} style={{ color: '#909399', fontSize: 14 }}>{payTextList[key]}</Col>
<Col span={6} style={{ color: '#909399', fontSize: 12 }}>{payTextList[key]}</Col>
<Col style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<div className={style.radioBox}>
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