Commit d5d51624 authored by SuYK's avatar SuYK


parent 893e1a69
hello world
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文件说明: src\components\DateTimePicker\DateType 文件控制时间格式
h5运行指令:pnpm dev:h5
小程序运行指令: pnpm dev:weapp 、然后用微信开发者工具打开dist目录
import { Component, PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import { View } from '@tarojs/components'
import formatDate from '../../utils/DateFun'
import './myDate.scss'
import './DateTimePicker.scss'
import DATETYPE from './DateType'
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interface StateType {
transientYear: number
export default class MyDate extends Component<PropsWithChildren | any> {
export default class DateTimePicker extends Component<PropsWithChildren | any> {
state: Readonly<StateType> = {
date: new Date(),
import { Component, PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import { View, Text, Input } from '@tarojs/components'
import MyDate from '../../components/myDate/myDate'
import DateTimePicker from '../../components/DateTimePicker/DateTimePicker'
import './index.scss'
interface State {
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export default class Index extends Component<PropsWithChildren> {
<Input type='text' placeholder='选择日期' value={} disabled onClick={this.ChangeIsShow} />
{this.state.isShow && <MyDate showDate={this.showDate} />}
{this.state.isShow && <DateTimePicker showDate={this.showDate} />}
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